Video – Celebrate Canada's Asian Heritage


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Transcript: “Video – Celebrate Canada’s Asian Heritage”

Video length: 33 seconds

The Canadian Heritage logo appears.

An old map of Canada serves as the background throughout the video.

Narrator: Canadians of Asian heritage have helped build our great country.

The title “Canadians of Asian Heritage” appears over the map of Canada, which is in the background.

Narrator: From constructing the railroad that connected us in the early days, to serving our nation in both world wars and beyond.

The map of Canada scrolls by, from west to east. Images are superimposed over the map: a train in the Rocky Mountains, Chinese workers, a collage of historical images of Asian Canadian soldiers in the First and the Second World War. Images of Sikh soldiers, of Sub‑Lieutenant William K. L. Lore, and of other veterans appear. A photo of the war era and one from today are shown.

Narrator: Canada’s vibrant and diverse Asian heritage has influenced our country in so many areas.

While the map of Canada continues to scroll by, images of a Chinese Canadian soccer team and of Douglas Jung appear.

A collage of photos of known personalities from the Asian community is shown: Naranjan Grewall, Bageshree Vaze, Kim Thúy, Dr. Tak Wah Mak, Carol Huynh, Adrienne Clarkson, Paul Nguyen and Baljit Sethi. Superimposed over these images are the words: business, academia, arts, science and technology, sports, government and community.

Narrator: These contributions are important to our past, present and will help shape Canada’s future.

Several images of citizenship ceremonies appear as the map of Canada scrolls by.

The face of a young girl appears, surrounded by fireworks.

Narrator: May is Asian Heritage Month. Let’s all celebrate!

The Canada wordmark appears, which has a waving Canadian flag above the last “a” in the word “Canada”.


Canadian Pacific Archives A17566
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collection, UW15673
Chinese Canadian Military Museum Society
Pacific News Group, 416722
Mission Community Archives (Operated by the Mission District Historical Society)
Canada Council for the Arts - Governor General’s Literary Awards 2010
Princess Margaret Hospital
Ewan Nicholson
2004 Canadian Journalism Foundation Awards Gala
Bageshree Vaze
David Hou
Baljit Sethi
Paul Nguyen

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