Commercial and trade safety

Discover how these programs improve the movement of safe cargo, protect Canadian businesses from unfair foreign competition, and fight the movement of counterfeit goods across the border.


Services and information

Integrated Cargo Security Strategy

Learn how this strategy reduces duplication of effort and process between Canada and the United States and improves the movement of safe cargo.

Anti-dumping and countervailing

Check out the special import measures that help Canadian producers who face unfair foreign competition in the Canadian marketplace.

Counterfeit products

Take a look at the measures put in place to help prevent counterfeit and pirated goods entering or leaving Canada.

Administrative Monetary Penalty System

Get information about the Administrative Monetary Penalty System, which is a program that enforces customs laws through fines.

Partners in Protection

Take a look at the program between private industry and the CBSA that helps make border processes more efficient for low-risk, pre-approved businesses recognized as trusted traders.

What we are doing

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