China - Pensions and benefits

The Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People’s Republic of China comes into force on January 1, 2017.

This is a limited agreement to allow continuity of social security coverage and eliminate situations where an employee and the employer would have to contribute to both Canada’s and China’s social security programs for the same work.

The provisions of the Agreement ensure that persons from Canada sent to work temporarily in China will not be required to make contributions to China's pension program (they will continue to be covered under the Canada Pension Plan). On a reciprocal basis, the Agreement ensures that persons from China posted to work temporarily in Canada remain covered under the pension program of China.


If you want to apply for Canadian benefits, consult the Public pensions.

If you want to apply for, or have questions concerning Chinese benefits, please contact:

Social Insurance Administration
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
No.10 Building, District 5, Hepingli, Dongcheng District, Beijing
The People’s Republic of China

Tel:  011 86 10 84229207
        011 86 10 84216422

Fax: 011 86 10 84222731

China’s social security


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