PBC Outreach Program

Welcome to the Parole Board of Canada’s (PBC) Outreach Program page.

The purpose of the PBC’s Outreach Program is to raise awareness about its important public safety mandate as part of Canada’s criminal justice system. We achieve this by educating, engaging and connecting with the public, community-based groups and organizations, and our criminal justice partners.

PBC employees deliver a wide variety of outreach activities across Canada and internationally throughout the year that reach thousands of people.   

Our outreach activities focus on the following topics:

These are just some of the groups we reach out to through our outreach:

Interested in a PBC outreach session? Contact Us!

Send us an email at Outreach-Sensibilisation@PBC-CLCC.GC.CA and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please include the following information:

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