436 Transport Squadron

436 Transport Squadron was formed in India during World War II late in 1944. Equipped with the C-47 Dakota, the Squadron's role was to supply troops and materiel to the Allied 14th Army in Burma.

Proud of their heritage and achievements in air transport, 436 (T) Squadron operates the "workhorse" of the Royal Canadian Air Force transport fleet - the venerable CC-130J Hercules.

Living up to their motto "Onus Portamus" ("We Carry The Load"), 436 (T) Squadron members are tasked with carrying personnel and materiel on a global response basis.

ONUS PORTAMUS (We carry the load) Significance: The squadron operated as a transport unit from a base in India during the Second World War and adopted the elephant and motto to symbolize its functions.

The complete squadron history is available on the National Defence, Directorate of History and Heritage website.

436 Transport Squadron
8 Wing Trenton
PO Box 1000 Stn Forces
Trenton ON K0K 3W0

Squadron Operations: 613-965-3687
Fax: 613-965-7275

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