Question number concordance with past surveys

2017 Public Service Employee Annual Survey - Question number concordance (2014, 2011, 2008 Public Service Employee Surveys)
Public Service Employee Annual Survey Questions Question number
2017 2014 2011 2008

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 Note *

New question in 2017.

Return to table 1 note * referrer

My department or agency implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace.
(A diverse workplace includes everyone, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, religion, age, language, culture, background, interests, views or other dimensions.)
1 55 n/a n/a
Overall, my department or agency treats me with respect. 2 57 49 58
I am encouraged to be innovative or to take initiative in my work. 3 17 n/a n/a
I believe I would be supported if I proposed a new idea, even though it might not work. table 1 note * 4 n/a n/a n/a
I have support at work to balance my work and personal life. 5 9 5 n/a
I am satisfied with my department or agency. 6 59 52 60
Overall, I like my job. 7 19 7 8
My immediate supervisor creates an environment where I feel free to discuss with him or her matters that affect my well-being at work. table 1 note * 8 n/a n/a n/a
My immediate supervisor seems to care about me as a person. table 1 note * 9 n/a n/a n/a
I would describe my workplace as being psychologically healthy.
(A psychologically healthy workplace is one that promotes employees’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to employee psychological health due to negligent, reckless or intentional acts.) table 1 note *
10 n/a n/a n/a
My department or agency does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace. table 1 note * 11 n/a n/a n/a
Overall, my level of work-related stress is… table 1 note * 12 n/a n/a n/a
After my workday, I feel emotionally drained. table 1 note * 13 n/a n/a n/a
Having carefully read the definition of harassment, have you been the victim of harassment on the job in the past two years? 14 63 n/a n/a
From whom did you experience harassment on the job? (Mark all that apply.)   15 64 n/a n/a
Having carefully read the definition of discrimination, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past two years?  16 74 n/a n/a
From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? (Mark all that apply.)   17 75 n/a n/a
For which department or agency are you currently working? (Mark one only.) 18 84 72 79
What is your current employee status? 19 89 84 91
Please indicate your occupational group.  20 90 80 88a
Please indicate your level.  21 91 81 88b
With which of the following communities do you most closely identify in relation to your current job? (Mark one only.) 22 92 n/a n/a
Are you a supervisor? 23 37 57 85
In total, how many years have you been working in the federal public service? 24 93 83 87
In total, how many years have you been working in your current department or agency? 25 94 n/a n/a
Do you currently work according to any of the following flexible working arrangements? (Mark all that apply.) 26 88 75 82
What is your first official language? 27 95 85 92
In which province or territory do you work? (Mark one only.) 28 99 89 96
What is your age group? 29 101 91 98
What is your gender? 30 102 92 99
Are you an Aboriginal person?  31 104 94 102
Are you a person with a disability? 32 105 95 103
Are you a member of a visible minority group? 33 106 96 105
Have you ever served in the Canadian military? table 1 note * 34 n/a n/a n/a

n/a = not applicable

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