Common-law? Married? Separated? If your marital status has changed, please tell the Canada Revenue Agency

Why update your marital status?

To get your benefits just right!

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) uses your marital status to calculate benefit and credit payments that are right for you. If your marital status is out-of-date, you could be missing out on money, or there is a chance you could owe money.

Once you successfully update your marital status, the CRA will recalculate your payments from the month after your status changed.

How do you update your marital status?

Here's how you can update your marital status.


Getting married? Update your marital status with the CRA?

Just married? It's important to let the Canada Revenue Agency know. These newlyweds do not waste any time in doing that. They want to make sure they get the benefits and credits that are right for them.

Separated or divorced – it's important the CRA knows your current status

Some life changes are never easy, and often couples forget that they have to update their marital status with the Canada Revenue Agency. This couple is going their separate ways, but they know that to get the right benefit and credit payments, they have to inform the Canada Revenue Agency.

In a common-law relationship? Let the CRA know

If you've been living with your partner for over a year, you're now considered to be in a common-law relationship. It's important to tell the Canada Revenue Agency about this change, and this video shows you how easy it is.

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