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Page 74 de 240 — Livre de condoléances pour Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

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Nos chaleureuses pensées sont avec la famille Royale et tous ceux qui sont touchés par le décès de cette grande Dame. Que Le Seigneur console vos coeurs.

Jean-Marc et Yolande Bolduc - St-Just-de-Bretenières/Québec
2022-09-14 06:41:10

My heart is heavy at the passing of our Queen. I have so many wonderful memories wrapped up around the Queen and Royal Family and send my deepest sympathies to the entire Royal family and Commonwealth who are feeling her loss. She exemplified duty and service.

Erin - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-14 06:40:47

She reminded me of my own mother, whom we lost in 2014. My sympathies go out to her family at this very difficult time. May God comfort and guide you all in the days and weeks to come. She was a wonderful role model for the world and will be remembered. 

Kelly - New Denmark, NB
2022-09-14 06:39:49

Thank you for everything 

Christopher - Ontario
2022-09-14 06:38:46

Rest in Peace.

Samantha - Brantford, Ontario
2022-09-14 06:38:36

Mes très sincères condoléances à la famille Royale.

André - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-14 06:36:54

To the Queen, You are the definition of duty and class. Your dedication to public service inspires me as a public servant. Your life has been a shining example in the areas of family, wisdom, consistency and adaptability. Thank you for being Canada's queen for 70+ years. May you rest in peace alongside your beloved Prince Philip.

Michelle GP - Mississauga, Toronto
2022-09-14 06:36:37

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family.

2022-09-14 06:35:01

As an American and a new Canadian, you have always exemplified what we should aspire to be above the fray of politics and ideology. My deepest condolences to the Royal Family, our Queen will be surely missed.

Myles - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-14 06:34:57

An amazing woman that will be missed dearly. RIP Queen Elizabeth II

Tanya - Dartmouth, NS
2022-09-14 06:33:33

My condolences to the Royal family over the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. May you cherish the memories of her. She will be missed in the commonwealth and through out the world.

Stephanie Bowman - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-14 06:33:04

I was deeply sadden by the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, and would like to offer my condolences to the Royal Family. She will be remembered for her grace and dedication, and she will be missed.

Stephanie - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
2022-09-14 06:31:25

Paix à son âme que dieu l’accueil dans son vaste paradis

Medjda Imene Messabihi - Algérie
2022-09-14 06:29:34

Mes condoléances à la famille Royale.

Danielle - Beresford
2022-09-14 06:25:20

Thank you for all your work you have done around the world. Also for coming to bonavista newfoundland in Canada 1997 to celebrate the 500 years since John cabot discovered newfoundland and not going to nova scoita when they said John cabot discovered nova scoita not newfoundland but you stuck by newfoundland because this is what history as said for years and years and it was what she believed thank you very much so sad you are gone.

Gerri Prince - Princeton newfoundland
2022-09-14 06:21:59

Thank you for your Love and service we will all miss your love and smile 

Kenneth - New Zealand
2022-09-14 06:21:29

May you find peace in the here after. Thank you for your service as hard as it must have been at times.

Mary - Aylmer ontario
2022-09-14 06:20:47

Mes plus s'insere condoléances à la famille est au proches.

Grace Martin Clavette - Rivière-Verte Nouveau-Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:20:34

I will miss your smile very much, the moment that I dearly needed. Thank you deeply. Be peace in that Beauty.

Anne Mo Ching Cheng - Tai Po, Hong Kong
2022-09-14 06:18:28

My condolences to the Royal family. May God bless the Queen.

James - Fredericton, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:17:54

Merci pour ce que vous avez fait pour le Canada. Reposez en paix!

Luc Lecompte - Gatineau / Quebec
2022-09-14 06:17:48

Your dedication to your people and your work ethic were second to none! You were a pillar of strength and a beacon of light for so many. May you rest in eternal peace.

Wendy - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-14 06:17:33

You served with class and integrity. You will be forever remembered.

