Page 3 of 4 — Book of condolences for the Honourable Ed Broadbent, P.C., C.C.

Ed Broadbent

Canadians were invited to share their messages of sympathy by signing an online book of condolences. The book is now closed but you can view messages left by others. Please note that the messages are posted in the language in which they were submitted.


A life well lived!

Sandra - Bedford, Nova Scotia
2024-01-28 12:38:29

First met Mr Broadbent as a 10 year old kid at the NDP leadership convention in 1971. In the early 80’s he would on occasion by flowers from me when I worked on the Byward Market in Ottawa. My salutation was “Gidday Ed!” He was never annoyed with this and always left me a tip which vendors seldom received. Thank You for your service to Canada’s working class. People get cynical about politicians expressing their belief that “They are all the same.” One couldn’t never say that about you!

Moira - Conception Bay South Newfoundland
2024-01-28 12:17:50

My condolences to Ed Broadbent family, his friends, his political colleagues, and his supporters.

What a great loss during this disturbing time.

I greatly appreciate Ed Broadbent's political contributions and his sacrifices to help shape the Canadian political landscape.

May his political thoughts, his actions, and his characters continue to influence Canadians and continue to be use as a guiding light to show Canadians the way out of turmoil and chaos.

Jean Y. - Toronto, Ontario
2024-01-28 12:17:40

A man of great integrity, and a model for leaders of all political stripes.

Andrew R. - Ottawa
2024-01-28 12:11:23

Canadians owe a great debt to Mr.Broadbent for his incredible service to our country. The greatest Prime Minister we never had certainly rings true for me.

My thoughts and gratitude go out to this great man’s family and loved ones. Sincerest wishes that our current generation of leaders can take this moment to learn what they can from his lifetime of respectful leadership and commitment to the greater good.

Helen - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-28 11:59:53

I was a classmate of Christine's at Francojeunesse in Ottawa and remember visiting Parliament Hill and watching Mr. Broadbent in the House of Commons, in grade six. I truly believe that field trip was a catalyst to my life-long passion and interest in politics. I will forever remember him as a man of principles, honour, ethics and of the people. My condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.

Michael Ross - Ajax, ON
2024-01-28 11:53:38

The country owes much to Mr. Broadbent. He was an example for what politicians and people should be. He never stopped fighting for the right things and he always knew that Canadians deserved a system that worked for the average person. We will all miss him and his tireless dedication.

Paul - Mississauga, Ontario
2024-01-28 11:51:57

I didn't know you, but you sound like an incredible man who wanted the best for us and our country. I am very much grateful and appreciative for your service, morals and care. Thank you 

Jessica - Windsor, Ontario
2024-01-28 11:28:45

Ed was a leader who inspired, persuaded and moved all who knew him. He was a beacon whose work and convictions will continue to illuminate the way for all who strive for economic and social justice, in Canada and around the world.

Roy - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-28 11:18:20

My deepest condolensces to the family. I first met Ed nearly 39 years ago. I always admired him for his compassion, his commitment to justice, women's rights, his decency, his intellect and his willingness to listen. I am convinced our country would be a better place today if he and his values had played a greater role in shaping the direction of governments. Rest in peace, Ed. May others follow in your footsteps.

Jennie Hornosty - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-28 11:17:46

Ed, thanks for all the good things you did for Canadians.

Pam - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2024-01-28 11:16:32

Effectivement, nous venons de perdre un géant et un rare altruiste.Le petit gars de Montréal-Est que je suis fait partie des nombreuses personnes que Professeur Broadbent a grandement aidé, sans rien attendre en retour, simplement par altruisme. À l'âge où j'avais le plus besoin d'un guide académique, venant d'un quartier et d'un milieu où rare sont ceux qui avaient la chance d'aller à l'université, Professeur Broadbent a changé mon destin professionnel et académique.

