Respiratory Virus Report, Week 13 ending March 30, 2019


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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

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List of abbreviations
Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
Influenza A(H3N2)
A (UnS)
Influenza A (Unsubtyped)
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
human metapneumovirus
Health Sciences Centre
Not Applicable
Public Health Laboratory
Public Health Ontario Laboratory
Respiratory syncytial virus
University Health Network

Respiratory Virus Detections and Isolations

Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending March 30, 2019 (Reporting Week 201913)
Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending March 30, 2019 (Reporting Week 201913)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 285 0 0 97 97 0 285 23 285 0 0 6 0 0 285 0 285 16 285 5 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 53 1 10 1 12 0 53 10 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 1
Nova Scotia 187 0 0 39 39 1 191 25 12 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 12 1 12 1 12 0
New Brunswick 472 0 0 101 101 49 472 60 109 0 0 5 0 0 109 1 109 10 109 10 109 15
Atlantic 997 1 10 238 249 50 1001 118 409 0 0 16 0 0 409 1 409 27 409 16 124 16
Région Nord-Est 310 0 0 57 57 3 240 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 303 0 0 47 47 1 324 28 102 0 0 6 0 0 107 4 79 5 N.A. N.A. 78 0
Centre-du-Québec 526 0 0 95 95 4 398 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval   1151 0 0 115 115 7 1133 77 503 1 2 17 0 0 503 11 489 29 N.A. N.A. 489 22
Ouest du Québec 269 0 0 73 73 13 263 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 305 0 0 41 41 2 305 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec  2864 0 0 428 428 30 2663 222 605 1 2 23 0 0 610 15 568 34 N.A. N.A. 567 22
Ottawa P.H.L. 24 0 5 0 5 0 24 2 10 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 237 0 0 22 22 0 237 18 26 0 1 2 0 0 26 3 26 1 26 3 25 4
Kingston P.H.L. 36 2 8 1 11 1 36 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 17 1 0 0 0 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 325 0 1 20 21 0 325 5 26 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 26 1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto   306 12 32 6 50 3 293 7 221 0 1 5 0 0 221 2 214 8 7 0 0 0
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 74 0 5 0 5 0 74 1 74 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 74 7 74 5 74 3
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 18 2 5 0 7 0 14 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
Timmins P.H.L. 9 0 1 0 1 0 8 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London   160 0 0 25 25 1 35 6 35 0 1 1 0 0 35 2 35 2 17 3 17 1
London P.H.L. 101 1 8 1 10 0 99 7 61 0 0 1 0 0 61 1 56 3 5 0 0 0
Orillia P.H.L.   42 1 1 0 2 0 42 2 31 0 0 3 0 0 31 0 30 3 1 0 0 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 8 0 1 0 1 0 6 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Sudbury P.H.L.   27 1 3 0 4 0 23 0 22 1 0 0 0 0 22 0 21 0 1 0 0 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 114 2 14 2 18 1 102 4 70 1 0 1 0 0 70 0 69 0 1 0 0 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 29 0 5 1 6 0 29 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 14 0 1 0 0 0
Province of Ontario 1510 21 89 78 188 6 1347 55 633 3 3 17 1 0 607 8 617 26 159 11 142 8
Manitoba    320 1 9 3 13 7 276 36 169 0 0 11 0 0 169 1 120 0 169 6 120 11
Regina   103 4 2 0 6 9 103 8 103 0 0 2 0 0 103 1 103 1 103 7 103 4
Saskatoon    173 0 0 17 17 3 173 21 173 0 0 0 0 15 173 7 173 17 173 14 173 2
Province of Saskatchewan 276 4 2 17 23 12 276 29 276 0 0 2 0 15 276 8 276 18 276 21 276 6
Province of Alberta 875 21 100 57 178 21 712 0 712 0 1 29 3 0 712 13 712 50 712 67 712 41
Prairies 1471 26 111 77 214 40 1264 65 1157 0 1 42 3 15 1157 22 1108 68 1157 94 1108 58
British Columbia 1211 59 147 293 499 38 1211 51 369 2 3 21 3 0 369 3 369 3 233 29 233 23
Yukon 18 0 0 7 7 0 18 1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 21 4 0 0 4 0 21 0 21 0 0 1 0 0 21 0 21 0 21 2 21 0
Nunavut 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Territories 44 4 0 7 11 0 44 1 26 0 0 2 0 0 26 0 26 0 26 2 26 0
CANADA 8097 111 357 1121 1589 164 7530 512 3199 6 9 121 7 15 3178 49 3097 158 1984 152 2200 127

