Become a volunteer for Winterlude
Year after year, Winterlude runs smoothly thanks to the precious help of volunteers.
Enjoy a fun and rewarding experience by joining our team. Consult the list below to learn more about volunteer opportunities available to you.
Snowflake Kingdom (Jacques-Cartier Park North, Gatineau)
Snow slide assistant
- Watch the bottom of the snow slides and ensure the safety of participants
- Inform the supervisor if any problems arise
- Bilingualism is an asset (English-French)
Lost children attendant
- Patrol the site in search of a missing person (parent or child)
- Follow procedures
- Bilingualism is required (English-French)
Ottawa (Sparks Street)
Photo station attendant
- Take pictures of visitors at various photo stations
- Assist with crowd control and help people line up
- Ensure the photo stations are clean and safe
- Bilingualism is an asset (English-French)
Various locations in Ottawa and Gatineau
Activity assistant
- Assist the activity coordinator in preparing the activities
- Ensure the smooth running of activities and, if necessary, assist participants
- Assist with crowd control and help people line up
- Ensure that the activity area is clean and safe
- Bilingualism is an asset (English-French)
Information officer
- Inform visitors about Winterlude activities
- Bilingualism is required (English-French)
Ice Hog
- Wear 1 of 4 Winterlude mascot costumes (Papa, Mama, Nouma or Noumi)
- Embody the mascot and interact with visitors following procedures and instructions
Ice Hog assistant
- Assist the Ice Hogs when moving around and meeting with the public
Volunteer apprentice coordinator
- Assist the coordination team in volunteer management
- Must be 21 years of age or older, available for a minimum of 25 hours, and undergo a selection interview
- Bilingualism is required (English-French)
Contact the Canadian Heritage Volunteer Centre by email at or by telephone
at 819-956-2626.
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