Carl Saucier-Bouffard - Montréal, Québec, Canada
2024-01-28 11:06:54

We mourn the loss of a man dedicated to a progressive Canada and public decency. He was the embodiment of the Golden Rule. May his memory serve as a blessing and console his family.

Arthur - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-28 10:58:53

Condelehence christine, i know you lost the men always standing beside you

guillaume labre - quebec canada
2024-01-28 10:41:27

We are all richer for his life's work. I happily remember as a young teen helping my Dad and his friends hang silkscreened election signs up to dry over top of the old CAW hall. And all the excitement when he was first elected here.

Maura - Oshawa Ontario
2024-01-28 10:30:18

To the Broadbent family;
I despised the NDP and would never vote for them, however Ed was such as great speaker that I just had to listen. He spoke so eloquently but always used language that the ordinary person could understand. He was, a man of the people. He called it the way it was. A true caring politician who always made his views known to Canadians. My condolences to his family and many friends at this difficult time. Rest in peace Sir, you have earned it. Canada has lost a statesman.

Rick - Toronto, Ontario
2024-01-28 09:47:44

Ce fut un honneur d’avoir connu M.Broadbent. Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille.

Madeleine - Montréal, Québec
2024-01-28 08:58:08

A big hug to Christine with much love. She and our son Eric were great friends when they went to Montessori school. Lucille and I became close friends. I remember Ed challenging me one Christmas to send out an 'honest' Christmas letter in my cards. He was not a fan of phony Christmas letters. We always enjoyed his sense of humour. He was a wonderful father and husband. Christine and Paul, you have my deepest condolences. All my love, Diane in Scotland

Diane - Perth, Scotland, UK
2024-01-28 08:07:47

Personnalité courageuse et inspirante ... Condoléances à sa famille.

Lise - Ottawa
2024-01-28 07:46:55

Toute mes condolence a tous la famille de ma part et la communaute

Scott - Gatineau
2024-01-28 00:07:16

Ed Broadbent was one of my heroes. He was outstanding at being himself. He always cared about people and did his best to help Canadians who needed him. I will always remember him for his compassion. RIP

Laurie - Coquitlam BC
2024-01-28 00:05:06

Always was a man of Dignity, Integrity and a wonderful Love for this Country.
Thank you Mr. Broadbent for all your time, caring and hard work that you gave to make Canada a better place for all of us.

Katheleen - Winnipeg, MB
2024-01-27 23:49:27

My sincere condolences to Mr. Broadbent's family and close friends.

Karen - Cambridge, Ontario
2024-01-27 21:56:18

Il est difficile de trouver les mots justes dans de telles circonstances. Acceptez ces quelques mots de soutien et d'amitié comme un baume cicatrisant sur la plaie ouverte par la disparition de l'honorable Ed Broadbent. Mes sincères condoléances.

Martin Keveen Makimouna - Montréal, Québec
2024-01-27 19:15:33

Mes condoléances à sa famille. Ed était un politicien sincère et honnête. Il voulait le bien de la population. Il a travaillé sans relâche à la realisation de cet objectif en pratiquant son métier de politicien. Il a fait une différence. Merci Ed.

Pierrette Landry - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-27 19:14:17

Bonjour à la famille, Monsieur Broadbent est un homme très accueillant et charismatique.Sa place dans la politique est très exceptionnelle. Un homme très proche des gens ordinaires, sa qualité de politicien a ressorti du lot .

Jean marie desbiens - Quebec
2024-01-27 14:54:46

I would like to wish my sincere sympathies to the Brodbent family and thanks for many years of service to Canada, your service has had a tremendous impact on Canadian values we now share today and for many years to come.

Rene - Pointe-Verte, NB
2024-01-27 14:36:17

My condolences to his family and friends. He truly was a man of great integrity and compassion - which is not easy to find these days.