Table 1 notes

  • Specimens from Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU) are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.
  • Results from British Columbia comprise of specimens from the following sites: BC Children's and Women's Hospital, Powell River Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Victoria General Hospital, Interior Health Authority sites and Northern Health Authority sites.
  • Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 26, 2018 - March 30, 2019 (Reporting Weeks 201835-201913)
Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 26, 2018 - March 30, 2019 (Reporting Weeks 201835-201913)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 3648 1 0 672 673 3 3648 389 3648 0 50 104 0 0 3648 32 3648 87 3648 281 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 1056 217 37 1 255 0 1054 119 72 1 0 2 3 0 67 5 67 2 67 22 67 3
Nova Scotia 3171 0 0 667 667 11 3176 312 462 0 4 16 2 0 462 0 462 7 462 61 462 9
New Brunswick 11306 230 34 2276 2540 82 11309 1046 2849 0 16 31 38 0 2849 116 2849 105 2849 306 2849 138
Atlantic 19181 448 71 3616 4135 96 19187 1866 7031 1 70 153 43 0 7026 153 7026 201 7026 670 3378 150
Région Nord-Est 7470 0 0 1420 1420 18 5858 540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 12830 0 0 2810 2810 19 12989 1423 2459 4 32 27 9 0 2541 84 2059 26 N.A. N.A. 1896 21
Centre-du-Québec 15252 0 0 3173 3173 144 12142 1482 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval   33531 0 0 4072 4072 100 32461 2819 17404 61 149 136 35 0 17404 498 17062 297 N.A. N.A. 17011 679
Ouest du Québec 11058 0 0 2444 2444 55 10063 1352 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 7421 0 0 1244 1245 24 7048 640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec  87562 0 0 15163 15164 360 80561 8256 19863 65 181 163 44 0 19981 582 19121 323 N.A. N.A. 18907 700
Ottawa P.H.L. 842 91 53 19 163 2 837 86 454 0 3 4 0 0 454 0 435 6 22 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 6667 0 0 709 709 16 6667 877 717 2 10 10 5 0 718 23 717 14 710 182 697 35
Kingston P.H.L. 811 66 53 13 132 8 811 61 556 0 3 5 0 0 556 0 534 6 68 0 0 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 9682 5 11 658 674 28 9682 450 515 1 9 3 3 0 0 0 472 4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto   11470 846 512 86 1444 46 11094 491 8901 13 59 43 0 0 8902 40 8657 98 401 0 0 0
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 2122 110 32 107 249 12 1789 213 1789 13 35 27 21 0 1789 67 1789 61 1789 429 1789 119
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 2121 71 65 10 146 5 2121 61 2121 4 5 9 1 0 2121 1 2121 54 2121 174 2121 84
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 375 47 31 2 80 0 312 13 291 0 3 0 0 0 291 0 285 5 8 0 0 0
Timmins P.H.L. 318 56 4 1 61 0 257 6 257 0 7 3 0 0 257 0 250 1 15 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London   3695 3 0 456 459 2 3563 347 1221 4 6 11 14 0 1221 29 1221 37 895 149 686 15
London P.H.L. 3413 311 126 66 503 9 3374 308 2310 4 21 13 0 0 2310 14 2232 20 131 0 0 0
Orillia P.H.L.   961 66 36 20 122 1 961 122 661 2 2 8 0 0 661 1 648 8 27 0 0 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 344 28 21 5 54 0 285 11 278 1 1 11 0 0 277 2 264 7 23 0 0 0
Sudbury P.H.L.   728 46 8 0 54 0 678 29 658 2 4 1 0 0 658 3 624 9 57 0 0 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 3130 227 126 33 386 5 3047 128 2406 8 14 25 0 0 2406 14 2365 25 87 0 0 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 921 43 44 19 106 2 918 47 712 2 4 1 0 0 712 0 703 6 11 0 0 0
Province of Ontario 47600 2016 1122 2204 5342 136 46396 3250 23847 56 186 174 44 0 23333 194 23317 361 6524 944 5459 261
Manitoba    8444 293 43 722 1058 18 8150 500 3434 1 12 41 12 0 3434 33 2152 59 3434 377 2186 104
Regina   7461 1417 90 149 1656 50 7461 454 9394 4 60 155 35 0 7461 107 7461 113 7461 1324 7461 208
Saskatoon    5377 0 0 776 776 17 5377 389 5377 2 7 21 13 21 5377 37 5377 71 5377 306 5377 64
Province of Saskatchewan 12838 1417 90 925 2432 67 12838 843 14771 6 67 176 48 21 12838 144 12838 184 12838 1630 12838 272
Province of Alberta 30124 3572 549 1967 6088 163 24254 0 24254 25 209 374 221 0 24254 334 24254 601 24254 3618 24254 1133
Prairies 51406 5282 682 3614 9578 248 45242 1343 42459 32 288 591 281 21 40526 511 39244 844 40526 5625 39278 1509
British Columbia 21432 2981 1065 2019 6065 143 21432 1343 8623 13 65 234 95 0 8623 121 8623 36 6451 1346 6451 389
Yukon 296 50 4 27 81 0 296 18 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 678 168 2 0 170 1 674 0 674 2 0 24 4 0 674 20 674 4 674 115 674 41
Nunavut 76 20 0 0 20 0 76 0 76 0 0 1 0 0 76 11 75 0 76 22 75 7
Territories 1050 238 6 27 271 1 1046 18 750 2 0 25 4 0 750 31 749 4 750 137 749 48
CANADA 228231 10965 2946 26643 40555 984 213864 16076 102573 169 790 1340 511 21 100239 1592 98080 1769 61277 8722 74222 3057

Table 2 notes

  • Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces and reported results reflect specimens identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.
  • Results from British Columbia comprise of specimens from the following sites: BC Children's and Women's Hospital, Powell River Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Victoria General Hospital, Interior Health Authority sites and Northern Health Authority sites.
  • Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
  • Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19

Figure 1. Text version below.

