60 seconds with Cassandra Auguste, Defence Team Black Employee Network

Video / February 08th 2023


*Off camera* Always look at this camera, I don't exist

Okay, you don't exist"

"This is my good side though, but okay *laughs*

Hi everyone, my name is Cassandra, and I work with DWPS in the EEDI team, and today I will be doing the 60 second challenge, let's go!

What is the Defence Team Black Employee Network?

We are a network that focuses on the wellbeing of civilian and military black employees within the defence team.

How does DTBEN provide support to Defence Team employees?

So we provide peer support, guidance, tools and resources, educate, awareness, amongst many others.

Okay, how does advisory networks like DTBEN help to create a more inclusive environment?

Well we challenge the status quo, we raise awareness, we educate.

When was the Defence Team Black Employee Network founded?

It was founded in the summer of 2020

How can someone join the Defence Team Black Employee Network?

Well, they can contact us by email, and we're also launching an internet page very soon, as well as an intranet page.

Favourite part of your job?

Well, I like knowing that I'm making a difference.

And, that's it!

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