Reflecting on the Last 40 Years: DND’s Employee Assistance Program

Video / September 22nd 2022


The Employee Assistance Program, known as the EAP, started as a grassroots movement, with employees supporting their peers who were struggling. The program was formalized in 1982 to provide free and confidential support to employees of the Department of National Defence.

In 1992, the EAP celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the program.

Also in this year, a huge milestone for the program was hit – the EAP had provided assistance to over 10,000 employees.

In 1993, the National Employee Assistance Program Advisory Committee (NEAPAC) was introduced. The Committee provides strategic support and discusses pertinent information regarding the program.

In 2001, the EAP scrapped their pens and paper and took reporting to a digital format. Allowing the program to further analyze its data, and make future improvements to the program!

In 2002, the EAP celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the program.

In 2004, the EAP volunteer awards were created in the form of recognition pins. The pins were awarded to Peer Advisors who volunteered for 5, 10 and 15 years within the Employee Assistance Program.

In 2011, the Employee Assistance Program’s Standards and Operating Manual was created to standardize program procedures including the peer support service.

In 2012, the EAP celebrated the 30 year anniversary of the program.

In order to provide 24/7 support to employees and their family members, the EAP transitioned into a hybrid model in 2012.

This hybrid model included peer support, short-term and crisis counselling, management advisory services, and specialized organizational services provided by Health Canada’s Employee Assistance Services.

In 2017, the EAP shifted to a national model under HR-Civ, which allowed for more connection and synchronization across the program.

Up until 2020, the peer support volunteers were referred to as Referral Agents. In 2020, the EAP volunteer title shifted to Peer Advisor.

In 2022, the EAP celebrated its 40th anniversary with a new visual identity and new volunteer recruits.

EAPs are key in supporting employees’ well-being, and lead to better health outcomes, relationships, and working environments.

Healthier employees create stronger organizations, which in turn, can further bolster employee health!

If you would like to learn more about the Employee Assistance Program, or have any questions, please email!

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