2016-17 Government-wide Management Accountability Framework reporting data

Table of Contents

Financial Management (37 large departments and agencies and 23 small departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q3 2015-16 adjusted lapse at year-end as a percentage of annual voted authorities:
Q3.1 Program or Operating vote
1.28% 4.57%
Q3.2 Capital vote (if applicable)
7.05% N/A
Q3.3 Grants and Contributions vote (if applicable)
3.11% 0.62%
Q3.4 Total (all votes)
2.52% 1.54%
Q4 How many days after the start of the 2016-17 fiscal year did the department or agency managers at the lowest levels get access to their approved budget? 30.32 N/A
Q6 Has the department or agency implemented a risk-based ongoing monitoring program and conducted an annual risk-based assessment to continuously monitor the effectiveness of its internal controls over financial reporting? 94.12% N/A
Q9 What percentage of the gross non-tax accounts receivable of the department or agency as at March 31st 2016 have been outstanding:
Q9.1 Between 0 to 30 days
44.17% 60.18%
Q9.2 Between 31 to 60 days
2.48% 1.60%
Q9.3 Between 61 to 90 days
1.55% 0.90%
Q9.4 Between 91 to 365 days
10.49% 18.44%
Q9.5 For more than 365 days
41.31% 18.87%
Q12 What percentage of the 2015-16 service standard performance results for department or agency transfer payment programs are available on a public website? 76.09% N/A
People Management (37 large departments and agencies and 23 small departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q1 How are the departmental values and ethics priorities integrated in the department’s corporate activities?
Q1.1 The Ethical Risk Assessment and mitigation strategies are integrated with the Corporate Risk Profile
70.59% N/A
Q1.2 Values and ethics is part of the Departmental Audit Program
94.12% N/A
Q1.3 Values and ethics is part of the Departmental Evaluation Program
64.71% N/A
Q1.4 A Values and Ethics champion has been appointed
82.35% N/A
Q1.5 A Values and Ethics network / working group exists
82.35% N/A
Q2 What does the department or agency do to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace?
Q2.1 Mandate training for employees on diversity and inclusion and/or on cultural awareness
61.76% N/A
Q2.2 Hold department-wide activities such as workshops, information sessions or group discussions
97.06% N/A
Q2.3 Appoint a champion for diversity and inclusion in the workplace
100.00% N/A
Q2.4 Recruitment strategies targeted at designated employment equity groups
85.29% N/A
Q2.5 Diversity and Inclusion are included in organizational HR strategic plans
91.18% N/A
Q3 What are the proportions of representation, recruitment, promotion, and turnover for women in your department or agency?
Q3.1 Representation of women
55.79%, WFA = 53% 60.94%, WFA = 56.7%
Q3.2 Recruitment of women
58.47%, WFA = 53% 64.01%, WFA = 56.68%
Q3.3 Promotion of women
57.74%, WFA = 55.8% N/A
Q3.4 Turnover of women
59.46%, WFA = 55.79% N/A
Q4 What are the proportions of representation, recruitment, promotion, and turnover for Aboriginal Peoples in your department or agency?
Q4.1 Representation of Aboriginal Peoples
4.57%, WFA = 2.94% 4.09%, WFA = 2.78%
Q4.2 Recruitment of Aboriginal Peoples
4.14%, WFA = 2.94% 4.78%, WFA = 2.78%
Q4.3 Promotion of Aboriginal Peoples
4.47%, WFA = 4.57% N/A
Q4.4 Turnover of Aboriginal Peoples
5.10%, 4.57% N/A
Q5 What are the proportions of representation, recruitment, promotion, and turnover for Persons with Disabilities in your department or agency?
Q5.1 Representation of Persons with Disabilities
5.44%, WFA = 4.20% 5.77%, WFA = 4.19%
Q5.2 Recruitment of Persons with Disabilities
4.10%, WFA = 4.20% 5.13%, WFA = 4.19%
Q5.3 Promotion of Persons with Disabilities
4.09%, WFA = 5.44% N/A
Q5.4 Turnover of Persons with Disabilities
5.17%, WFA = 5.44% N/A
Q6 What are the proportions of representation, recruitment, promotion, and turnover for Visible Minorities in your department or agency?
