United Kingdom - Pensions and benefits

The Consolidated Arrangements on Social Security between Canada and the United Kingdom came into force on December 1, 1995.

The Consolidated Arrangements allow residents of the United Kingdom (U.K.) to use certain periods of confirmed residence in Canada as if they were periods of contribution to the U.K. National Insurance Scheme in order to determine eligibility to U.K. social security benefits.

The Convention on Social Security between Canada and the United Kingdom (U.K.) came into force on April 1, 1998.

The Convention is a limited agreement dealing only with contributions. It is not an agreement of the standard type and cannot help people to qualify for social security benefits from Canada and the United Kingdom.

The provisions of the Convention ensure that persons from Canada who are sent to work temporarily in the United Kingdom will not be required to make contributions to the U.K. pension program. They will continue to be covered under the Canada Pension Plan. On a reciprocal basis, the Convention ensures that persons from the U.K. posted to work temporarily in Canada remain covered under the pension program of the United Kingdom.


If you want to apply for Canadian benefits, consult the Pensions in Canada.

If you want to apply for, or have questions concerning, United Kingdom benefits, please contact:

The Department for Work and Pensions
International Pension Centre
Tyneview Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne  NE98 1BA
United Kingdom
Tel: 011 44 (0) 191 218 7777
Fax: 011 44 (0) 191 218 7293

United Kingdom social security


Note: The Agreement

This page contains general information on the Convention on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and may not describe all the provisions that apply to your situation. If you have any questions, please contact us. In the case of a discrepancy between this page and the Agreement, the wording and provisions of the Agreement will prevail.

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