Crossword Puzzle – National Flag of Canada Day — For ages 13 and up

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Flag Day crossword poster

Download the National Flag of Canada Day crossword puzzle — for ages 13 and up [PDF - 581  KB]

Clues and answers

  1. February 15 is (blank) Flag of Canada Day. (The answer is 1 word — 8 letters)
    (View answer to clue 1)
  2. This famous symbol of Canada is found on the national flag. (The answer is 2 words — first word: 5 letters, second word: 4 letters)
    (View answer to clue 2)
  3. (blank) is the only country with a maple leaf on its flag. (The answer is 1 word — 6 letters)
    (View answer to clue 3)
  4. Color on the flag that represents Canadian winters. (The answer is 1 word — 5 letters)
    (View answer to clue 4)
  5. Color on the flag that represents maple leaves in the fall. (The answer is 1 word — 3 letters)
    (View answer to clue 5)
  6. The National Flag of Canada is (blank) as long as it is wide. (The answer is 1 word, 5 letters)
    (View answer to clue 6)
  7. The maple leaf on the National Flag of Canada was initially supposed to have (blank) points instead of eleven. (The answer is 1 word — 8 letters)
    (View answer to clue 7)
  8. Cylinder to which a flag is attached or from which it is hoisted. (The answer is 1 word — 4 letters)
    (View answer to clue 8)
  9. This animal was the best-known emblem of Canada before the maple leaf became a popular symbol. (The answer is 1 word — 6 letters)
    (View answer to clue 9)
  10. Before the National Flag of Canada Day was created, the Canadian (blank) (blank) was used by many and widely recognized as a national symbol. (The answer is 2 words — first word: 3 letters, second word: 6 letters)
    (View answer to clue 10)
  11. He was Prime Minister when the National Flag of Canada was adopted in 1965. (The answer is 1 word — 7 letters)
    (View answer to clue 11)
  12. Flags are heraldic (blank), otherwise known as a symbols. (The answer is 1 word — 7 letters)
    (View answer to clue 12)
  13. When several flags are flown together, the most important flag occupies the position of (blank). (The answer is 1 word — 6 letters)
    (View answer to clue 13)
  14. The National Flag of Canada always takes (blank) over all other national flags when flown on Canadian soil. (The answer is 1 word — 10 letters)
    (View answer to clue 14)
  15. Five flags fly on Parliament Hill in Ottawa: one over the (blank) Tower, one on each side of the Centre Block, one over the West Block and one over the East Block. (The answer is 1 word — 5 letters)
    (View answer to clue 15)
  16. To express a collective sense of sorrow, flags are lowered to (blank)-mast. (The answer is 1 word — 4 letters)
    (View answer to clue 16)
  17. Moving forward, the National Flag of Canada will be half-masted to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation every (blank) 30. (The answer is 1 word — 9 letters)
    (View answer to clue 17)
  18. Every November 11, on (blank) Day, the National Flag of Canada is half-masted to honour all who have fallen. (The answer is 1 word — 11 letters)
    (View answer to clue 18)
  19. The National Flag of Canada is half-masted on December 6 to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against (blank). (The answer is 1 word — 5 letters)
    (View answer to clue 19)
  20. There is an official procedure for folding the National Flag of Canada. Once folded, the flag has a (blank) shape. (The answer is 1 word — 11 letters)
    (View answer to clue 20)
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