Christine - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-27 14:30:43

I am very sad that Ed has passed away. I met him when I took a postgraduate course at Carleton University. His knowledge on so many issues is unparalleled. He will be missed very much! RIP

M. Louise Marchand - Ottawa, ON
2024-01-27 12:12:43

Huge condolences to the family of this iconic person! Thank you for sharing him with the community of Canada. His legacy will forever be remembered.

Carolyn - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-27 11:34:35

You’d see MPs in local Ottawa venues, like Ed at the 24-hour Elgin Street Diner. I didn’t know him but a few years ago at a Group of 78 conference on economics and global inequality I made an ornery comment at the microphone at the end of the day. A deadly silence. The event ended and I was gathering my things. Ed, whose table was nearby, came over and I felt his hand on my shoulder and he said “Well, I agree with you,” and then he was gone.

Robin - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-27 11:14:14

Mes sympathies à tous pour la perte d'un grand politicien, un grand canadien, un grand homme !

André - Mont-Laurier, Québec
2024-01-27 10:54:49

Please accept my sincere sympathy to Ed's family and friends. He was always a respected voice in any debate and valued by New Democrats for his insight.

Frances - Innerkip, Ontario
2024-01-27 10:32:48

Ed, you have inspired us to do better. You were a leader for the people. Thank you for your service to Canada.

Deborah Maloney - Quebec
2024-01-27 09:58:45

We have lost another Canadian who made Canada a better place for so many by advocating for social programs and speaking truth to power.
He was the sort of politician every country needs, now more than ever.

Elizabeth - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2024-01-27 09:16:53

I live in Ottawa Centre, where Ed Broadbent was MP from 2004-2006. He was passionate about making a difference in the lives of working people and devoted his life to the fight for a fairer and more equitable Canada. I am very grateful for the contributions he's made. My sincere condolences to his family.

Didi - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-27 08:28:48

You and my father taught me how to be a better person and canadian.
Thank you and may you rest in peace. Say hello to Jack for us.

KJ - Brampton
2024-01-27 07:39:57

My deepest condolences to family and loved ones of Ed Broadbent. Wishing you peace and comfort during this time. SATNAM SHRI WAHEGURU SAHIB JI

2024-01-27 06:25:49

Merci pour tout Monsieur Broadbent.

Marie - Mont Saint Hilaire Québec
2024-01-27 00:20:33

Ed, you were that rare type of political leader that could transcend partisanship and connect with common Canadians. We need more leaders like you that seek unity and can speak comfortably to communities of all sorts. While your presence on Canada's political stage will be sorely missed, your legacy will endure and will continue to inspire us all. Rest in peace, Ed.

Griffyn and Cordelia - Ottawa, ON / Cape Breton, NS
2024-01-26 17:30:22

A truly great Canadian. I was privileged to work on his last campaign and he was so approachable and committed. A role model for today's youth unlike any other. His last interview with Michael Enright should be mandatory listening for all high school and university students.

Sheila Robertson - Manotick, Ontario
2024-01-26 16:49:47

He was a leader of great integrity, and was an inspiration to so many. While holding to his high standards and principles, he nonetheless maintained civil and cordial relations with all, and he will long be remembered. A truly great Canadian.

Rev. Dr. Nan Hudson - Kingston, Ontario
2024-01-26 15:32:10

My deepest condolences to family and loved ones of Ed Broadbent. Wishing you peace and comfort during this time.

Margaret - Toronto, Ontario
2024-01-26 15:02:30

Thank you Ed. You made Canada a better place to grow up and live in.

Russell - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-26 14:09:41

He will be sorely missed. A true Canadian icon.

Marc - Ottawa Ontario
2024-01-26 13:59:21

My deepest condolences and sympathy to the family on the loss of a great man. My thoughts and prayers are with them in this difficult time.

Sheila Lafrance - Cobourg, ON
2024-01-26 13:54:44

Mes condoléances à la famille de M Broadbent.
Merci pour ce que vous avez apporter à la politique canadienne,vous avez beaucoup donner.