Q6.1 Representation of Visible Minorities
14.74%, WFA = 14.46% 13.81%, WFA = 14.12%
Q6.2 Recruitment of Visible Minorities
15.90%, WFA = 14.46% 17.40%, WFA = 14.12%
Q6.3 Promotion of Visible Minorities
14.88%, WFA = 14.74% N/A
Q6.4 Turnover of Visible Minorities
15.24%, WFA = 14.74% N/A
Q7 What does the department or agency do to foster a respectful workplace?
Q7.1 Conduct department-wide activities such as workshops, information sessions or group discussions
97.06% 94.44%
Q7.2 Offer leadership training to develop accountability and foster an ethical culture
97.06% 83.33%
Q7.3 Mandate training for employees on harassment prevention and /or respectful communication
85.29% 83.33%
Q7.4 Ensure easily accessible mechanisms for reporting and resolving incidents of harassment or discrimination
100.0% 94.44%
Q9 Official languages in bilingual offices.
Q9.1 When the office is designated bilingual, do oral communications occur in the official language chosen by the public?
73.53% nearly always 23.53% very often 94.44% nearly always 5.56% very often
Q9.2 When the office is designated bilingual, do written communications occur in the official language chosen by the public?
85.29% nearly always 14.71% very often 100% nearly always
Q11 Average number of paid sick days per Full Time Equivalent.
Q11.1 Average number of certified paid sick days per Full Time Equivalent 4.13 3.83
Q11.2 Average number of uncertified paid sick days per Full Time Equivalent 7.21 6.46
Q11.3 Average number of certified and uncertified (total) paid sick days per Full Time Equivalent 11.34 10.29
Q12 What does the department or agency do to support open and stigma-free dialogues in the workplace on mental health?
Q12.1 Develop an Action Plan on mental health
85.29% 72.22%
Q12.2 Appoint a champion for mental health
79.41% 77.78%
Q12.3 Educate and equip managers, supervisors and Occupational Health and Safety committee members, including through information sessions
94.12% 83.33%
Q12.4 Offer mental health awareness sessions to employees including available workplace health support services
94.12% 94.44%
Q21 Number of days taken to staff indeterminately a vacant EX-01 position using an internal hiring process
Q21.1 Sum of the number of the days between the day that the HR division was contacted to initiate the staffing action to the day that the letter of offer was issued for the positions identified EX-01 positions for which a letter of offer was issued)
835.65 N/A
Q21.2 Number of positions at the EX-01 level for which a letter of offer was issued during the time period indicated below.
15.85 N/A
Q21.3 Number of days taken to staff EX-01
61.26 N/A
Q22 What is the percentage of appointments from existing pools?
Q22.1 Number of appointments from existing pools.
380.38 N/A
Q22.2 Total number of indeterminate appointments.
705.34 N/A
Q22.3 Percentage of appointments from existing pools.
