Canada contributes to international effort to combat marine pollution crime

Ottawa, Ontario – November 14, 2018 – Environment and Climate Change Canada

Enforcing Canadian environmental and marine laws is one important way that the Government of Canada takes action to protect our coasts, wildlife, nature, and economy. Marine pollution can contaminate water and coastal areas, harm marine and coastal ecosystems, affect vulnerable species, and risk public health and food security. It can also significantly damage the livelihood of the millions of people who economically depend on marine products and can threaten sustainable development.

During the month of October, the Government of Canada was proud to participate in the first-ever global action aimed at combatting maritime pollution crime, an INTERPOL-led exercise code-named Operation 30 Days at Sea. Marine pollution crime includes illegal discharges of oil and disposal of waste at sea; breaches of ship emissions regulations; and illicit pollution incidents on rivers, in coastal areas, and other land-based areas (run-off to the sea). The collaborative efforts of 276 law enforcement and environmental agencies across 58 countries have detected more than 500 offences around the world through this initiative.

Canada has effective pollution prevention regulations that protect its waterways. Environment and Climate Change Canada and Transport Canada enforced these regulations by conducting numerous vessel inspections as part of Operation 30 Days at Sea, in addition to their usual operations. Transport Canada’s National Aerial Surveillance Program aircraft flew almost 100 hours on the East and West Coasts, over 640 vessels. More than 20,000 vessels were also monitored through the aircraft’s automatic identification system. Information from these inspections and overflights is currently being compiled and could lead to future investigations.

Because microbeads contribute significantly to ocean pollution, Environment and Climate Change Canada intelligence analysts completed an assessment measuring the risk of non-compliance with the Government of Canada’s Microbeads in Toiletries Regulations. This assessment identifies future opportunities to quash non-compliance.

The enhanced cooperation among law enforcement agencies in Canada, with our partners in the United States and abroad, increases the collective ability to target polluters and criminal networks committing the violations likely to cause pollution both in Canada and around the world.

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