Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)

Role of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) - How Reserve Force (COATS) Members Take Advantage of CFLC

  1. The mission of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) is to encourage organization leaders (civilian employers) to voluntary grant, without penalty, a leave absence to reservists for training and operations. The mandate of CFLC is to enhance the availability of Reservists for the purpose of executing their military duties by obtaining the support and co-operation of the organization leaders of Canada. Specifically CFLC seeks and obtains employer support, recognizes supportive employers, assists in resolution of conflicts and helps reservists in nurturing relationships with their employers.

  2. The CFLC program includes:

    1. Executrek: employers are invited to observe significant Reserve training events;

    2. Reserve Assistance Program (RAP): prevent/resolve reservist-employer conflicts;

    3. Reserve Unit Assistance Program (RUAP):  the RCSU COATS representative on CFLC; Employer Support programs provides assistance and resources to secure availability of reservists to complete their military duties; and

    4. Awards and Recognition: Thank you letter from unit; CFLC certificate of recognition; Provincial Awards (every 2 years); National Awards (every 2 years).

  3. Online tools and resources are available on the CFLC website at

  4. Each RCSU has a COATS representative for CFLC Employer Support programs. The COATS CFLC rep understands all the resources available to COATS members from CFLC. Should you require any assistance requesting time for military duties from your employer or would like to recognize your employer or school for the support they have provided you, please contact your representative. 

    1. ​​​Atlantic:  Capt Ella MacDonald​

    2. Eastern: SLt Mathieu Vigneault
    3. Central: Lt(N) Chris Abram
    4. Northwest: Capt. Alan Cann
    5. Pacific: Capt Isabelle Malczynski

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