Digital Government Community Awards 2022: evaluation criteria

As of this year, nominations must meet all criteria to be eligible. If even one criterion is not met, the nomination is ineligible.

Examples of information that does not meet a criterion are listed below.Footnote *

Rate each nomination against the following criteria. When you have finished, please tally the score.

Rating the award criteria
Definition Score
No evidence of the criteria (or is not clearly indicated) 1
Minimal evidence of the criteria is clearly indicated 2
Reasonable evidence of the criteria is clearly indicated 3
Strong evidence of the criteria is clearly indicated 4
Exceptional evidence of the criteria is clearly indicated 5
Rating the award impact
Definition Score
No evidence of impact (or is not clearly indicated) 1
Evidence of minimal impact is clearly indicated 2
Evidence of reasonable impact is clearly indicated 3
Evidence of strong impact is clearly indicated 4
Evidence of exceptional impact is clearly indicated 5

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