Fact Sheet– Recording a Statement

Can I submit a video or audio recording of my statement?

Yes. If you meet the definition of a victim under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, you may choose to submit a video or audio recording of you reading your written statement. You will still have to send in your written statement with your recording.

To get an idea of who meets the definition of a victim, please refer to: Victims – Presenting a Statement.

What should my video statement look like?

It should be a video of you reading your prepared statement into the camera, exactly as it is written. Do not include music, photos, images or graphics. Do not film other people with you while you are reading your statement. Aim for about 10 minutes or less. The video recording is meant to replace your presence at the hearing.

What if I present an audio statement?

The same guidelines apply. Your audio statement should be a record of your voice reading your statement, exactly as it is written. Do not include music, sounds or other people's voices.

How will my recorded statement be used in the hearing?

Your recording is treated like the written statement it represents. Both your written and recorded statement must be sent to the PBC at least 30 days before the hearing. Once received, a PBC staff member will contact you to explain the hearing process. Your written statement is then provided to Board members and the offender before the hearing. At the hearing, your recording will be played for everyone in attendance.

Keep in mind: Parole Board of Canada hearings are open to observers. Other registered victims, observers or media, as well as the offender, will see or hear your recorded statement. Positioning of the video monitor will vary according to the set up of the hearing room. If you have concerns about the offender seeing your video, discuss this with the PBC well before the hearing. Although Board members have final say on what happens at a hearing, accommodations may be possible.

For more on how your information is used by the Board, please refer to: Victims – Providing Information. To learn more about the hearing process, go to the PBC website and click on the Victim Services video.

Can I present a recording even if I plan to attend the hearing?

Please talk to a PBC staff member ahead of time if is this your preference.

What do I do if I want to present a recorded statement?

If you haven't done so already, you will need to fill out a Request to Observe a Parole Board of Canada Hearing - Application Form and send it to the PBC regional office where the hearing will take place. Also, contact the PBC office handling your file to tell them you intend to present a recorded statement.

What if I want to include photographs or other elements?

Under the law, information shared with the Board must be shared with the offender, so the offender will see your recording. Board members might decide that some elements of your recording are inappropriate for a hearing. Board members have the final say on what happens at a hearing.

In what format should I submit my video or audio statement?

The PBC accepts audio and video on:

  • CD/DVD
  • Thumb drive (memory stick, USB) – mpeg, mp3

If you have questions, talk to the PBC staff member handling your case.

Do I need to hire a professional to videotape my statement?

No. A simple video of you, looking into the camera, reading your statement, will do. For tips on preparing victim statements, please refer to: Victims – Statement Checklist.

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