Review of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Regulations

Title or working title of regulatory initiative

Review of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Regulations 

Enabling act(s)

Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act


Review of regulations to align with evolving legislation, administrative needs or government priorities


The review of these regulations is driven by the need to ensure alignment with evolving legislation, day-to-day program management and administrative requirements, and various government priorities.

Date of last review or amendment (year)

Last amended in 2004

Targeted start for review (year)

To be determined. A timeframe for any future regulatory review will be established should any relevant legislative amendments, day-to-day program management or administrative requirements, or government priorities necessitate an examination of these regulations.

Departmental contact

Deborah Elder
Senior Director, Pensions and Benefits Sector
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

For more information

Consult the Treasury Board of Canada’s acts and regulations web page for:

  • a list of acts and regulations administered by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • further information on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s implementation of government-wide regulatory management initiatives

Consult the following for links to the Cabinet Directive on Regulation and supporting policies and guidance, and for information on government-wide regulatory initiatives implemented by departments and agencies across the Government of Canada:

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit:

Page details

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