Financial Basics

Money management lessons for life

Are you interested in offering a financial literacy workshop in your post-secondary institution, community organization or workplace to help young adults achieve the skills needed to make better financial decisions?

Financial Basics is a financial workshop to help young adults learn about budgeting, saving, credit, investing, fraud prevention and financial planning. Financial Basics was developed by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and the Ontario Securities Commission, in collaboration with Ellen Roseman, financial author and journalist.

The workshop materials are available in both English and French and include the following free resources:

A Financial Literacy Workshop for Young Adults

For more information on the program please contact us.

Ordering workshop materials

If you have a scheduled workshop or event, you can submit a request for printed copies of the Financial Basics workbooks. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Please allow 4-6 weeks for order fulfillment.

Other resources

e-Learning videos


Here’s an e-learning video series produced by Ryerson University and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, developed to enhance the Financial Basics workshop, or to be used by self-learners.

These videos are engaging, easy to understand, and – best of all – it’s about something that really matters to people – money!

The videos cover topics like...How do I prepare a budget?

The first step on the path to financial success is understanding that you are in control of your financial future. It doesn’t have to hard, complicated or full of sacrifice.

Or...How do I live within my means?

Small changes in your spending habits will result in big savings over time.

We also look at:

  • Understanding credit,
  • Dealing with debt,
  • Saving and investing,
  • Financial planning, and
  • Protecting yourself from fraud

It’s about real problems, and real solutions too.

If despite all these precautions you are taken in by a fraud the first thing to do is notify your financial institutions as soon as possible.

There are several types of credit products.

Remember that a financial plan is a living document, meaning it should be kept up to date.

The Financial Basics e-learning videos: The knowledge you need to improve your money management skills. Try them: we’re talking time well spent.​​​​​​

Watch all e-learning videos

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