Managers’ Pay Responsibilities Calendar made simple

July 29, 2022 - Defence Stories


This month’s Manager Pay Responsibilities Calendar (PDF version, accessible only on the National Defence network) is now out! It features a new look, which improves accessiblity while helping you stay on top of important dates and deadlines! The new calendar is more user-friendly, with a modernized design and reduced content to ensure you understand your roles and responsibilities in pay actions. It is available on the HR-Civ’s Pay Deadlines and Processes intranet website (accessible only on the National Defence network).

Understanding your role in pay events is crutial to avoid any pay issues. To prevent this, section 34 managers should review and take any necessary steps in Phoenix Self-Service every week.

We are open to feedback on our calendar – how do you like our new look? Let us know!

For more information, contact HR Connect RH (accessible only on the National Defence network) (1-833-747-6363).

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