Harassment prevention services in the Canadian Armed Forces

What this service offers

If you feel harassed while at work you can report the incident or submit a formal complaint. The Canadian Armed Forces national harassment unit will assist you with if you choose to make a complaint. They can also help you implement workplace prevention strategies from the Conflict solutions and services (CSS) program.

As a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, you have the responsibility to treat everyone respectfully and ensure a harassment-free work environment. This is critical to operational effectiveness at home and abroad.

If you're the victim of a criminal act, contact the appropriate police force immediately.

What you need before you start

You need to determine whether your complaint is of a non-sexual or sexual nature. If your complaint is of a non-sexual nature, you can get help by reporting the incident or filing a formal complaint.

If you've experienced sexual harassment you should:

We also recommend you consult the Harassment Prevention and Resolution Policy.

How to get help

You should always try to resolve the problem informally and at the lowest level possible. If you cannot solve the complaint informally, or if you're uncomfortable with addressing the problem yourself, you're encouraged to:

Report the incident

If informal resolution did not work or is not appropriate, you may want to:

Submit a formal complaint

If you wish to file a complaint you have two options:

All formal complaints filed through CAF internal processes must be in writing. If you've filed a formal harassment complaint and you are dissatisfied with the process, you can submit a grievance.

The time it will take to process your case will depend on the nature and complexity of the complaint.

Contact us

Your local Conflict and Complaint Management Services office can help you decide if informal and formal resolution services are appropriate for your situation. Conflict Solutions and Services (CSS) is easy to access and always confidential whether in-person or online.

To contact CSS directly, please call us toll free at 1-833-328-3351.

If you prefer to file your complaint of sexual harassment or discrimination on the basis of sex directly with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, you can:

Canadian Human Rights Commission

344 Slater Street, 8th Floor

Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1E1

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