60 seconds with Major Heather Reibin, J9 Compliance, ADM(IE), CAF Retention Strategy

Video / October 21st 2022


(HR) Hi, I'm Major Heather Reibin and I work for ADM Infrastructure and Environment in Real Property operations as a J9 Compliance Officer, and I also deal with greening initiatives throughout the CAF. I'm a proud mom of three kids and part of a service couple, and I'm here to take the 60 Seconds Challenge. So, let's go!

"What do you think about the CAF retention strategy?" As much needed, I think we need to keep all our great people in and whatever we can do to make that happen is awesome.

"What do you love most about your job?" People and travel.

"What is the most memorable moment of your career?" I'd say building the suspension bridge in Warren Lake up in Cape Breton, in harsh conditions and a short amount of time. Still standing today. Anyone, go check it out.

"How do you practice work-life balance?" That's a work in progress, but basically trying to keep my fitness up, trying to leverage my community and my friends and family, and just take it one day at a time.

"If you could choose another role in the CAF, what would it be?" Firefighter.

"Most interesting location you've been to in the CAF?" Afghanistan and Norway.

"Any advice for someone looking to join the CAF?" I'd say just do it. It's an awesome experience and you'll learn new things. And if you don't like it, then you can always have those skills for something else.

"One word to describe your experience in the CAF?" Diverse.

"What's your occupation?" I'm a Combat Engineer Officer. That's it! (laughs)

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