Parents: Your Feelings after Your Baby is Born

Most new mothers will have "baby blues." Baby blues are normal. Mothers experience physical, emotional, and hormonal changes after having a baby. You might feel restless and tense, sad and teary, or overwhelmed.

The baby blues should pass within a few weeks after having your baby. They will pass more easily if you take care of yourself.

Eat well and get as much sleep as you can. Try not to be hard on yourself. Ask for help when you need it. Look for advice from your health care provider.

Some mothers will have postpartum depression. Sometimes the "baby blues" do not go away. The feelings become more serious. Dads can become depressed after the baby is born as well.

Talk to a health care provider if:

  • Your symptoms do not seem to be going away within a few weeks after the birth.
  • You have been depressed in the past.
  • Your symptoms started while you are pregnant.

If you are a parent with postpartum depression, it is important that you take care of yourself. Reach out to your partner, friends and family for help. Get counselling. Consider medication if your healthcare provider thinks this is right for you.

Key Message
Postpartum depression is REAL. There is help available and you can get better.

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