References: A. Natl CJCR Sp Gp Order 5022-0, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Promotion Policy
B. CF MIL PERS Instr 20/04, Administrative Policy of Class "A", Class "B" and Class "C" Reserve Service

1. This CANCDTGEN supersedes CATO 23-13, Appointment – Commanding Officer Cadet Summer Training Centre.

2. CTC COs will be selected through a Formation Succession Planning Process which is currently under development. In the interim, the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp, on recommendation from RCSU COs, will appoint CTC COs via individual letter of appointment and announcement in a CANCDTGEN. CTC COs will normally be selected from amongst Class A members except when directed by the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp.

3. CTC CO should normally be appointed for a period of three years unless directed otherwise by the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp. The appointment will be reviewed yearly. It is possible for a member to have multiple three-year appointments as CTC CO. The appointment period will include Class B service during CTC season, and a maximum of 15 days of paid Class A service during the rest of the year, for each year of appointment.

4. Promotion for CTC COs will be IAW current promotion policy at ref A. Supplemental to ref A, the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp is the authority for promotion of all CTC COs, inclusive of all ranks.

5. Members who have attained the substantive rank required for their CTC will retain their rank for the duration of their appointment(s), but will remain subject to regulations IAW with this interim policy (c.f. para 9).

6. Those who have not attained the substantive rank required for their CTC will be promoted AWSE IAW ref A and this interim policy, and will be authorized to wear the AWSE rank from 1 June to 31 Aug each year of their appointment. This does not mean the paid service is for the entire period but applies only to wearing the AWSE rank. Paid Class B service will be authorised IAW direction provided in the CTC Tasking Order.

7. In general, it is expected that CTC COs promoted AWSE will revert to their previous substantive rank from 1 Sep to 30 May. The authorized 15 days of paid Class A service, funded under Task 3 of RCSU budget, should be taken during this period and the substantive rank will be worn.

8. It is recognized that some CTC COs, usually on Class A service, could be promoted substantive LCol/Cdr after numerous appointments. Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp, on recommendation from RCSU COs, may promote a limited number of CTC COs to substantive LCol/Cdr during the year. However, except for special projects, for future appointment as CTC CO and on Comd’s request, there are very few employment possibilities for LCol/Cdr on Class A service. This means there is a need to restrict the number of LCol/Cdr on Class A service on the CISS List. A substantive promotion may have an impact on the member’s career. Those recommended for promotion, will have the opportunity to accept or refuse such promotion, with terms and conditions as set out below.

9. A promotion refusal under this interim policy will have no impact on the member’s career. The member will simply return to previous position/employment with no restriction at their substantive rank.

10. Accepting a promotion to LCol/Cdr will come with some career implications. This will equally apply to those currently holding the substantive rank of LCol/Cdr. The member will have to agree to the following terms and conditions:


a. Promotion and future employment is under the authority of the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp.


b. Eligible only after completing a minimum of two appointments as CTC CO, not less.


c. If a member accepts the substantive promotion to LCol/Cdr, there is no guarantee of employment, retention or to be placed on the CISS list at the completion of their final CTC CO appointment. In order to be considered for retention on the CISS list as substantive LCol/Cdr, a member must meet following criteria:



​(1) be selected through the Natl CJCR Sp Gp Process for strategic level employment, 

(2) be appointed by the Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp, and 

(3) the need exists for the number of LCol/Cdr and the anticipated work/taskings at the LCol/Cdr rank level. ​



11. This interim policy will remain in effect until Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp orders otherwise.


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