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19 - Text description
Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2018-19
Week ParaInfluenza Adenovirus Human metapneumovirus Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Coronavirus Respiratory syncytial virus
35 35 21 6 196 4 9
36 49 27 3 214 2 7
37 40 32 5 299 2 15
38 41 31 2 440 3 15
39 40 42 6 487 9 12
40 47 42 7 490 8 24
41 49 46 12 446 7 23
42 84 45 6 481 7 32
43 98 50 10 402 10 49
44 86 55 8 287 20 62
45 88 70 14 303 16 108
46 82 62 19 304 26 103
47 84 65 23 279 38 171
48 119 65 27 355 62 287
49 122 76 35 336 74 395
50 111 82 42 328 116 507
51 139 69 56 360 141 788
52 117 63 76 265 166 966
1 137 53 105 324 180 1,270
2 113 50 75 228 198 1,120
3 110 45 76 194 200 1,093
4 83 41 71 198 195 1,160
5 89 65 101 200 207 1,131
6 77 47 79 195 202 1,105
7 70 47 103 171 171 1,104
8 87 48 113 147 176 1,002
9 110 37 100 171 190 855
10 112 51 134 112 190 820
11 109 56 121 168 153 676
12 150 62 185 192 162 655
13 159 49 158 152 128 512

Positive Influenza tests

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 2. Text version below.

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests Can A
Can B
Atl Tests Atl A
Atl B
QC Tests QC A
ON Tests ON A
Pr Tests Pr A
Pr B
BC Tests BC A
Terr Tests Terr A
Terr B
35 2018-09-01 1764 0.68 0.00 60 0.00 0.00 471 0.42 0.00 511 0.59 0.00 555 0.90 0.00 155 1.29 0.00 12 0 0
36 2018-09-08 1880 0.80 0.00 101 0.00 0.00 494 0.00 0.00 523 1.91 0.00 587 0.68 0.00 167 0.60 0.00 8 0 0
37 2018-09-15 2235 0.36 0.04 127 0.00 0.00 586 0.00 0.00 555 0.36 0.00 721 0.69 0.14 230 0.43 0.00 16 0 0
38 2018-09-22 2567 0.43 0.12 98 0.00 0.00 669 0.15 0.00 722 0.14 0.42 799 0.38 0.00 262 2.29 0.00 17 0 0
39 2018-09-29 2996 0.57 0.10 145 0.69 0.00 753 0.00 0.00 842 0.00 0.00 954 0.84 0.21 289 2.77 0.35 13 0 0
40 2018-10-06 3384 1.54 0.09 153 0.00 0.00 833 0.36 0.00 902 0.11 0.00 1130 3.63 0.27 359 1.95 0.00 7 0 0
41 2018-10-13 3510 1.54 0.09 180 1.11 0.00 865 0.81 0.23 909 0.66 0.00 1176 2.89 0.09 350 1.43 0.00 30 0 0
42 2018-10-20 4020 2.84 0.05 248 0.40 0.00 966 0.93 0.00 1103 1.63 0.09 1359 5.30 0.00 325 4.31 0.31 19 0 0
43 2018-10-27 4470 5.23 0.09 238 1.26 0.00 1091 1.74 0.09 1183 1.18 0.08 1486 11.91 0.13 449 4.68 0.00 23 0 0
44 2018-11-03 4703 8.42 0.13 322 0.93 0.00 1371 2.33 0.22 1194 1.34 0.17 1481 22.08 0.07 323 5.57 0.00 12 0 0
45 2018-11-10 5665 9.83 0.26 336 0.89 0.30 1562 3.01 0.06 1571 1.72 0.76 1804 26.00 0.06 372 2.42 0.00 20 10 0
46 2018-11-17 5449 13.95 0.17 267 1.50 0.00 1573 4.77 0.19 1298 1.85 0.23 1898 33.46 0.11 393 4.33 0.25 20 25 0
47 2018-11-24 6386 15.24 0.13 307 3.58 0.00 2043 6.71 0.05 1380 2.03 0.29 2248 33.45 0.13 387 9.82 0.00 21 33.33 0
48 2018-12-01 7416 18.07 0.13 312 6.73 0.00 2462 9.99 0.28 1427 4.98 0.07 2623 35.07 0.08 507 10.85 0.00 85 31.76 0
49 2018-12-08 8559 19.52 0.19 458 11.35 0.22 3150 12.32 0.25 1523 6.17 0.07 2718 34.51 0.15 620 25.32 0.32 90 46.67 0
50 2018-12-15 9464 23.57 0.15 655 16.95 0.15 3365 17.53 0.15 1677 8.11 0.30 2869 36.32 0.00 805 38.88 0.37 93 41.94 0
51 2018-12-22 11142 26.00 0.19 753 28.69 0.00 4519 26.55 0.33 1940 12.84 0.26 2898 31.64 0.00 967 30.30 0.10 65 33.85 0
52 2018-12-29 11338 28.67 0.23 751 33.56 0.00 5369 29.65 0.34 1990 16.48 0.10 2299 26.58 0.26 910 50.66 0.00 19 36.84 0
1 2019-01-05 14349 23.26 0.22 1228 22.96 0.08 6627 25.74 0.29 2612 17.53 0.08 2651 24.07 0.30 1179 19.68 0.08 52 42.31 0
2 2019-01-12 13442 23.35 0.32 1058 32.23 0.00 6300 21.33 0.51 2705 16.56 0.22 2127 14.01 0.19 1201 58.20 0.08 51 17.65 0
3 2019-01-19 11505 19.98 0.35 1062 29.66 0.09 4927 21.33 0.51 2422 17.34 0.29 1931 11.60 0.21 1129 24.89 0.27 34 23.53 0
4 2019-01-26 11066 19.05 0.43 1031 26.67 0.10 4937 20.48 0.65 2241 16.47 0.27 1840 8.10 0.38 972 29.94 0.21 45 28.89 0
5 2019-02-02 10393 19.19 0.41 1095 24.29 0.00 4537 20.72 0.48 2247 19.72 0.22 1564 7.86 0.70 918 23.09 0.54 32 31.25 0
6 2019-02-09 9552 17.45 0.44 1109 21.19 0.09 3982 20.49 0.53 2097 17.07 0.33 1515 6.67 0.73 822 17.64 0.24 27 44.44 0
7 2019-02-16 9343 15.93 0.35 1004 20.42 0.10 3954 18.59 0.25 2040 17.30 0.29 1454 5.57 0.76 852 12.44 0.59 39 20.51 0
8 2019-02-23 8927 17.00 0.45 1013 24.28 0.20 3705 17.46 0.40 1829 15.14 0.27 1482 6.55 0.88 863 28.27 0.58 35 20 0
9 2019-03-02 8603 18.03 0.74 1026 23.68 0.10 3469 17.32 0.81 1718 15.37 0.64 1469 8.37 0.88 892 35.09 1.23 29 24.14 0
10 2019-03-09 8814 19.15 0.81 1013 26.36 0.39 3616 17.01 0.53 1682 15.28 0.59 1408 11.86 1.70 1056 35.51 1.23 39 17.95 2.56
11 2019-03-16 8541 18.08 1.05 913 26.51 0.44 3421 14.59 0.50 1578 14.89 0.76 1424 12.92 2.18 1169 32.59 2.22 36 8.33 0
12 2019-03-23 8704 20.28 1.51 1117 25.87 2.42 3081 13.73 0.84 1669 14.56 0.78 1520 14.74 2.83 1291 45.08 1.70 26 15.38 0
13 2019-03-30 8097 20.17 2.03 997 24.97 5.02 2864 14.94 1.05 1510 12.45 0.40 1471 14.55 2.72 1211 44.84 3.14 44 25 0

