Defence Team News Interview with Cmdre P.J. Montgomery, on the Navy Reserve Centennial

Video / February 09, 2023


Genevieve: We're at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Naval Reserve. I'm joined by the Commander of the Naval Reserve, Commodore P.J. Montgomery, to tell us more. Thanks so much for joining us today, Sir.

Commodore Montgomery: You're welcome, Gen, it's a privilege to be here.

Genevieve: So, this is obviously such a significant milestone. Can you tell me how the Naval Reserves have evolved in the last 100 years?

Commodore Montgomery: Great question, thank you very much. So, since January 31st 1923, when Rear-Admiral Walter Hose started the Naval Reserve in Canada, we have come a long way. From a Force that was primarily 1000 people across the country, now up to 4000 reservists in 24 cities across the nation.

Genevieve: And I think it goes without saying that Naval Reservists really are an asset to the Canadian Armed Forces and to Canada. Can you tell me why the Reserve is so unique, and why they're such key contributors to communities across Canada?

Commodore Montgomery: Certainly. Naval Reservists are unique because we have a foothold in both civilian and the military camps. So, we have people who may be nurses, students, electricians, plumbers… Any sort of a trade or occupation gets reflected. In addition, we have the diversity that comes with the 24 Naval Reserve divisions across the country.

Genevieve: You've spoken a little bit already about the history of the Naval Reserve. Can you talk to us a little more about some of the significant contributions throughout history?

Commodore Montgomery: Certainly. I mean, the one that comes to mind is our commitment during the Second World War, when there was a large mobilization of all our Armed Forces, and our Navy grew from 3500 sailors to around 90,000, and 80% of that came through the Naval Reserve. And a significant portion of the sailors that won the battle of the Atlantic were Naval Reservists.

Genevieve: Can we expect any other celebrations over the course of this next year?

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