Carol - Drummondville,Québec
2024-01-26 13:07:19

We miss a true gentleman: Ed Broadbent was a politician with a heart for social justice.

Eileen - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-26 12:17:43

He was a great man. Should of been prime minster .

Wendy - London Ontario
2024-01-26 12:09:24

Before politics, Ed Broadbent was a much beloved and dynamic Professor Broadbent. In fact, many of us in his senior seminar course urged him not to run in 1968 as we felt he would be far for effective in the promotion of social good as a professor than as a politician!

Sherrill - Keswick, ont
2024-01-26 11:47:20

A brilliant mind, a determined spirit and a warm, lively spirit. Ed Broadbent was a strong voice for working Canadians. That was the lens he applied to every debate. His politics was not reactive. He was committed to a vision of a better life for the 99% and he had a plan to get there. A life well lived. Thank you to his family for sharing him with us.

Pam Shaw - Delta, BC
2024-01-26 10:02:01

Thank you for your service, you are still who I think of when I think of the NDP. God Bless & keep you ED.

Andy - Drumheller
2024-01-26 09:39:08

Mes sympathies à la famille de « Honest Ed », un homme remarquable a tous les niveaux qui a dédié sa vie pour une justice sociale pour tous les Canadiens.
Qu’il repose en paix

Benoit - Laval,Quebec
2024-01-26 09:38:19

We have lost a Good Man. Thank you, Ed, for your many years of service and compassion.

Anne - Ottawa
2024-01-26 07:31:15

He was a great man, a great thinker and a great example for us all of how to blend compassion and wisdom. Thank you for all you gave us, Ed Broadbent. Thank you for being an example for me for so many years.

Bev - Ashton, Ontario
2024-01-26 07:29:39

Broadbent, a truly progressive politician who, with his party, took care of vulnerable Canadians. Thankful for a dignified politician who was part of a more dignified parliament. Truly missed.

Ron - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-26 06:52:23

I was very fortunate to have been a student in your course at McGill. Your support helped guide me to a career in the public's service. You were such a gentle and generous soul - thank you.

Melissa Dorion - Ottawa, ON
2024-01-26 06:40:28

Thank you for the work you led . It was an honour to be a small part of two amazing projects

Terrie Meehan - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-25 20:36:05

On behalf of my family, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to Mr Broadbent's family and the entire Canadians for his passing. My thoughts
and prayers are with everyone. A trusted man and willing to fight for humanity. May
his gentle soul rest in peace.

Edet - Brampton
2024-01-25 20:35:32

He served us well. My condolences.

Dorothy - Stratford, Ontario
2024-01-25 19:39:26

RIP Ed Broadbent. Your life of service and commitment to the ideals of social democracy will continue to inspire.

Carol - Ottawa, On
2024-01-25 17:25:23

Rest in peace Ed. A life well lived, a job well done. We will all miss you.

Dan - Ottawa Ontario
2024-01-25 17:07:59

I was always a fan of Mr. Broadbent and admired how he served his country so well. He was such a great humanitarian and inspiration. It was a delightful treat to spot him ride his bike on the hill or around Ottawa. As a young adult, I was a cashier at Canadian Tire and was really honored when he came to my cash one day; he was friendly, smiling and made me feel at ease instantly. He will be fondly remembered. Merci pour tout M. Broadbent!

Doris Rondeau - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-25 16:52:19

God bless you Ed!You helped advance the quality of life for common Canadians, and you gave voice to those who would not otherwise be heard!

Mori - Port Coquitlam, BC
2024-01-25 16:19:50

You are a hero in that you speak for and understand with compassion, empathy, wit and a lot of smarts average Canadians, like me, who want to work and live well for their society, for our children and generations to come, and for our climate. Rest in Peace.

Jennifer - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-25 10:25:32

Thank you Ed, for serving our country for so many years. You provided an example for others to follow. My condolences to your family.

