Building your next career

Prepare for a new career, find a post-military job or return to school. Education services for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Veterans in transition.

Services and information

Career transition services

Counselling, interview preparation and resume writing services to help you find a career.

Job bank for Veterans

Services for both Veterans looking for a job and employers looking to recruit Veterans.

Transitioning to the public service

Find information on the process and benefits to exploring a transfer to the public service within the Department of National Defence or with other government departments.

Education and training benefit

Apply for funding to further your education for career or personal development.

Find a new job

Find jobs for Armed Forces Veterans, and other career-related services and information.

MOSID National Equivalency Tool (MNET)

Find the civilian equivalent of your military occupation. CAF MOSIDs have been directly translated into their civilian equivalents for the purpose of defining related civilian jobs opportunities.

My Skills and Education Translator (MySET)

The CAF TG has developed an online system that translates military skills, education, and training into civilian education/training credits or qualifications.


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