51.38% N/A
Q23 What is the percentage of positions having generic or standardized job descriptions? 75.86% 67.62%
Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Management (37 large departments and agencies and 23 small departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q1 Is the department’s or agency’s information management (IM) Plan, for fiscal year 2016-2017, approved by the Deputy Head (DH)? 91.89% Yes N/A
Q2 What is the department or agency’s current level of recordkeeping maturity as identified through the Recordkeeping Assessment Tool (RKAT)? 77.22% 76.43%
Q3 What percentage of planned disposition for paper information resources was completed in fiscal year 2015-2016? 51.78% 42.04%
Q4 What percentage of planned disposition for electronic information resources was completed in fiscal year 2015-2016? 18.68% 29.17%
Q5 Has the department’s or agency’s data inventory been completed? 83.78% 60.87%
Q6 How many datasets has the department or agency released via open.canada.ca? 3290.46 1.87
Q7.1 Volume in gigabytes (GB) of all designated corporate repositories for unstructured electronic information resources (e.g. GCDOCS, RDIMS) 17378.23 N/A
Q7.2 Volume in GB of all repositories for unstructured electronic information resources (e.g. GCDOCS, RDIMS, shared/network drives, departmental collaboration tools such as SharePoint, active email boxes and legacy email boxes etc) 130608.44 N/A
Q7.3 What percentage of unstructured electronic information resources are maintained in designated corporate repositories (e.g. in an Electronic Documents and Records Management Solution (EDRMS))? 18.32% N/A
Q9 Has the department’s or agency’s 2016-17 Information Technology (IT) Plan been submitted, as per TBS guidance? 97.30% N/A
Q10 Has the department’s or agency’s Information Technology (IT) Expenditures for the 2015-16 fiscal year been submitted, as per TBS guidance? 100.00% N/A
Q11 For the current fiscal year, does the department or agency have an inventory of all applications, as per TBS guidance? 100.00% N/A
Q12 For the current fiscal year, does the department or agency have a sustainability plan for all mission critical applications in the submitted IT Plan, as per TBS guidance? 78.38% N/A
Q13 For the current fiscal year, does the department or agency have a plan to retire end-of-life applications in the submitted IT Plan, as per TBS guidance? 83.78% N/A
Q17 How many Windows Server 2003 Operating System Instances (OSI) are there for the department? 146 N/A
Q18 Is the department-wide implementation of the common email solution (ETI) complete?
Q18.1 Participating
26 N/A
Q18.2 Users unboarder
9 N/A
Q18.3 Not participating
2 N/A
Q19 Is the department-wide implementation of my GCHR complete?
Q19.1 Participating
30 N/A
Q19.2 Users unboarder
7 N/A
Q20 Is the department-wide implementation of Enterprise GCDOCS complete?
Q20.1 Participating
28 N/A
Q20.2 Users unboarder
4 N/A
Q20.3 Not participating
5 N/A
Q23 What is the department’s mean time to resolve (MTTR) for workplace technology device (WTD) related incidents? 51.53 days N/A
Q24 What is the department’s % of incidents resolved by 1st level support for workplace technology device related incidents? 60.92% N/A
Management of Integrated Risk, Planning and Performance (37 large departments and agencies and 23 small departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q1 Does the department have a plan in place to ensure that it can generate and report performance data at the Program Inventory level for the following items in support of the Policy on Results, the Estimates and Public Accounts publications? (Select at least one and all that apply)
Q1.1 Performance Results
37 N/A
Q1.2 Financial Expenditures
35 N/A
Q1.3 Human Resources – Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
35 N/A
Q1.4 Tagging
29 N/A
Q1.5 The department has no plan in place for these purposes
0 N/A
Q2 Which of the following types of governance does the department have in place in support of the new Policy on Results? (Select all that apply)
Q2.1 Central Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee
32 N/A
Q2.2 Head of Performance Measurement
34 N/A
Q2.3 Head of Evaluation
37 N/A
Q2.4 Program officials
20 N/A
Q2.5 Deputy Head signs off on performance measurement and evaluation information in Treasury Board Submissions
34 N/A
Q3 Does senior management use performance information on program efficiency and effectiveness to identify risks, establish priorities and/or support resource allocation decisions? (Select all that apply)
Q3.1 Yes, to identify risks
20 N/A
Q3.2 Yes, to establish priorities
23 N/A
Q3.3 Yes, to support resource allocation decisions
21 N/A
Q3.4 Performance information is sometimes used for some or all of the above purposes, but not in a consistent manner
15 N/A
Q3.5 No, performance information is not used for any of the above purposes
2 N/A
Q5 What percentage of performance indicators included in proposals to Treasury Board are being tracked to monitor their progress? 20 departments "85-100%" N/A
Q6 Which required performance and evaluation information in the department or agency’s proposals to Treasury Board should be strengthened? (Select all that apply)
Q6.1 Expected outcomes
19 N/A
Q6.2 Performance indicators
20 N/A
Q6.3 Evaluation information
13 N/A
Q6.4 Not applicable
17 N/A
Q8 What percentage of evaluations planned for fiscal year 2015-16 were actually completed in that year?  9 departments "90-100%" N/A