Sonia - Ottawa
2024-01-25 07:41:16

Because of the dedication and effort of people like Mr. Broadbent, Canada is a more equal and a greater country, and we will remember you

Linshu Liang - GuangDong,China
2024-01-25 03:33:12

RIP and thank you!
Message too from my late husband who is an NDPr...

Lolita - Vancouver, BC
2024-01-25 01:14:48

Ed Broadbent was the best of what it meant to be a Canadian Politician. I remember meeting him at a gas station on Rideau St. in Ottawa. I was filling my parents car with gas (I was taking my then girlfriend - and future wife out to a movie) and he was filling his car with gas. I remember being an awkward teenager but thrilled that he said hi to me and waved to Karen. A True Canadian

Blair - Chesterville, Ontario
2024-01-24 17:50:15

My first federal election that I voted in was 1984 - Ed Broadbent - on the ballot. I never waivered from being a social democratic. Ed was a true leader in equality and human rights. Thank you for being my Canadian Hero.

Judy Marie - Crofton, BC
2024-01-24 16:13:05

What a Statesman living by the principles of an honourable gentleman! Thank-you for visiting my school in Oshawa when you were relatively new to the political scene. My parents were staunch Conservatives coming to Canada from war-torn Germany and Ukraine. My history teacher in high school, Ruth Nicholls, was one of your staunchest supporters in class whenever the opportunity arose. I learned what she meant, what the NDP aimed for: social democracy. What a high threshold you set! God Bless!

Terry Antonevych - Etobicoke
2024-01-24 15:03:53

Mr Broadbent, I was 8 when I first met you, paper stuffing envelopes at the old Union hall in Oshawa. That was 1968. The several times I met you after that, you were always were gracious with your time. You made me feel that I was important, what I had to say was important. On behalf of my family, thank you for a job well done. You are missed.

Ronalda - Oshawa Ontario
2024-01-24 12:11:01

A true public servant, Mr Broadbent was principled, hard-working, and dedicated to the betterment of Canada. May his memory be a blessing to his family and friends and to all Canadians.

Susan - New Glasgow, NS
2024-01-24 09:58:24

I liked Mr Broadbent very much. My deepest sympathies to his family. RIP

Melanie - Whitby Ontario
2024-01-24 09:38:27

Ed was a hero to me- an honest politician, working to make Canada a better place for us all. An example for others to strive towards. His devotion and commitment encouraged me to be more politically engaged and informed. Thank you Ed, you will be missed.

Rodney - Carleton Place, Ontario
2024-01-24 09:19:31

Mes condolences a la famille Broadbent!

Mathieu Roy - Quebec Qc
2024-01-24 08:21:42

Deepest condolences to family, friends and my fellow Canadians - for this is genuinely a sad loss for us all.

Thank you for your many years of dedication and love.

Shannon - New Brunswick
2024-01-24 08:05:03

Bonjour , je présente mes sincères condoléances à la famille endeuillé et au peuple canadien , aussi le gouvernement du canada mes condoléances les plus altruiste ,paix à son âme père d'une nation , dort en paix , que la miséricorde Dieu ALLAH soit avec lui amen .

THIERNO ABDOUL - Belgique actuellement mais origine -GUINEE-Conakry
2024-01-23 21:18:30

My late husband thought very highly of Ed Broadbent; his support of the auto workers in Oshawa, his leadership of the Federal NDP Party, and his formation of the Broadbent Institute. A true social justice modern warrior.

Barbara Anne - Oshawa, Ontario
2024-01-23 17:47:30

If only we could clone you...
We need your genuine commitment and integrity more than ever.
Rest in Peace.

Sheila - North Tetagouche, NB
2024-01-23 16:46:26

Rip Mr Broadbent

Sandra - Chase bc
2024-01-23 16:01:09

Growing up, I was impressed with your character, even though my politics were not the same as yours. You were a statesman, and were very focussed on what was best for Canada, not for you or your party. I am thankful that you were part of the political landscape.

