Disability Inclusion Action Plan: what we've accomplished - 2022 to 2023 annual update

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Message from the Minister

American Sign Language (ASL) version of the Message from the Minister (no audio, no captions)

As Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, it is an honour to present the first update on the progress of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (Action Plan). The Action Plan outlines concrete actions to improve the lives of persons with disabilities in Canada - from achieving financial security, to finding and keeping a good job, to being able to fully participate in their communities.

Working with the disability community is at the core of the Action Plan. Since the launch, the Government has been working closely with the disability community at every step, in the spirit of "Nothing Without Us".

The accomplishments outlined in this Annual Update would not be possible without the dedication and contributions of disability organizations, stakeholders, and persons with lived experience.

In this update I am pleased to share all our advancements in implementing the Action Plan to date. We have notable accomplishments in each of the four pillars: financial security, employment, accessible and inclusive communities, and a modern approach to disability.

We hit a major milestone this year with the passage of the Canada Disability Benefit Act. The Canada Disability Benefit is the cornerstone of the Action Plan. Once implemented it has the potential to reduce poverty and improve the financial security of working-age persons with disabilities.

We have made progress, but there is much more to do.

In the year to come, we intend to continue working with the disability community to implement the Action Plan, ensuring it meets the needs of persons with disabilities. I look forward to this continued collaboration.

Kamal Khera

Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities


The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (Action Plan) was released in October 2022. Accomplishments in this update are organized by the 4 pillars of the Action Plan: financial security, employment, accessible and inclusive communities, and a modern approach to disability. The full Action Plan is available on the Canada Disability Inclusion Action Plan webpage.

Pillar 1 - Financial security

Accomplishments include:

Pillar 2- Employment

Accomplishments include:

  • funded 100 projects under the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
  • launched the Disability Inclusion Business Council to champion and advance accessibility and inclusion in the workplace
  • improved access to skills training and employment supports for persons with disabilities by applying a disability lens across programming
  • Employment Equity Act Review Task Force completed its consultations. Task Force report expected in fall 2023
  • progress made in hiring 5,000 new persons with disabilities across the federal public service

Pillar 3- Accessible and inclusive communities

Accomplishments include:

  • published new standards under the Accessible Canada Act (ACA)
  • began the development of ACA regulations in Information and Communication Technologies. Published a What we Heard Report summarizing findings.
  • developed and published Phase 1 of the Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data
  • made significant new investments through the Enabling Accessibility Fund to support making Canadian workplaces and communities more inclusive and accessible
  • undertook an assessment of accessibility gaps with over 425 organizations in the shelter system. A summary of the assessment is available on the accessibility in the Canadian shelter system project summary sheet
  • moved forward with the commitment to support improving the capacity of national disability organizations to make new investments in 2024 and 2025
  • launched the Alternate Format Business Technology Challenge to create a prototype assistive voice application that allows users to have publications, websites and other sources read aloud through text-to-speech
  • provided transition support to organizations to produce alternate format reading materials until the launch of a new alternate format reading materials program
  • informed and shaped the new program with:
  • in process of creating the new Equitable Access to Reading Program, expected to launch in 2024

Pillar 4 - A modern approach to disability

Accomplishments include:

  • held a Congress on Disability Inclusion where 3,000 Canadians from the disability community, federally regulated entities and other sectors were brought together. They exchanged ideas to help shape accessible and inclusively designed communities and workplaces
  • continued to engage with the COVID-19 Disability Advisory Group to receive advice on disability inclusion and on implementing the Minister's mandate
  • implemented the Disaggregated Data Action Plan and created the first annual Disaggregated Data Action Plan accomplishments report
  • provided funding to support disability organizations and National Indigenous Organizations to engage their communities on the design, implementation and monitoring of the Action Plan

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