Health information including food, nutrition, diseases, vaccination, drugs, health products, product safety, health and safety, healthy living, Indigenous health, health system, science.
Services and information
Food and nutrition
Canada's food guide, labels, nutrition research, recalls and safety standards, healthy eating, supplemented foods
Drug and health products
Drugs and medication, licences, natural health products, side effects, recalls and complaints, self-care products
Vaccines and immunization
COVID-19, infants, children, adults, pregnancy, travel, vaccine preventable disease, safety, and side effects
Diseases and conditions
Symptoms, risks, and how to prevent, treat and manage disease and illness
Health system and services
Health cards, healthcare system, funding, and training
Product safety
Consumer products and cosmetics, recalls and alerts, chemical safety, pest control products
Healthy living
Mental health, being active, substance use, smoking, vaping and tobacco, health and the environment, pregnancy, infant, child and youth health, aging, dental and oral health
Health risks and safety
Recalls and alerts, workplace health and safety, public health notices, home safety, biosafety and biosecurity, radiation, violence and abuse, emergency preparedness
Health science, research and data
Health data, science, research, statistics, determinants of health, and monitoring and surveillance
Indigenous health
Health care services, non-insured health benefits (NIHB), careers, drug and substance use, environmental health, food safety, pregnancy
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