Doris - Abbotsford, BC
2024-01-23 13:11:29

I honour you

Jaxton - Ontario
2024-01-23 12:42:40


2024-01-23 09:16:00

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Mary-Anne - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-23 08:42:23

Ed - you were the leader of the NDP when I was first old enough to be politically aware. Much later on, you became my local MP here in Ottawa. I always admired and respected your genuine concern for Canada and for Canadians. May you rest in peace. My deepest condolences to your family.

Andrew - Ottawa, Ontario
2024-01-22 21:54:52

My sincere condolences to his family and dear friends. It saddens me to read of his passing.
"Gone but not forgotten"

Lynda - Chateauguay
2024-01-22 12:32:33

Ed was a great Canadian and stuck up for the average Canadian to the end. Rest in Peace Ed.

Russell - Port Moody
2024-01-22 11:37:05

I always admired you especially for your genuine concern for all Canadians. I was especially proud to see you step forward and create the Broadbent Institute and the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development. RIP dear friend.

Yvette - Chilliwack, BC
2024-01-21 16:47:33

Over 50 years, from when he taught me in grad school, Ed embodied the values of thoughtful equality and the fight for social justice. He was so generous with his time, agreeing to chair a study on the non-profit sector, Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada's Voluntary Sector. As a symbol and as a person, so very missed.

Susan - Ottawa, ON
2024-01-21 15:35:55

Please accept my sincere condolences. Grateful for his compassion, dedication, and patriotism.

Sarah - Toronto, ON
2024-01-21 11:15:04

In this moment of loss and pain for the whole family, I want to pay my respects to those who left and convey my condolences to all of you. I pray to God to bring comfort to everyone's hearts, and to gradually ease the burden of suffering from this loss. Trust in the Lord and in his plans, for He knows what he is doing, and in his arms of infinite mercy you will find comfort and peace. My sincere and heartfelt condolences to the entire family, and rest in the peace of the Lord!

Jéssica - Brasil
2024-01-21 08:07:56

He will always be remembered and admired by all Canadians…a true spokes person for everyday Canadians. God bless and my heartfelt condolences to his family.

Raymond - Saskatoon Sask
2024-01-20 22:25:24

Thank you Mr Broadbent for your love care and respect for the citizens of our great country! Your memory will always shine bright. Prayers with all your family and friends

Joshua - Hamilton,On
2024-01-20 20:20:26

It was a great honour to have gotten to know you over the years on your visits to Stratford. We were nervous initially, but your kindness, decency and humility made us soon feel like friends. Truly a great person and a great Canadian! Our sympathies to your family and friends.

Mike & Amanda Weinheimer - Stratford, Ontario
2024-01-20 18:33:11

Tout mes condoléances aux familles, amis, collègues

FOUAD ABDI YOUSSOUF - Djibouti, Djibouti
2024-01-20 15:29:58

I had the good fortune to work with Ed when he was the leader of the NDP. He was such a good person. In work, he was thoughtful, encouraging, open to ideas, and made every person on the team want to contribute to our work and to the betterment of society. He was kind and generous and a wonderful leader. He was a friend to both me and my late husband Murray Randall.
His contribution to Canada was great; he will be missed.

Judy Randall - Ottawa
2024-01-20 14:00:22

Thank you for your service Mr. Broadbent and for the short time as my MP in Ottawa Centre. RIP

Don - Ottawa, ON
2024-01-20 13:06:22

Always a gentleman. Thank you for your service to Canada.

Joanne - Barrrie, ON
2024-01-20 11:48:15

Rest in peace. Thank you, Mr Broadbent, for your effort and deep thoughts that encouraged global social democrats to fight for liberty, equality and economic democracy.

Haochen - Waterloo, Ontario
2024-01-20 00:42:46


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