Aly - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 06:17:00

Your Majesty,

I thank you for giving your life to service. You did it with such grace. May you rest in peace.

Laura - Midhurst, Ontario
2022-09-14 06:16:22

Je désire vous transmettre mes plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de sa Majesté la reine Élizabeth II. C'était une femme remarquable. Bon courage.

Cindy - Drummondville, Québec, Canada
2022-09-14 06:13:08

My heart is broken for the families of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a very unique lady and her loss will carry with the world for years. She will be missed by the world. So sad she is gone. My deepest sympathy to all the families of Queen Elizabeth II.

Gloria - Conception Bay South NL
2022-09-14 06:12:30

Deepest condolences to family as they proceed through the next week. Prayer to guide them as they continue to establish life and work roles without her

Donna - Moncton New Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:09:43

Rest in Peace your Majesty, you have been an inspiration and a model for many of us.

Imad - Vaughan Ontario
2022-09-14 06:06:43

A Canadian of British Hong Kong Origins expresses my deepest condolences to all the family of Queen Elizabeth II. Thanks for your services for 70 years with grace, wisdom and humility. You brought us light of civilization, rule of law and order, stability during my time in Hong Kong. Rest in peace, my beloved queen

Thomas Ho - Burnaby , British Columbia
2022-09-14 06:05:41

My condolences go out for the royal family and to the British people at the loss of their Queen.

Caleb - Harvey New Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:01:35

My most sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her Royal Majesty was an example to all peoples, by her commitment to duty, traditions, support of the military, veterans and charities. As a long serving veteran, I feel a loss as well and humbly grieve and reflect upon her life of service. Long live the King.

Stephen Marinelli - Burton, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:01:02

Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Queen Elizabeth II. She was and is an inspiration to all of us for her caring, her courage, and her dedication. She will be sorely missed.

Alanna - Miramichi New Brunswick
2022-09-14 06:00:24

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family and Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, these are my best wishes Márcio Goncalves Pereira

Marcio Goncalves Pereira - Deersdale- NB
2022-09-14 05:58:50

Well done good and faithful servant! You have served well and have been a great witness for Jesus Christ. You finally have laid your crown at the feet of Jesus. Hallelujah! My condolances to the Family, Great Britian and the World at this time.

Claire - Summerside, PEI
2022-09-14 05:58:26

Thank you for your service. May you rest in peace.

Sherri - St. John's, NL
2022-09-14 05:50:54

Your dedication and commitment to duty has shone for 70 years. Respect. May you rest in power.

Gail - Ontario
2022-09-14 05:49:08

Her spirit will be missed in so many ways throughout the world. My heart goes out to her family.

Karen - Upper Gagetown, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 05:48:55

You have touched so many lives throughout the years. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Catherine - Gatineau, Quebec
2022-09-14 05:46:46

R.I.P We Will Ever Miss You.

Meagan - Cando, Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 05:41:04

in deep sorrow and prayer. The world will lose a great leader and symbol of stability. May she rest in peace

Andreas - Germany / Berlin
2022-09-14 05:39:07

Thank you for ur service and being the longest-serving monarch for 15 countries. 70 years on the throne R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II

Caitlin - Regina, Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 05:38:04

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family.

Yvonne - St. John's Newfoundland
2022-09-14 05:36:21

Our condolences to the Royal family. The reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II marked many positive outcomes world wide. God bless Her soul.

Silvio - Croatia
2022-09-14 05:36:11

Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II.

Normand Lucien Deschênes - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-14 05:35:52

You will be Greatly missed by Every Person that You have had such a Great influence on their lives.

Paul - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-14 05:34:36

Un exemple pour tous, merci d'avoir servi le commonwealth si bien pendant toute votre vie

Christelle - Montreal Quebec
2022-09-14 05:32:59

Thank you for your dedication to service.

Nicole - Havelock, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 05:30:50

May her highness continue to rest in the Lord!

Osita - Quebec
2022-09-14 05:28:04

I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of our beloved Queen, she has been with me my whole life, she did so much good for not only her Country but ours to!
Our Condolences to her family! 

