Environmental and Workplace Health

On the Health Canada Web site, each navigation section (listed on the left-hand side of the screen) has its own Contact Us page. To find contact information for topics other than Environmental and Workplace Health, visit the Main Contact Us page.

We invite you to look for an answer to your question in the Health Canada Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area or by searching through our A-Z index.

Choose any of these topics for contact information:

Air Quality

Contact the Air Quality Program for general information about air quality, including:

  • Indoor air
    • Mould
    • Carbon Monoxide
    • Protecting Your Health
    • Residential Indoor Air Quality Guidelines
    • Indoor Air Quality
  • Outdoor air
    • Air Quality Health Index
    • Health effect
    • Diesel
    • Ethanol
    • Manganese
    • Pollutants and smog
    • Research
    • Risk assessment
    • Border Air Quality Strategy
    • Regulations
    • Publications
    • Workshop Summaries
  • Radon

Climate Change and Health

Contact Climate Change and Health for information about climate change and health, including:

  • Climate change health risks
  • Adaptive measures
  • Resource tools
  • Research experts and results
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Heat and health

Contaminated Sites

Contact the Contaminated Sites Division for information about contaminated sites, including:

  • Human health risk assessment guidance
  • Public involvement in the contaminated sites management process
  • Research, reports and publications on human health risk assessment
  • Soil quality guidelines for federal contaminated sites

Environmental Contaminants

Contact the Existing Substances Division for information about environmental contaminants, including:

  • Priority Substance List
  • Priority Substance Assessment Program
  • Categorization of Substances on the Domestic Substances List
  • Screening Assessment of Existing Substances
  • Integrated Framework
  • Maximal List
  • Greatest Potential for Human Exposure
  • Health Based Guidance Values for Priority Substances
  • Section 75 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
  • Information about joining our Mailing List

Contact the Environmental Assessment Unit for information about:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • New Substances Notification Regulations
  • Pre-import or pre-manufacture assessments of new substances in Food and Drugs Act products

Contact the New Chemical Substances for information about:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • New Substances Notification Regulations
  • Pre-import or pre-manufacture assessments of new chemicals/biochemicals and polymers/biopolymers

Contact the New Substances Assessment and Control Bureau for information about:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • New Substances Notification Regulations
  • New chemicals/biochemicals and polymers/biopolymers
  • New animate products of biotechnology
  • New substances in F&DA products

Contact Products of Biotechnology for information about:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • New Substances Notification Regulations
  • Pre-import or pre-manufacture assessments of new animate products of biotechnology

Environmental Health Assessment

Contact Environmental Assessment Division (EAD) for general inquiries about the assessment of the potential health impacts of development projects.

Environmental Impact Initiative

Contact Environmental Impact Initiative for information about environmental health assessment, including:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1999
  • Products regulated by the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA)
  • Assessment of new substances for use in Canada for both direct and indirect impacts on human health and the environment.
  • Environmental Assessment Regulations
  • Options Analysis Paper -- An Environmental Assessment Regime for New Substances in Products Regulated under the Food and Drugs Act

Environmental Radiation

Contact the Canadian Radiological Monitoring Network for information about:

  • Environmental radioactivity measurements across Canada
  • Health assessments regarding existing levels of radioactivity
  • Measuring routine or accidental releases of radioactivity in the environment

Contact the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty for information about:

  • Background of the Treaty and the International Organisation
  • Canada and the Treaty
  • Health Canada's Technical Contribution

Contact Radiation Measurement for information about:

  • Bioassay Laboratory
  • Human Monitoring Laboratory
  • Monitoring radiation levels

Contact the Radiological Impact Section for information about:

Research on:

  • The transport of radioactivity through environmental pathways
  • The uptake of radioactive substances by the human body
  • The health effects of ionizing radiation


Contact Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau for information about:

  • Aircraft, recreational and community noise

Occupational Health and Safety

Contact National Dosimetry Services for information about:

  • Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Ionizing radiation measurement and protection -- A measure of safety
  • Ionizing radiation worker monitoring
  • Ionizing radiation monitoring for emergency workers

Contact Specialized Health Services Directorate for information about:

  • Employee Assistance Services
  • Public Service Occupational Health Program

Contact the Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau for information about the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS):

  • Program administration
  • Classification
  • Supplier labels
  • Supplier material safety data sheets
  • Confidential business information
  • Substance-specific issues
  • International harmonization

Health Canada's Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau oversees the overall governance and administration of the WHMIS program in Canada.

Contact the National Dose Registry for information about:

  • Assistance in regulatory control of over exposures
  • Evaluation of dose trends and statistics
  • Providing dose data the to the United Nations Scientific Committee
  • Health research studies on risks from occupational exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Providing dose histories to individual workers and organizations
  • Intercomparison programs for the measurement of internal radiation exposures of workers
  • Certification requirements under the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regulatory Standard
  • Performance standards
  • Methods development in support of its intercomparison programs and research studies


Contact the Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau for information about:

  • Aircraft, recreational and community noise
  • Mammography
  • X-rays
  • Ultrasound
  • Electric and magnetic fields
  • Radiofrequency fields
  • Ultraviolet radiation

Contact National Dosimetry Services for information about radiation, including:

  • Ionizing radiation measurement and protection -- A measure of safety
  • Ionizing radiation worker monitoring
  • Ionizing radiation monitoring for emergency workers

Contact the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee for information about the intergovernmental Committee established to support Federal, Provincial and Territorial radiation protection agencies in their respective mandates by:

  • providing a national focus for government radiation protection agencies;
  • promoting the harmonization of radiation health and safety programs;
  • identifying emerging issues in radiation protection and recommending actions to the appropriate jurisdictions;
  • developing and harmonizing radiation protection standards, guidelines and input for legislation;
  • providing a forum for representatives of the provinces and territories, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and Health Canada;
  • considering requests from other governmental committees and agencies concerned with health, safety and environmental issues and liaising regularly with such committees and agencies.

Water Quality

Contact the Water Quality Program for information about water quality, including:

  • Drinking Water
    • The Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water
    • Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water
    • Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
    • Drinking Water Materials
    • Drinking Water and Health
  • Recreational water

Reports and Publications

Obtain copies of reports and publications.

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