Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)

Army Cadet International Exchanges - Maple Leaf Exchange in the United Kingdom

  1. Starting in Summer 2017, the management of the Army Cadets International Exchanges in the United Kingdom (UK) will be amended to improve the Royal Canadian Army Cadets (RCAC) training experience and to maximize the use of resources. The 60 RCAC and six CIC Officers that would have previously been divided in three smaller exchanges (Outward Bound Scotland (OBS), Outward Bound Wales (OBW) and Maple Leaf Exchange (MLE)) will be merged into one group, under the name of Maple Leaf Exchange.

  2. Going forward, the training program and the number of participants will be the same as in previous years: the 60 senior cadets and the six CIC officers will participate in two weeks of training with the UK Army Cadet Force (ACF) and the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) as well as one week of adventure training, one week of cultural activities and a new one week of battlefield study. The successful completion of the exchange will be recognized using the existing MLE badge.

  3. The final plan is currently in development with UK ACF and CCF staff. In order to facilitate the transition to the updated format, a new course serial has been created in Fortress. All applications already under serials for OBW, OBS and MLE, will be transferred to serial 333500 “Maple Leaf Exchange in UK” by the Fortress team. No action will be required by corps/squadrons or RCSUs. The selection process remains the same and cadets selected will have the opportunity to refuse the offer should this change not meet their initial expectations.

  4. This new format is an exciting evolution for the Army Cadet Program, having incorporated our ongoing evaluation of programming, as well as the needs and requirements of our partners to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the Army Cadets International Exchanges in UK.

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