Aquatic Species

Aquatic species in Canadian waters, including those at risk, invasive, fished or farmed.

Services and information

Services and information

Browse all aquatic species

Aquatic species listed by name or category, including species and habitat descriptions.

Aquatic species at risk

Species profiles and registry, recovery plans, public consultations and permit applications.

Aquatic invasive species

Regulations, research and action plans for reducing the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Pacific salmon

Managing and conserving Pacific salmon fisheries including sockeye, pink and Coho salmon.

Seals and sealing

Facts, statistics and regulations on seal harvest, and the 6 species of seals affected.

Marine mammals and sea turtles

Species identification, reporting a sighting or incident, marine mammal response program.

Sustainable fish and seafood

Sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture, consumer health and safety, certification and traceability.

Farmed species profiles

Profiles of farmed fish and shellfish, such as salmon, mussels, trout and clams.

Canadian shark research

How to identify a shark, shark sightings and facts, research lab.

Skates and rays

Rare and common species of skates and rays and the differences between them.

Southern Resident Killer Whales

Measures to address contaminants affecting SRKW, their habitat and their prey.

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