Annexe A : Rapport d'étape sur le VIH/sida et les populations distinctes : Hommes gais, bisexuels, bispirituels et ayant des relations sexuelles avec des hommes – Termes de recherche

Annexe A – Termes de recherche

Prière de noter que les mots suivis d'un signe de dollar ($) sont des termes de recherche qui peuvent avoir plusieurs terminaisons.

1) Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily et Ovid MEDLINE (de 1946 à aujourd'hui)

# Recherches Résultats
1 exp Homosexuality, Male/ 6 542
2 (msm or mesm or (men adj3 sex adj3 men) or (homme$ adj3 sex$ adj3 homme$)).tw. 5 285
3 (gaybourhood$ or gay neighbourhood$).tw. 1
4 or/1-3 9 773
5 exp transvestism/ 525
6 (sexual minorit$ or gay$ or bisexual$ or homosex$ or transvest$ or same sex or same gender or sgl or down low or closet$ or 2-spirit$ or twospirit$ or gai or gais or bi spirit$ or bispirit$).tw. 20 811
7 Prostitution/ 4 501
8 exp Condoms/ 6 176
9 exp Safe sex/ 1 647
10 (commercial sex or sex trade or sex work$ or survival sex or prostitut$).tw. 5 956
11 ((money or drug$ or pay or pays or paid) adj2 sex$).tw. 2 300
12 ((anal$ or oral$) adj2 (sex$ or intercourse or receptive)).tw. 6 257
13 ((risk$ or unprotected or protected or unsafe or safe) adj2 sex$).tw. 10 271
14 (serosort$ or serodiscord$).tw. 365
15 (condom$ or bareback$ or bare back$).tw. 12 348
16 or/5-15 50 089
17 limit 16 to male 33 221
18 exp Men/ 3 529
19 (man or men or male or males or boy$ or homme$ or garcon$ or masculin$).tw. 1 111 694
20 16 and (18 or 19) 23 563
21 17 or 20 36 649
22 4 or 21 40 877
23 (transgender$ or trans?ex$ or intersex$ or lgbt? or glbt?).tw. 4 238
24 (queer$ or transgenre$ or travesti or transvest$ or (gender adj2 identit$)).tw. 1 754
25 (trans adj5 (sex$ or gender$ or male$ or female$)).tw. 258
26 Transsexualism/ 2 461
27 or/23-26 6 339
28 22 or 27 46 106
29 exp Canada/ 101 466
30 (canad$ or toronto$ or montreal$ or vancouver$ or ottawa$ or british columbia$ or alberta$ or saskatchewan$ or manitoba$ or ontari$ or quebec$ or new brunswick$ or nova scotia$ or newfoundland$ or labrador$ or prince edward island$ or pei or yukon$ or nwt or northwest territor$ or nunavut$ or halifax$ or haligonian$ or winnipeg$ or regina$ or edmonton$ or calgary$ or saskatoon$ or ile du prince edouard$ or nouveau brunswick$ or colombie britannique$ or terre neuve$ or territoires du nord ouest$ or nouvelle ecosse$ or nfld).tw. 99 295
31 or/29-30 149 584
32 limit 31 to yr=2010-current 9 832
33 28 and 32 75

2) Global Health (de 1973 à février 2011) et PsycINFO (de 1987 à la deuxième semaine de mars 2011)

# Recherches Résultats
1 (msm or mesm or (men adj3 sex adj3 men) or (homme$ adj3 sex$ adj3 homme$)).tw. 5 322
2 (gaybourhood$ or gay neighbourhood$).tw. 1
3 or/1-2 5 322
4 (glbt$ or lgbt$ or gay$ or bisexual$ or homosex$ or transvest$ or same sex or same gender or sgl or down low or closet$ or 2-spirit$ or twospirit$ or gai or gais or bi spirit$ or bispirit$).tw. 30 256
5 (commercial sex or sex trade or sex work$ or survival sex or prostitut$).tw. 6 338
6 ((money or drug$ or pay or pays or paid) adj2 sex$).tw. 2 741
7 ((anal$ or oral$) adj2 (sex$ or intercourse or receptive)).tw. 5 257
8 ((risk$ or unprotected or protected or unsafe or safe) adj2 sex$).tw. 13 317
9 (serosort$ or serodiscord$).tw. 402
10 (condom$ or bareback$ or bare back$).tw. 11 358
11 or/4-10 54 885
12 limit 11 to male [Limit not valid in Global Health; records were retained] 35 436
13 (man or men or male or males or boy$ or homme$ or garcon$ or masculin$).tw. 1 282 852
14 11 and 13 35 360
15 12 or 14 42 498
16 3 or 15 44 117
17 (transgender$ or trans?ex$ or intersex$ or lgbt? or glbt? or sexual minorit$).tw. 4 310
18 (queer$ or transgenre$ or travesti or transvest$ or (gender adj2 identit$)).tw. 5 455
19 (trans adj15 (sex$ or gender$ or male$ or female$)).tw. 386
20 or/17-19 8 977
21 16 or 20 50 663
22 (canad$ or toronto$ or montreal$ or vancouver$ or ottawa$ or british columbia$ or alberta$ or saskatchewan$ or manitoba$ or ontari$ or quebec$ or new brunswick$ or nova scotia$ or newfoundland$ or labrador$ or prince edward island$ or pei or yukon$ or nwt or northwest territor$ or nunavut$ or halifax$ or haligonian$ or winnipeg$ or regina$ or edmonton$ or calgary$ or saskatoon$ or ile du prince edouard$ or nouveau brunswick$ or colombie britannique$ or terre neuve$ or territoires du nord ouest$ or nouvelle ecosse$ or nfld).tw. 55 282
23 limit 22 to yr="2010-Current" 4 683
24 21 and 23 108