Positive Respiratory synctial virus tests

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 3. Text version below.

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests RSV
Atl Tests RSV
QC Tests RSV
ON Tests RSV
Pr Tests RSV
BC Tests RSV
Terr Tests RSV
35 2018-09-01 1743 0.52 57 0 489 1.23 504 0.4 526 0 155 0.65 12 0
36 2018-09-08 1853 0.38 100 0 510 0.78 514 0.58 554 0 167 0 8 0
37 2018-09-15 2232 0.67 127 0 620 0.81 552 1.81 687 0 230 0 16 0
38 2018-09-22 2562 0.59 99 2.02 720 0.56 720 1.11 744 0 262 0.38 17 0
39 2018-09-29 2946 0.41 146 0 770 0.78 838 0.36 890 0.22 289 0.35 13 0
40 2018-10-06 3307 0.73 153 0.65 844 1.42 897 0.56 1047 0.29 359 0.84 7 0
41 2018-10-13 3423 0.67 180 0.56 862 0.81 907 1.1 1094 0.18 350 0.86 30 0
42 2018-10-20 3875 0.83 246 0 964 1.97 1094 0.73 1227 0.33 325 0.31 19 0
43 2018-10-27 4346 1.13 240 1.67 1123 2.58 1178 1.02 1333 0.15 449 0.45 23 0
44 2018-11-03 4472 1.39 322 0.62 1328 2.18 1191 1.93 1297 0.31 323 1.24 11 0
45 2018-11-10 5234 2.06 336 2.38 1430 4.48 1559 1.86 1518 0.26 372 0.81 19 0
46 2018-11-17 4960 2.08 267 3 1427 4.98 1284 1.32 1569 0.25 393 0.76 20 0
47 2018-11-24 5857 2.92 310 1.29 1891 5.5 1378 3.34 1870 0.64 387 1.29 21 0
48 2018-12-01 6776 4.24 314 2.55 2311 8.74 1423 3.65 2136 0.56 507 2.56 85 0
49 2018-12-08 7795 5.07 459 3.05 2860 9.93 1518 4.22 2248 0.67 620 2.9 90 0
50 2018-12-15 8720 5.81 655 4.27 3055 10.34 1663 6.01 2449 1.14 805 4.35 93 0
51 2018-12-22 10088 7.81 753 7.44 3810 11.63 1918 9.96 2575 1.71 967 5.48 65 1.54
52 2018-12-29 10747 8.99 751 8.26 4991 11.32 1899 12.43 2177 1.79 910 6.92 19 5.26
1 2019-01-05 13546 9.38 1230 6.02 6123 11.74 2547 12.6 2416 3.56 1179 5.94 51 0
2 2019-01-12 12483 8.97 1058 8.41 5652 10.42 2650 11.36 1871 4.17 1201 5.25 51 0
3 2019-01-19 10787 10.13 1063 10.63 4529 12.3 2341 11.02 1691 5.68 1129 6.11 34 0
4 2019-01-26 10370 11.19 1031 12.03 4484 13.4 2203 11.98 1636 5.44 972 8.33 44 2.27
5 2019-02-02 9712 11.65 1100 13 4192 13.5 2093 11.37 1377 6.9 918 9.37 32 9.38
6 2019-02-09 9035 12.23 1111 12.51 3689 14.5 2037 11.88 1349 7.12 822 10.95 27 11.11
7 2019-02-16 8745 12.62 1008 16.07 3612 14.2 1923 11.28 1311 8.24 852 11.85 39 7.69
8 2019-02-23 8545 11.73 1015 18.03 3497 12.64 1778 9.39 1357 7.3 863 12.51 35 8.57
9 2019-03-02 7863 10.87 1005 14.23 2967 13.28 1671 7.9 1299 7.08 892 10.54 29 0
10 2019-03-09 8306 9.87 1015 14.29 3335 11.84 1631 5.03 1230 6.75 1056 10.7 39 5.13
11 2019-03-16 7721 8.76 913 13.91 2892 9.51 1519 4.87 1192 7.63 1169 9.32 36 0
12 2019-03-23 8319 7.87 1118 9.66 2921 9.52 1622 4.93 1341 6.71 1291 7.67 26 0
13 2019-03-30 7530 6.8 1001 11.79 2663 8.34 1347 4.08 1264 5.14 1211 4.21 44 2.27

