Promotional Items and Volume Printing — Sample Template for Approvals

This template aims to facilitate the necessary approvals for volume printing of communications products and the development, production, acquisition, distribution and use of promotional items in departments.

Instructions for completing the template

This template is optional. The following tips will help you complete it:

Sample approval template for Promotional Items and Volume Printing
Product (communications product and/or promotional item) Description and rationale Identify which situation in requirement 6.3.3 is being met to undertake volume printing Quantity Printing costs for communications products Costs for promotional items Distribution cost Warehousing cost


Heads of communications are responsible for approving volume printing and the development, production, acquisition, distribution and use of promotional items under Requirements 6.2.1 and 6.3.3 of the Procedures for Publishing. Approval of the Minister is required when volume printing does not align with one of the situations outlined in requirement 6.3.3 of the Procedures for Publishing.

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