Susan - Almonte, Ontario
2022-09-14 05:26:28

It was with great sadness that we learned of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. Please accept our heartfelt condolences and we hope that in a small way they help through these trying times.

Dellya estey - Fredericton
2022-09-14 05:25:46

I am moved beyond words by your lived example of duty, grace, and everything admirable! You are one of hotkeys greats. Thank you, and may you be thrones with angels now. Thank you.

Gwyneth Dustan - Victoria B.C
2022-09-14 05:25:21

Queen Elizabeth was a person who exemplified service and discipline to duty. Her stand against apartheid, I believe, helped Canada become one of the only G-7 countries, at the time, to place sanctions on the Apartheid government, when the UK government of the time would not. For this, and all her other subtle interventions to make the world a better place, she will be sorely missed.

Gregory - Halifax
2022-09-14 05:25:01

My condolences to the royal family of Queen Elizabeth 2, heaven knows we miss her, right from the beginning of her reign she was a good queen, I have been a big fan of hers since 01, I'm ozi all the way from Nigeria.

Ozioma - Lagos, Nigeria
2022-09-14 05:21:24

My dear Queen. I will always see your soul in which you set rules and standards to protect the peace and harmony of human beings. These rules were set for a reason.
I hope you find peace in heaven, and rest in paradise my Queen.


Shinthusan - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-14 05:20:20

I would like to express condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a wonderful example of service and steadiness and was well respected around the world. Our prayers are with your family.

Abigail - Bathurst, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 05:18:06

Condolences to the Royal family. May we all live long and prosper as her majesty. Even through sadness, she brought us together as a United Kingdom.

Binh Phan - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 05:05:12

RIP our Queen! You are always in our memory and heart! Thank You!
Keep calm and carry on!

Edmond - ONTARIO
2022-09-14 05:04:53

My Condolences to the Royal Family. The Queen was an amazing woman. What an incredible role model for the world. May her strengths go with you in life.

Anne - Hubley, Nova Scotia
2022-09-14 05:04:19

Mes plus sincères condoleations pour Notre chère Reine la plus aimées de toutes les temps !

Cirstea - Québec, Alymer
2022-09-14 05:03:36

Her Majesty's love for and commitment to Canada throughout my lifetime was clear and welcome. Her stable presence and symbol of continuity was reassuring and familiar amid so many other changes. The world is a better place for having her in it.

James - Stanhope, PE
2022-09-14 05:01:36

An amazing, inspiring, dedicated leader and woman. Rest in Peace!

Liz - Delta, British Columbia
2022-09-14 04:59:44

God save the queen. rest in peace.

HC. ken - Japan
2022-09-14 04:56:56

I send my condolences to His Majesty, the King and the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen was a constant in shifting times, offering support to so many people with whom she engaged on the thousands of visits and audiences she held. Her long reign will be long remembered. She will be greatly missed.

Ali Soojery - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-14 04:56:27

Toutes mes condoléances à toute la famille du Commonwealth et en particulier au peuple des royaumes Unis

Donatien - Cameroun
2022-09-14 04:53:11

Toutes la gloire soit rendue à notre créateur et à Jésus-Christ son fils unique pour ses 96années de vie de notre grand-mère. Dieu console le cœur de la famille et des ami(e)s

Wendyam Janine Christelle - BURKINA FASO
2022-09-14 04:52:15

Rest in Paradise with the other angels! Sending much love to everyone who is grieving right now!

Candice - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 04:49:16

I first wish to extend my condolences to the Mountbatten-Windsor family who have lost their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Queen Elizabeth II has been a role-model for many people throughout her 70 year reign and always served her country, God and the people of Earth with dignity and grace. She will be truly missed by her people in Canada and around the world. Thank you your Majesty for so many years of dedicated and loyal service to your many peoples across the globe.

Adam Babb - Belmont, Ontario
2022-09-14 04:48:48

Deepest condolences to His Majesty and family, from Benjamin, Melissa and Victoria Gallant.