Management of Acquired Services and Assets (10 large departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q1 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency have an investment planning process for the allocation of resources at the enterprise level that covers a forward-looking, five-year planning horizon, considers operational risks, and includes all investments in assets and acquired services, and is updated annually? 10 "Yes" N/A
Q2 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency have a project management framework, and to what extent do projects fully apply the framework? 10 "Yes" N/A
Q3 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency use lessons learned from its past projects to improve the management of its projects? 9 "Yes" N/A
Q4 To effectively monitor, control and deliver projects in 2015-2016, did the department or agency generate cost estimates for individual components of its projects at the work-package level? 9 "Yes" N/A
Q5 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency estimate costs using historical data, industry benchmarks, or organization-specific cost models? 10 "Yes" N/A
Q7 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency complete the required procurement plan component of the most recently approved Investment Plan? 7 "Yes" N/A
Q8 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency align its procurement planning with its business planning activities? 9 "Yes" N/A
Q9 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency share its procurement plans and its procurement strategies (embedded in project plans) with the appropriate internal and external stakeholders? 9 "Yes" N/A
Q10 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency have a procurement governance regime that is commensurate with the size and nature of the organization, and the volume/complexity of the organization’s procurement? 10 "Yes" N/A
Q11 During 2015-2016, did the department or agency report, in a timely and accurate manner, on its procurement obligations where there is a legislative, regulatory or policy requirement? This includes Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business, Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements, Proactive Disclosure, and the Purchasing Activity Report. 7 "Yes" N/A
Q12 Service Standards
Q12.1 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency have internal service standards for various procurement strategies with its clients for purchases on its own behalf and has it measured results against these standards?
6 "Yes" N/A
Q12.2 How often (% of time) were these service standards met?
73.26% N/A
Q13 Based on the Purchasing Activity Report (PAR) data, what was the percentage of all department or agency contracts over $25K awarded through a competitive bidding process?  83% N/A
Q14 Based on the Purchasing Activity Report (PAR) data, what was the percentage of department or agency low-dollar acquisitions (under $10K) using acquisition cards? 55% N/A
Q15 Based on the Purchasing Activity Report (PAR) data, what was the percentage of all department or agency contracts that used mandatory and non-mandatory standing offers? 23% N/A
Q23 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency demonstrate use of real property performance information in decision making? 7 "Yes" N/A
Q24 In 2015-2016, did the department or agency demonstrate use of materiel asset performance information in decision making? 7 "Yes" N/A
Q31 In 2015-2016, did your department or agency incorporate TBS procurement functional competencies into its talent management program for its Procurement functional specialists? 7 "Yes" N/A
Q32 In 2015-2016, did your department or agency incorporate TBS materiel management functional competencies into its talent management program for its Materiel Management functional specialists? 3 "Yes" N/A
Q33 In 2015-2016, did your department or agency incorporate TBS real property functional competencies into its talent management program for its Real Property functional specialists? 5 "Yes" N/A
Q34 Procurement functional specialists.
Q34.1 In 2015-2016, what was the total departmental count of procurement functional specialists (i.e. FTEs)? 
243.20 N/A
Q34.2 In 2015-2016, what was the percentage of procurement functional specialists enrolled in the Certification Program for the Federal Government Procurement and Materiel Management Communities?
64.30% N/A
Q34.3 In 2015-2016, what was the percentage of procurement functional specialists certified in the Certification Program for the Federal Government Procurement and Materiel Management Communities?
3.09% N/A
Q35 Materiel management functional specialists.
Q35.1 In 2015-2016, what was the total departmental count of materiel management functional specialists (i.e. FTEs)? 
203.40 N/A
Q35.2 In 2015-2016, what was the percentage of materiel management functional specialists enrolled in the Certification Program for the Federal Government Procurement and Materiel Management Communities?
40.59% N/A
Q35.3 In 2015-2016, what was the percentage of materiel management functional specialists certified in the Certification Program for the Federal Government Procurement and Materiel Management Communities? 1.88% N/A
Security Management (20 large departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q3 What percentage (%) of activities identified in the Departmental Security Plan, planned for completion for the previous fiscal year (2015-16) was completed as planned? 75.51% N/A
Q4 With respect to the department’s or agency’s mission critical applications: 
Q4.1 What is the percentage (%) of mission critical applications currently in operation that have been authorized for operation by the Program and Service Delivery Managers?
