Managers: Approving Employee Payable Time

October 25, 2022 - Defence Stories

Pay and benefits

As a section 34 manager, it’s your responsibility to check for pending transactions in Phoenix Self-Service on a regular basis and to action them in a timely manner. This means that you must complete reviews and approvals within the Phoenix pay system cut off dates of each individual pay cycle. This cut-off is typically the Monday of a non-pay week. Delayed approvals result in delayed payments and, in some cases, will cause issues in Phoenix.

Civilian section 34 managers with pending transactions of 14 days of more from their entry date in Phoenix will be notified on a bi-weekly basis. These transactions require immediate action to ensure timely and accurate pay for employees.

While the notifications are bi-weekly, managers are encouraged to check regularly for pending transactions in Phoenix to ensure timely and accurate pay for employees. A best practice is to block your calendar from 8:00 am to 9:00 am every Friday morning to process your employee pay transactions in Phoenix. Consult with the Manager’s Pay Responsibilities Calendar (accessible only on the National Defence network) to confirm the bi-weekly approval deadline for your pending section 34 transactions.

Finally, if time is not entered within 6 months of its occurrence, the transaction cannot be processed by a DND Time and Labour Compensation Assistant and the section 34 manager will have to submit a Pay Action Request (PAR) for processing by the Pay Centre through the Human Resources Services and Support (accessible only on the National Defence network).

For questions about HR, access HR Connect RH online (accessible only on the National Defence network) or by calling 1-833-747-6363 (for Defence Team use only).

To access and approve transactions, follow the instructions in the How to Approve Payable Time Training Aid (PDF, 290 KB) (accessible only on the National Defence network).

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