Positive Parainfluenza tests

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 4. Text version below.

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests PIV
Atl Tests PIV
QC Tests PIV
ON Tests PIV
Pr Tests PIV
BC Tests PIV
35 2018-09-01 1401 2.5 57 0 382 3.14 332 1.51 507 2.56 111 4.5
36 2018-09-08 1480 3.31 49 0 404 3.22 345 3.19 534 3.18 141 5.67
37 2018-09-15 1677 2.39 64 3.13 432 3.47 341 1.17 659 1.67 165 4.85
38 2018-09-22 1924 2.13 70 1.43 487 2.67 453 1.1 716 1.96 181 3.31
39 2018-09-29 2214 1.81 113 1.77 492 4.07 555 0.72 847 0.83 194 3.61
40 2018-10-06 2444 1.92 82 1.22 492 3.05 635 1.26 987 1.72 241 2.07
41 2018-10-13 2521 1.94 117 0.85 517 2.51 598 1.51 1006 1.59 253 3.56
42 2018-10-20 2798 3 146 2.05 501 4.79 785 2.93 1121 2.14 226 3.98
43 2018-10-27 3081 3.18 113 3.54 544 3.49 852 2.58 1230 2.85 319 4.7
44 2018-11-03 2921 2.94 149 4.03 583 3.6 778 2.44 1189 2.35 214 5.14
45 2018-11-10 3474 2.53 201 3.98 534 2.43 1086 1.75 1403 2.78 237 3.8
46 2018-11-17 5070 1.62 175 4 523 3.06 747 1.47 3392 1.21 219 3.2
47 2018-11-24 3558 2.36 156 9.62 553 1.45 901 2.22 1748 1.95 183 3.83
48 2018-12-01 3932 3.03 209 4.31 672 1.93 808 2.72 1963 3.16 215 5.12
49 2018-12-08 4143 2.94 157 8.28 795 3.02 835 3.35 2051 2.19 223 4.04
50 2018-12-15 4371 2.54 268 3.36 784 1.91 821 2.56 2171 2.72 243 2.47
51 2018-12-22 4729 2.94 217 2.76 967 1.65 892 2.8 2264 3.27 338 5.33
52 2018-12-29 4081 2.87 205 4.88 924 0.65 834 2.64 1872 3.42 227 6.17
1 2019-01-05 4919 2.79 311 2.89 986 0.91 1175 1.62 2056 3.5 356 7.3
2 2019-01-12 4593 2.46 347 2.59 1095 1.19 1213 1.15 1556 3.41 349 5.44
3 2019-01-19 3952 2.78 327 3.67 829 1.81 1005 2.09 1395 3.08 380 5
4 2019-01-26 3731 2.22 337 1.48 762 0.92 935 0.75 1343 3.43 327 4.89
5 2019-02-02 3468 2.57 343 5.54 726 1.24 893 1.46 1166 1.72 325 8.31
6 2019-02-09 3375 2.28 377 3.98 662 1.21 840 0.12 1174 3.75 310 2.9
7 2019-02-16 3152 2.22 326 2.76 609 1.64 801 1 1136 2.73 253 4.74
8 2019-02-23 3262 2.67 327 2.14 631 1.58 775 1.29 1183 3.8 325 4.31
9 2019-03-02 3300 3.36 321 6.85 621 1.77 790 2.03 1187 4.21 357 3.08
10 2019-03-09 3282 3.41 361 4.99 623 2.73 743 2.29 1121 3.75 401 3.49
11 2019-03-16 3195 3.41 331 3.93 588 2.89 716 1.68 1093 4.57 436 3.67
12 2019-03-23 3399 4.41 366 4.37 540 4.63 782 2.69 1265 4.82 426 6.1
13 2019-03-30 3220 4.94 409 3.91 605 4.3 633 3.79 1157 5.27 390 7.69

Positive Adenovirus tests

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 5. Text version below.