3) EMBASE (de 1996 à la dixième semaine de 2011)

# Recherches Résultats
1 exp Male Homosexual/ 2389
2 (msm or mesm or (men adj3 sex adj3 men) or (homme$ adj3 sex$ adj3 homme$)).tw. 5421
3 (gaybourhood$ or gay neighbourhood$).tw. 0
4 or/1-3 6530
5 exp transvestism/ 201
6 exp Bisexuality/ 2265
7 (sexual minorit$ or gay$ or bisexual$ or homosex$ or transvest$ or same sex or same gender or sgl or down low or closet$ or 2-spirit$ or twospirit$ or gai or gais or bi spirit$ or bispirit$).tw. 11877
8 exp Prostitution/ 3523
9 exp Safe Sex/ 2271
10 exp Condoms/ 9386
11 (commercial sex or sex trade or sex work$ or survival sex or prostitut$).tw. 3898
12 ((money or drug$ or pay or pays or paid) adj2 sex$).tw. 1923
13 ((anal$ or oral$) adj2 (sex$ or intercourse or receptive)).tw. 5455
14 ((risk$ or unprotected or protected or unsafe or safe) adj2 sex$).tw. 9574
15 (serosort$ or serodiscord$).tw. 403
16 (condom$ or bareback$ or bare back$).tw. 8913
17 or/5-16 37693
18 limit 17 to male 21549
19 exp Men/ 2980556
20 (man or men or male or males or boy$ or homme$ or garcon$ or masculin$).tw. 847772
21 17 and (19 or 20) 24815
22 18 or 21 24815
23 4 or 22 28180
24 (transgender$ or trans?ex$ or intersex$ or lgbt? or glbt?).tw. 2870
25 (queer$ or transgenre$ or travesti or transvest$ or (gender adj2 identit$)).tw. 1342
26 (trans adj5 (sex$ or gender$ or male$ or female$)).tw. 200
27 exp Transsexualism/ 1728
28 or/24-27 4378
29 23 or 28 31809
30 exp Canada/ 61138
31 (canad$ or toronto$ or montreal$ or vancouver$ or ottawa$ or british columbia$ or alberta$ or saskatchewan$ or manitoba$ or ontari$ or quebec$ or new brunswick$ or nova scotia$ or newfoundland$ or labrador$ or prince edward island$ or pei or yukon$ or nwt or northwest territor$ or nunavut$ or halifax$ or haligonian$ or winnipeg$ or regina$ or edmonton$ or calgary$ or saskatoon$ or ile du prince edouard$ or nouveau brunswick$ or colombie britannique$ or terre neuve$ or territoires du nord ouest$ or nouvelle ecosse$ or nfld).tw. 85413
32 or/30-31 105888
33 29 and 30 545
34 limit 33 to yr="2010 -Current" 71

4) Scopus

((((TITLE-ABS-KEY(msm OR mesm OR (men W/3 sex W/3 men) OR (homme* W/3 sex* W/3 homme*))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY(gaybourhood* OR (gay W/2 neighbourhood*)))) OR (((TITLE-ABS-KEY(glbt* OR lgbt* OR gay* OR bisexual* OR homosex* OR transvest* OR (same W/1 sex) OR (same W/1 gender) OR sgl OR (down W/1 low) OR closet* OR 2-spirit* OR twospirit* OR gai OR gais OR (bi W/1 spirit*) OR bispirit*)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY((commercial W/1 sex) OR (sex W/1 trade) OR (sex W/1 work*) OR (survival W/1 sex) OR prostitut*)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY((money W/2 sex*) OR (drug* W/2 sex*) OR (pay W/2 sex*) OR (pays W/2 sex*) OR (paid W/2 sex*))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY((anal* W/2 sex*) OR (anal* W/2 intercourse) OR (anal* W/2 receptive) OR (oral* W/2 sex*) OR (oral* W/2 intercourse) OR (oral* W/2 receptive))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY((risk* W/2 sex*) OR (unprotected W/2 sex*) OR (protected W/2 sex*) OR (unsafe W/2 sex*) OR (safe W/2 sex*))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY(serosort* OR serodiscord*)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY(condom* OR bareback* OR (bare W/1 back*)))) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(man OR men OR male OR males OR boy* OR homme* OR garcon* OR masculin*)))) OR ((TITLE-ABS-KEY(transgender* OR trans*ex* OR intersex* OR lgbt* OR glbt* OR (sexual W/1 minorit*))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY(queer* OR transgenre* OR travesti OR transvest* OR (gender W/2 identit*))) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY((sex* W/15 trans) OR (gender* W/15 trans) OR (male* W/15 trans) OR (female* W/15 trans))))) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(canad* OR toronto* OR montreal* OR vancouver* OR ottawa* OR (british W/2 columbia*) OR alberta* OR saskatchewan* OR manitoba* OR ontari* OR quebec* OR (new W/2 brunswick*) OR (nova W/2 scotia*) OR newfoundland* OR labrador* OR (prince W/2 edward W/2 island*) OR pei OR yukon* OR nwt OR (northwest W/2 territor*) OR nunavut* OR halifax* OR haligonian* OR winnipeg* OR regina* OR edmonton* OR calgary* OR saskatoon* OR (ile W/3 prince W/3 edouard*) OR (nouveau W/2 brunswick*) OR (colombie W/2 britannique*) OR (terre W/2 neuve*) OR (territoires W/3 nord W/3 ouest*) OR (nouvelle W/2 ecosse*) OR nfld)) AND (LIMIT-TO(PUBYEAR, 2011) OR LIMIT-TO(PUBYEAR, 2010))

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