Update on HR-Civ’s Time to staff project to improve your staffing experience!

February 27, 2023 - Defence Stories


Thank you to all participants who attended the December 3rd Defence Team (DT) Manager’s Network coffee chat on the Time to staff (TTS) project. TTS aims to identify opportunities for  improvement in the end-to-end staffing process across the DT in support of ADM(HR-Civ)’s commitment to improve your staffing experience.

Although work is on-going, HR-Civ has already implemented solutions to reduce the time to staff by streamlining the time it takes to create a civilian position. Over the past few months, both the classification and HR official languages teams have updated their internal processes, resulting in reducing overall processing times to staff positions.

The following classification actions that were previously completed in 48 days and are now being completed in 3 days (on average):

Continuous updates in key areas will create a better experience for both hiring managers and new talent. HR-Civ created an all-access SharePoint website, containing up-to-date resources to include identified blockages and frequently asked questions. Should you have questions, reach out to ADMHR-CivTimetoStaff@intern.mil.ca.

For more information about updates to the classification process, please visit the E-Class website or reach out to HRC.E-Class@forces.gc.ca.

Stay tuned for more updates on the TTS project!

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