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests Adeno
Atl Tests Adeno
QC Tests Adeno
ON Tests Adeno
Pr Tests Adeno
BC Tests Adeno
35 2018-09-01 1394 1.51 57 3.51 384 2.86 323 0 507 1.38 111 0
36 2018-09-08 1471 1.84 49 2.04 404 1.73 336 1.19 534 1.87 141 2.13
37 2018-09-15 1666 1.92 64 6.25 434 1.38 328 1.22 659 1.67 165 3.03
38 2018-09-22 1910 1.62 65 7.69 489 1.02 442 1.36 716 1.54 181 2.21
39 2018-09-29 2200 1.91 113 0.88 493 3.04 540 0.93 847 2.13 194 1.55
40 2018-10-06 2426 1.73 82 2.44 492 3.05 617 1.3 987 1.62 241 0
41 2018-10-13 2511 1.83 117 3.42 516 3.88 589 0.68 1006 1.29 253 1.19
42 2018-10-20 2789 1.61 146 2.74 502 2.79 775 0.77 1121 1.52 226 1.77
43 2018-10-27 3065 1.63 113 2.65 550 3.82 830 0.48 1230 1.63 319 0
44 2018-11-03 2910 1.89 149 3.36 586 3.41 764 0.92 1189 1.43 214 2.34
45 2018-11-10 3459 2.02 201 5.47 540 5.56 1065 0.66 1403 1.35 237 1.27
46 2018-11-17 3123 1.99 175 2.29 524 6.3 732 0.82 1459 1.1 219 1.37
47 2018-11-24 3547 1.83 156 5.77 557 3.77 886 0.9 1748 1.43 183 1.09
48 2018-12-01 3926 1.66 209 3.35 675 4.59 799 1.13 1963 0.76 215 0.93
49 2018-12-08 4137 1.84 157 7.01 804 4.1 820 0.98 2051 0.88 223 2.24
50 2018-12-15 4356 1.88 268 2.99 786 4.33 804 1.62 2171 1.11 243 0
51 2018-12-22 4759 1.45 217 3.69 1009 2.28 880 0.68 2264 0.97 338 2.07
52 2018-12-29 4077 1.55 205 3.41 928 2.26 826 0.97 1872 1.34 227 0.44
1 2019-01-05 4909 1.08 311 1.61 986 2.54 1165 0.52 2056 0.68 356 0.84
2 2019-01-12 4571 1.09 347 2.31 1097 1.64 1189 0.76 1556 0.77 349 0.57
3 2019-01-19 3918 1.15 327 1.53 829 1.81 971 0.51 1395 1.15 380 0.79
4 2019-01-26 3710 1.11 337 1.48 764 2.23 912 0.55 1343 0.74 327 0.61
5 2019-02-02 3444 1.89 343 2.33 727 2.34 868 0.69 1166 1.8 325 3.38
6 2019-02-09 3351 1.4 377 0.8 660 2.12 818 0.73 1174 1.36 310 2.26
7 2019-02-16 3134 1.5 326 0.92 611 3.76 781 0.77 1136 0.88 253 0.79
8 2019-02-23 3256 1.47 327 0.92 636 2.52 764 0.65 1183 1.44 325 1.85
9 2019-03-02 3293 1.12 321 0.62 627 1.91 777 0.77 1187 1.01 357 1.12
10 2019-03-09 3269 1.56 361 1.39 629 2.38 724 0.83 1121 1.52 401 1.5
11 2019-03-16 3179 1.76 331 0.6 593 3.04 695 1.01 1093 1.65 436 2.52
12 2019-03-23 3374 1.84 366 1.91 539 3.15 758 0.92 1265 1.82 426 1.88
13 2019-03-30 3199 1.53 409 0.24 610 2.46 607 1.32 1157 1.9 390 0.77

Positive Human metapneumovirus tests

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 6. Text version below.

