Ethics in Data and Analytics: DND/CAF Data Day 2022

February 20, 2023 - Defence Stories

DND/CAF Data Day

Defence Team Engagement

The second DND/CAF Data Day conference saw over 700 Defence Team members register for the virtual learning day! Featuring presentations, panel discussions, breakout rooms and question and answer sessions, this year’s focus was on how better outcomes can be shaped with ethical data use.

This annual event, led by the Digital Transformation Office (DTO)  is designed to celebrate and learn from the progress made in implementing the DND/CAF Data Strategy. It also showcases some of the leading data and digital practices from within our organization and other government departments.

What we heard

MGen Christopher Zimmer, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) for DTO, opened the day by providing some critical insight and context surrounding the future of data and digitalization for DND/CAF, including risks and challenges. He spoke of the importance of viewing and leveraging data as an enterprise resource while highlighting digitalization as a key operational and departmental priority enabling modernization and CAF reconstitution efforts.

Stephen Burt, Treasury Board Secretariat’s Chief Data Officer of Canada, delivered the keynote address. Mr. Burt spoke of the role of the new Chief Data Office in advancing data and digital to meet the evolving needs of Canadians. Their top priority is renewing the federal Data Strategy through a service-delivery lens in order to better align to the ever-changing federal data landscape. He stressed the importance of strengthening transparency, trust and accountability in our use and stewardship of data and how robust data ethics principles are key to maintaining public trust.

LGen Frances Allen, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, closed out the day, noting her support and participation this year and last as a good means to share information and contribute to DND/CAF’s ability to keep up with the rapid speed of digital innovation across the globe. Data Day 2022’s focus enabled participants to hear different perspectives on how we can maintain the quality and reliability of data. Understanding the value of data and putting in place the proper data enablers to support continuous improvement will, among other benefits, allow for better interoperability with our allies.

In addition to these speakers, participants had the opportunity to actively engage in a variety of breakout sessions and panel discussions touching on a broad range of topics from business intelligence and data analytics to identifying ethical issues of new technologies in the military.

What’s next

As of December 6, the entire L1 of Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) (Data, Innovation, Analytics) (DIA) merged with the Directorate of Knowledge and Information Management (DKIM) - previously under ADM Information Management (IM) - to stand up the Digital Transformation Office. By joining the two linked programs of data and IM, we will harmonize our IM and data governance policies for a strengthened and integrated approach across DND/CAF. This transition is key to our efforts to digitalize the Defence Team in a strategic, effective and supportable way. We look forward to the continued and active participation of all Defence Team members to ensuring our collective success!

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