Video – About the Canadian Conservation Institute

Transcript of the video "About the Canadian Conservation Institute"

Video length: 00:04:35

[Canadian Heritage signature]

[Canadian Conservation Institute signature]

[Canadian Conservation Institute lotus flower symbol]

[Music plays throughout the video.]

Narrator: This box.

[Close up of a brownie camera.]

Narrator: Simple, at first glance. Deceptively simple, actually, because it carries with it a story, a puzzle, a link to our past.

[Full view of brownie camera.]

Narrator: What are its secrets? Where did it come from? How was it made? How is it a representative of the times in which it was created? How does it contribute to Canada’s cultural memory?

[Text on screen: Brownie Camera, Mfr. Eastman Kodak, Toronto, ON, CA. Model: 2A Brownie Year: 1907-1933]

[More text appears to describe various parts of the brownie camera.]

[Text on screen: Fixed shutter. Glass intact. Cardboard structure with leatherette bonded cover. Relative humidity: 50% RH + or – 10% RH. Acceptable yearly range: up to 10% R, down 10%RH. Condition: fair. Some wear and tear on outside of paper-based case, corners abraded. Manual winder. Some rust on exterior metal fasteners and hinges. Provenance, private collections. Significance: one of a small number manufactured in Canada. Conservation/special issues: Consolidation of abraded area. Clean and stabilize surfaces and metal components. Storage and display recommendations: handle with gloves. Object must be well supported. Keep in recommended RH value of.]

[Close up view of the camera’s lens.]

[Inside lens, it shows an old carriage, followed by a doll, bench, and t-shirt.]

[Close up continues to pictures of soldiers.]

[Screen changes to a white background with a globe.]

Narrator: At the Canadian Conservation Institute, we understand that objects help all of us to situate memory, to give it context, to keep memory alive for ourselves.

[A variety of wooden artefacts are shown inside a display case.]

Narrator: To introduce it to those who will go on and carry our stories forward.

[An elderly indigenous woman speaks to a young indigenous boy about wooden artefacts in the display case.]

Narrator: As time goes by, objects which are identified as honored, treasured links to the past, must be lovingly maintained and protected, and that’s what we do.

[Close up of various pipes shown.]

[Two men look at a drum inside a display case.]

[Close up of drum inside display case.]

Narrator: The history of our nation is supported and reflected in the material assets that form our collective cultural memory.

[Close up of a conservator’s hands wearing latex protective gloves preparing cotton swab.]

[Conservator dips cotton swab into liquid.]

[Full shot of conservator restoring a drum in a laboratory.]

Narrator: Canada today owes so much to our past, and our cultural assets bear witness to that past.

[Two woman looking at a bicycle made of wood.]

Narrator: There for the observing, there for the lessons they can provide.

[A crowd looks at artefacts in a museum.]

[Individuals look at artefacts in display cases.]

Narrator: And behind over 3000 institutions across Canada that house, document, and display Canada’s cultural memory, the Canadian Conservation Institute stands ready to provide a wealth of knowledge, innovation, education, and research.

[Two people walk in an artefact storage facility.]

[A conservator lays a wooden model snowshoe on a table.]

[A man prepares a book for analysis.]

[A conservator puts on magnifying glasses, and begins to rebuild a broken seashell artefact.]

[Outside view of the Canadian Conservation Institute building.]

Narrator: Our work is focused on moving conservation forward through science and practice, helping heritage institutions care for and share their collections, here in Canada and across the worldwide heritage community.

[A woman performing conservation technique on an image.]

[A man performing conservation technique on damaged paper.]

[Outside view of a house.]

Narrator: We work directly with Canada’s institutions, on the ground, sharing information and techniques.

[Two women shake hands and then inspect a wooden table.]

Narrator: In our labs, conducting conservation treatments and scientific analysis,

[A conservator cleans an indigenous mask.]

[A woman removes a tube from a machine.]

Narrator: and advising on issues that range from integrated pest management,

[A man collects specimens from a bug trap.]

Narrator: to storage and display techniques.

[Two people walk through a storage facility.]

Narrator: From interns to curators to eminent scholars, we share knowledge, helping people master the intricate techniques of conservation through training.

[Two conservators in a lab inspect pieces of bark.]

Narrator: Our research in conservation provides new knowledge and tools for a changing world

[A woman clamps together a wooden artefacts that has several pieces.]

Narrator: We write and publish, contributing to conservation guidelines and practices for Canadian heritage professionals and institutions around the world.

[A man searches through library shelves.]

[Two men talk over books in a library.]

Narrator: And our scientists and conservators work hands-on, actively engaged in the investigation and the conservation of the priceless Canadian artifacts that mark who we are as people, who we are as a people, who we are as a nation.

[A conservator cleans an indigenous mask in a lab.]

[A conservator inspects damaged paper in a lab.]

[A conservator inspects a costume in a lab.]

[A conservator restores fabric in a lab.]

[A conservator repairs a big piece of fabric in a lab.]

Narrator: At the Canadian Conservation Institute, we also study the challenges that lie ahead.

[A process map is shown.]

[Two people in a lab talk and point to material.]

Narrator: Today, objects are made of new materials, including composites, complex fibres, metals, and plastics.

[Close up of someone using an electric buffer.]

[Close up of people biking outside.]

[Close up of someone drilling into metal.]

Narrator: Images and information are captured on flash memory, using the tiniest microprocessors and memory chips.

[A woman takes a picture of glaciers.]

[Someone plugs a USB stick into a computer.]

[Close up of a server.]

Narrator: How will these things stand the test of time as they turn from contemporary objects, to artifacts? How will we ensure that their impact carries on?

[Man works on a computer.]

Narrator: At the Canadian Conservation Institute, these are the kinds of challenges we embrace with excitement.

[Multiple shots of conservators in labs.]

Narrator: We are proud to play a role protecting Canada’s cultural assets so all Canadians can benefit from what they can teach us.

[Two people measure shelves.]

[Indigenous people look at artefacts.]

Narrator: We are proud to serve institutions across Canada, and to be part of the worldwide heritage community.

[Crowd looks at artefacts in a museum.]

Narrator: More than anything, we are guided and driven by our knowledge, our imagination, and our passion for Canada’s history and heritage.

[Multiple shots of conservators in labs.]

[Close up shot of CCI Director, Charlie Costain and CCI’s Director General, Patricia Kell.]

[Canadian Conservation Institute lotus flower symbol]

[Text on screen: CCI expresses its sincere gratitude for their special collaboration: City of Ottawa Artifact Collections, Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation, Aanischaaukamikw, The Cree Cultural Institute]

[Canada wordmark]

This video was created by the Canadian Conservation Institute in 2016 to explain its mission and mandate.

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