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests hMPV
Atl Tests hMPV
QC Tests hMPV
ON Tests hMPV
Pr Tests hMPV
BC Tests hMPV
35 2018-09-01 1335 0.45 57 0.00 368 0.54 322 0.62 466 0.43 111 0
36 2018-09-08 1383 0.22 49 0.00 393 0.51 335 0 458 0.22 141 0
37 2018-09-15 1598 0.31 64 0.00 416 0.24 336 0 601 0.5 165 0.61
38 2018-09-22 1837 0.11 65 0.00 470 0.21 434 0 670 0 181 0.55
39 2018-09-29 2097 0.29 113 0.00 474 0 538 0 765 0.65 194 0.52
40 2018-10-06 2312 0.3 82 0.00 467 0.43 620 0.16 895 0.45 241 0
41 2018-10-13 2392 0.5 117 0.85 499 0.2 589 0.85 904 0.55 253 0
42 2018-10-20 2690 0.22 146 0.00 481 0 769 0.13 1049 0.48 226 0
43 2018-10-27 2946 0.34 113 0.00 523 0 837 0.36 1131 0.53 319 0
44 2018-11-03 2841 0.28 149 0.00 560 0.18 757 0.53 1153 0.26 214 0
45 2018-11-10 3375 0.41 201 0.00 524 0.38 1078 0.46 1322 0.53 237 0
46 2018-11-17 3074 0.62 175 0.00 507 0.39 734 0.54 1425 0.77 219 0.91
47 2018-11-24 3475 0.66 156 0.00 538 0.19 872 0.34 1709 1.11 183 0
48 2018-12-01 3820 0.71 209 1.44 650 0.15 777 1.42 1904 0.63 215 0
49 2018-12-08 4072 0.86 157 0.00 773 1.29 811 0.62 2026 0.99 223 0
50 2018-12-15 4319 0.97 268 1.12 762 1.05 805 1.49 2157 0.79 243 0.41
51 2018-12-22 4618 1.21 217 1.38 900 0.89 877 1.82 2235 1.21 338 0.59
52 2018-12-29 4018 1.89 205 0.98 903 0.89 824 2.31 1840 2.5 227 0.44
1 2019-01-05 4844 2.17 311 1.93 949 1.58 1160 1.64 2033 2.95 356 1.4
2 2019-01-12 4529 1.66 347 0.86 1063 1.69 1193 1.42 1544 2.4 349 0
3 2019-01-19 3872 1.96 327 0.92 792 1.64 978 1.84 1379 2.9 380 0.53
4 2019-01-26 3677 1.93 337 1.78 740 1.08 916 1.64 1330 3.08 327 0.31
5 2019-02-02 3413 2.96 343 2.33 698 2.87 877 2.17 1155 4.5 325 0.31
6 2019-02-09 3313 2.38 377 4.77 630 2.06 828 1.45 1156 3.03 310 0.32
7 2019-02-16 3092 3.33 326 3.37 579 4.15 782 2.3 1125 4.27 253 0.79
8 2019-02-23 3186 3.55 327 4.89 600 3.17 758 3.43 1155 4.33 325 0.62
9 2019-03-02 3235 3.09 321 6.85 602 2.82 771 2.2 1160 3.62 357 0.56
10 2019-03-09 3210 4.17 361 3.05 608 5.26 699 4.01 1108 5.6 401 0.25
11 2019-03-16 3129 3.87 331 8.76 560 3.75 700 3.43 1071 4.2 436 0.23
12 2019-03-23 3346 5.53 366 7.92 524 7.44 767 4.3 1243 6.28 426 1.41
13 2019-03-30 3118 5.07 409 6.60 568 5.99 617 4.21 1108 6.14 390 0.77

Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus tests

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 7. Text version below.

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Entero/rhino
Atl Tests Entero/rhino
QC Tests Entero/rhino
ON Tests Entero/rhino
Pr Tests Entero/rhino
BC Tests Entero/rhino
35 2018-09-01 771 25.42 57 19.3 N.A. N.A. 99 16.16 507 29.19 96 17.71
36 2018-09-08 837 25.57 49 18.37 N.A. N.A. 125 21.6 534 27.53 122 22.95
37 2018-09-15 963 31.05 64 21.88 N.A. N.A. 81 32.1 659 32.02 143 27.97
38 2018-09-22 1112 39.57 65 24.62 N.A. N.A. 161 34.78 716 41.48 153 41.83
39 2018-09-29 1303 37.38 113 32.74 N.A. N.A. 180 36.11 847 38.37 150 38.67
40 2018-10-06 1475 33.22 82 32.93 N.A. N.A. 198 36.36 987 30.9 201 42.29
41 2018-10-13 1496 29.81 117 37.61 N.A. N.A. 141 24.82 1006 27.93 202 39.11
42 2018-10-20 1679 28.65 146 30.14 N.A. N.A. 206 27.18 1121 26.67 187 41.18
43 2018-10-27 1855 21.67 113 19.47 N.A. N.A. 225 26.67 1230 18.7 264 30.68
44 2018-11-03 1713 16.75 149 18.12 N.A. N.A. 206 17.48 1189 14.8 161 28.57
45 2018-11-10 1998 15.17 201 14.93 N.A. N.A. 198 13.64 1403 14.18 183 24.59
46 2018-11-17 1990 15.28 175 9.71 N.A. N.A. 168 19.64 1459 13.23 174 32.76
47 2018-11-24 2296 12.15 156 14.74 N.A. N.A. 227 15.86 1748 10.76 148 20.95
48 2018-12-01 2678 13.26 209 11 N.A. N.A. 280 15 1963 11.46 161 32.3
49 2018-12-08 2706 12.42 157 12.74 N.A. N.A. 245 8.16 2051 11.9 171 25.15
50 2018-12-15 2947 11.13 268 12.69 N.A. N.A. 246 7.72 2171 10.18 178 23.03
51 2018-12-22 3058 11.77 217 8.76 N.A. N.A. 250 11.6 2264 10.51 276 23.55
52 2018-12-29 2497 10.61 205 14.15 N.A. N.A. 252 5.16 1872 11 149 10.07
1 2019-01-05 2922 11.09 311 9.32 N.A. N.A. 253 9.49 2056 10.65 267 16.85
2 2019-01-12 2473 9.22 347 7.78 N.A. N.A. 264 7.95 1556 9.25 273 10.99
3 2019-01-19 2304 8.42 327 3.36 N.A. N.A. 282 9.22 1395 8.53 284 11.97
4 2019-01-26 2190 9.04 337 5.04 N.A. N.A. 246 7.32 1343 8.34 237 18.57
5 2019-02-02 2043 9.79 343 7 N.A. N.A. 271 8.12 1166 9.61 248 15.73
6 2019-02-09 1972 9.89 377 4.24 N.A. N.A. 198 11.11 1174 10.14 211 17.06
7 2019-02-16 1910 8.95 326 3.99 N.A. N.A. 233 6.44 1136 9.07 188 18.62
8 2019-02-23 1971 7.43 327 5.5 N.A. N.A. 220 10 1183 7.1 228 9.21
9 2019-03-02 2045 8.36 321 2.8 N.A. N.A. 269 11.52 1187 8.34 244 13.11
10 2019-03-09 2018 5.55 361 2.49 N.A. N.A. 209 7.66 1121 7.31 294 1.02
11 2019-03-16 1934 8.69 331 5.14 N.A. N.A. 203 10.84 1093 8.51 276 10.51
12 2019-03-23 2183 8.8 366 4.92 N.A. N.A. 262 9.92 1265 9.01 270 11.85
13 2019-03-30 2005 7.58 409 3.91 N.A. N.A. 159 6.92 1157 8.12 254 11.42