81.05% N/A
Q4.2 What is the percentage (%) of mission critical applications, currently in operation, that have been authorized with conditions (formerly known as Interim Authority to Operate)?
35.69% N/A
Q4.3 What is the percentage (%) of mission critical applications, currently in operation, that has been authorized with conditions that have a remediation plan to fulfill the authorization conditions?
73.84% N/A
Q5 With respect to the department’s or agency’s mission critical applications with a risk remediation plan or equivalent; what is the percentage (%) of remediation conditions that have been met for mission critical applications? 27.87% N/A
Q9 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s facilities that have an up-to-date security assessment? 65.32% N/A
Q10 Presently, of the department’s or agency’s facilities with material residual security deficiencies.
Q10.1 What percentage (%) has an approved and funded (where required) risk mitigation action plan?
66.41% N/A
Q10.2 What percentage (%) has any deficiency been outstanding for greater than 12 months?
38.66% N/A
Q16 What is the # of critical services identified by the department or agency?
Q16.1 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) in place?
88.65% N/A
Q16.2 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s critical services for which business continuity plans (BCPs) are in place and last updated since April 1, 2016?
71.60% N/A
Q16.3 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s critical services for which business continuity plans (BCPs) are in place and last updated between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016?
18.93% N/A
Q16.4 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s critical services for which business continuity plans (BCPs) are in place and last updated between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015?
3.86% N/A
Q16.5 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s critical services for which business continuity plans (BCPs) are in place and last updated between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014, or earlier?
0.63% N/A
Q17 Testing and exercising of business continuity plans (BCPs) for departmental or agency critical services:
Q17.1 What is the percentage (%) of critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) which has been tested or exercised?
83.72% N/A
Q17.2 What is the percentage (%) of critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) which was last tested or exercised since April 1, 2016?
47.43% N/A
Q17.3 What is the percentage (%) of critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) which was last tested or exercised between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016?
40.71% N/A
Q17.4 What is the percentage (%) of critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) which was last tested or exercised between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015?
6.34% N/A
Q17.5 What is the percentage (%) of critical services with a business continuity plan (BCP) which was last tested or exercised between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014?
0.53% N/A
Q18 Does the department or agency review its business continuity planning program on a cyclical basis? 15 "Yes" N/A
Q21 Online external services which require a client to sign-in with a username and password (i.e. client authentication): 
Q21.1 What is the number of online external services which require client authentication?
10.71 N/A
Q21.2 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s online external services which require client authentication that have a completed Assurance Level Assessment?
80.42% N/A
Q22 What is the percentage (%) of the department’s or agency’s online external services which require a client to sign-in with a username and password (i.e. client authentication) that use the mandatory External Credential Management service (GCKey / Credential Broker Service)? 46.61% N/A
Service Management (11 large departments and agencies assessed)
Question Large Departments and Agencies Average Small Departments and Agencies Average
Q2 Has the department or agency updated its service inventory during the review period? 10 "Yes" N/A
Q4 What percentage of the department’s or agency’s SMS commitments were achieved between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016? 57.36% N/A
Q5 What percentage of the department’s or agency’s priority services have service standards? 77.64% N/A
Q6 What percentage of service standard targets for priority services are being met? 64.18% N/A
Q9 What percentage of the department’s or agency’s priority services have been reviewed during the review period? 59.82% N/A
Q10 What percentage of external services can be completed online from end-to-end, without taking into account any exclusions? 21.33% N/A
Q11 What is the average percentage of each external service that can be completed online, excluding services and intermediate activities that are not suitable to be completed online? 47.00% N/A
Q12 What percentage of internal enterprise services can be completed online from end-to-end, without taking into account any exclusions? 37.60% N/A
Q13 What is the average percentage of each internal enterprise service that can be completed online, excluding intermediate activities that are not suitable to be completed online? 47.80% N/A
Q14 What percentage of priority services can be completed online from end-to-end, without taking into account any exclusions? 27.73% N/A

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2017,
[ISSN: 2561-1208]

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