ARCHIVÉ : Références : Rapport sur les infections transmissibles sexuellement au Canada : 2008



  1. a, b, c Agence de la santé publique du Canada. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur les infections transmissibles sexuellement (ITS) édition 2008 : ASPC, 2008.
  2. a, b, c Fleming DT, J.N. Wasserheit. From epidemiological synergy to public health policy and practice: the contribution of other sexually transmitted diseases to sexual transmission of HIV infection. Sex Transm Infect 1999; 75:3-17.
  3. ^ Holmes KK, PA Mardh, PF Sparling et coll. Sexually transmitted diseases 3rd ed. Mcgraw-Hill, 1999.
  4. ^ Sarwal S, Wong T, Sevigny C, Ng LK. Increasing incidence of ciprofloxacin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Canada. CMAJ 2003; 168:872-3.
  5. ^ Ota KV, Jamieson F, Fisman DN, Jones KE, Tamari IE, Ng LK, Towns L, Rawte P, Di Prima A, Wong T, Richardson S. Prevalence of and risk factors for quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Ontario. CMAJ 2008; 18:287-90.
  6. ^ Plitt S, Boyington C, Sutherland K, Lovgren M, Tilley P, Read R, Singh, AE. Antimicrobial resistance in Gonorrhea: The influence of epidemiologic and laboratory surveillance data on treatment guidelines: Alberta, Canada 2001–2007. Sex Transm Dis 2009; 36:665-9).
  7. ^ Manitoba Health. The descriptive epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne pathogens in Manitoba: 2002–2003. Manitoba Health. 2008.
  8. ^ Gratix J, Honish L, Mashinter L, et al. Éclosion de syphilis à Edmonton, en Alberta : analyse descriptive d’une série de cas de syphilis primaire survenus entre juillet 2004 et avril 2006. Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada, mars 2007; 33(6):61-67.
  9. ^ Jayaraman GC, Read RR, Singh A. Characteristics of individuals with male-to-male and heterosexually acquired infectious syphilis during an outbreak in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Sex Transm Dis, avril 2003; 30(4):315-9.
  10. ^ Ogilvie G, L. Knowles, E. Wong, et coll. Incorporating a social networking approach to enhance contact tracing in a heterosexual outbreak of syphilis. Sex Transm Infect, avril 2005; 81(2):124-7.
  11. ^ Patrick DM, ML Rekart, A. Jolly, S. Mak, M. Tyndall, J. Maginley, E. Wong, T. Wong, H. Jones, C. Montgomery, RC Brunham. Heterosexual outbreak of infectious syphilis: epidemiological and ethnographic analysis and implications for control. Sex Transm Infect, avril 2002; 78 Suppl 1:i164-i169.
  12. ^ Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre. Les ITS bactériennes resurgissent en force! Prévention en pratique médicale. 2002. 9-24-0080.
  13. ^ Toronto Public Health. Infectious syphilis on the rise in Toronto – information for health care providers. Toronto Public Health. 2005.
  14. ^ Wheeler C. Surge in syphilis prompts warning: disease breaks out among users of gay bathhouses. Ottawa Citizen, 28 mars 2001.
  15. ^ CBC News. N.W.T sounds alarm about syphilis comeback. Consulté le 15 décembre 2009 sur le site Web suivant :
  16. ^ Singh AE, K. Sutherland, B. Lee, JL Robinson, T. Wong. Resurgence of early congenital syphilis in Alberta. CMAJ 2007; 177:33-6.
  17. a, b, c Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System: Notifications of a selected disease by age group, sex, and year. Consulté le 2 décembre 2009 sur le site Web suivant :
  18. a, b, c Health Protection Agency. Selected STI diagnoses and diagnosis rates from GUM clinics in the UK: 2003–2008. Consulté le 2 décembre 2009 sur le site Web suivant :
  19. a, b, c Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2008. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Novembre 2009.

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