Positive Coronovirus tests

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 8. Text version below.

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text description
Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coron
Atl Tests Coron
QC Tests Coron
ON Tests Coron
Pr Tests Coron
BC Tests Coron
35 2018-09-01 1058 0.38 35 0 368 0.54 82 0 466 0.43 96 0
36 2018-09-08 1149 0.17 30 0 393 0 105 0 492 0.41 122 0
37 2018-09-15 1277 0.16 36 2.78 416 0 65 0 601 0 143 0
38 2018-09-22 1477 0.2 37 0 470 0 130 0.77 670 0.3 153 0
39 2018-09-29 1616 0.56 60 0 474 0 154 2.6 765 0.13 150 2.67
40 2018-10-06 1786 0.45 46 0 467 1.07 170 1.76 895 0 201 0
41 2018-10-13 1841 0.38 79 0 500 0.6 126 1.59 904 0.22 202 0
42 2018-10-20 2005 0.35 93 0 480 0.21 177 0.56 1049 0 187 2.67
43 2018-10-27 2193 0.46 63 0 523 0.38 189 0.53 1131 0.35 264 0.76
44 2018-11-03 2132 0.94 82 0 560 0.89 168 1.79 1153 0.87 161 1.24
45 2018-11-10 2325 0.69 131 0 524 1.15 152 1.97 1322 0.45 183 0.55
46 2018-11-17 2383 1.09 116 0 507 2.17 147 1.36 1425 0.84 174 0.57
47 2018-11-24 2708 1.4 94 0 537 2.98 203 1.97 1709 0.94 148 1.35
48 2018-12-01 3137 1.98 139 0 650 3.23 218 5.05 1904 1.31 161 3.11
49 2018-12-08 3324 2.23 76 0 772 3.37 197 8.63 2026 1.28 171 2.92
50 2018-12-15 3524 3.29 134 0.75 762 7.22 209 8.13 2157 1.85 178 0.56
51 2018-12-22 3684 3.83 77 0 819 6.96 226 8.41 2235 2.68 276 1.81
52 2018-12-29 3207 5.18 87 2.3 903 6.64 209 10.53 1840 4.24 149 2.68
1 2019-01-05 3588 5.02 140 2.14 897 6.02 216 6.02 2033 4.57 267 6.37
2 2019-01-12 3279 6.04 190 1.05 1006 5.57 233 7.73 1544 7.06 273 4.03
3 2019-01-19 2829 7.07 153 5.88 790 7.47 207 7.25 1379 6.74 284 7.39
4 2019-01-26 2698 7.23 160 8.13 736 4.62 208 6.25 1330 7.22 237 15.19
5 2019-02-02 2513 8.24 162 10.49 697 4.73 236 3.81 1155 10.56 248 10.48
6 2019-02-09 2357 8.57 180 11.11 630 6.19 168 6.55 1156 8.65 211 13.27
7 2019-02-16 2235 7.65 131 6.11 567 4.06 197 8.63 1125 8.62 188 9.57
8 2019-02-23 2324 7.57 145 10.34 600 5.17 175 4 1155 7.27 228 14.47
9 2019-03-02 2372 8.01 134 7.46 600 4.33 210 4.29 1160 9.22 244 13.11
10 2019-03-09 2338 8.13 149 6.71 608 4.28 146 7.53 1108 8.48 294 14.63
11 2019-03-16 2259 6.77 149 8.72 560 2.86 172 5.81 1071 7.38 276 10.51
12 2019-03-23 2425 6.68 146 6.85 524 2.1 222 4.5 1243 7.56 270 12.59
13 2019-03-30 2221 5.76 124 12.9 567 3.88 142 5.63 1108 5.23 254 9.45

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