Benjamin Gallant - Riverview, NB
2022-09-14 04:47:37

May you Rest In Peace with the angles!

Joan - Canada
2022-09-14 04:47:11

May you rest in peace Queen ElizabethII!

Sean - Vancouver, B.C.
2022-09-14 04:43:40

Your grace and dignity will always be remembered, RIP my Queen! Condolences to the family.

Lois - Hanoi VN
2022-09-14 04:42:27

I would like to offer my deepest condoleances to all the royal family and to all people of England. Long live the Queen !

Naomy - Beauharnois, Québec
2022-09-14 04:41:22

Toutes mes condoléances pour la famille royale et toutes le peuple anglais et canadiens

Abdessamad idrissi gartoumi - Maroc
2022-09-14 04:39:36

May God be with the Royal family in this time of grief. May God also be the light that will guide the King in his duties and show him the way and the truth. God Bless the Queen! 

Annie - Scoudouc, New-Brunswick
2022-09-14 04:38:27

Rip goat

Ali - Montréal Québec
2022-09-14 04:35:24

I do not know what to say your Majesty, only that you have nothing to fear. You are well loved. I'm happy you've been but a small part of my life And I think you are a good queen. Catch you on the flip side.

Thomasz - Prince george
2022-09-14 04:32:29

Our deepest sympathy to the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom on the loss of their beloved Mother, Grandmother and Monarch. She will always be remembered.

Pam - Kelowna, BC
2022-09-14 04:28:28

A full life of service to her people, God rest her soul.

Margaret - England
2022-09-14 04:28:11

God save the Queen. Thank you for your service.

Adonai - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-14 04:24:27

toutes mes condoléances

ryma doria - algerie
2022-09-14 04:22:14

You are not gone. You are in our all hearts. You have always been and you will always be.

Christian Saris - Germany
2022-09-14 04:21:20

My deepest condolences to the Royal family. Queen Elizabeth will be sorely missed by all. Since her passing the emphasis on the Queen's loyalty and dedication to her royal duties have been upmost in everyone's minds. I have the deepest respect for this commitment from our Queen. May she rest in eternal peace. God bless her as she joins her Prince.

Sheila - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-14 04:19:10

Thank you for your dedication, stability and unwavering strength of duty until the very end. You will be missed.

Olivia - Fall River, Nova Scotia | London, UK
2022-09-14 04:15:09

On behalf of the Russian Embassy in Zambia and me personally let me express condolences to the relatives and all Her nationals on passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace.

Azim Yarakhmedov - Embassy of Russian Federation in Zambia, Lusaka
2022-09-14 04:10:17

Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences and prayers.

Imelda - Surrey BC
2022-09-14 04:09:18

Wealth, fame, power. Queen Elizabeth II obtained this and everything else that the world had to offer. With the news of her death the whole world was shocked. But, when do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? NO!. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? NO!. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom? NO! It's when.... They are forgotten. RIP LIZZY II

Galdino - Papua New Guinea
2022-09-14 04:03:50

My condolences. Queen ..You were pride of Canada..

sushma - Ontario
2022-09-14 03:56:04

Your work is done.
Rest in peace.

James - Vancouver
2022-09-14 03:52:05

Rest In peace , Your Majesty our beautiful Queen, We have been truly bless to have a Queen like you showing great nobility and royalty. You will be miss

Aurelio - Richmond,BC
2022-09-14 03:49:49

Une grande figure historique nous ne vous oublierons jamais.

Honoré - Tunisie
2022-09-14 03:47:58

She will be sadly missed my heart goes out to her family

Tabatha - Union Bay BC
2022-09-14 03:45:48

Though the world has lost a queen, I know heaven has gained an angel. Rest easy and thank you for your service Queen Elizabeth.

Judeth Gayle - Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 03:32:39

I wish to express my condolences to the Royal family on the passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Fred - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-14 03:32:21

Rest in peace!

Ajay - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-14 03:29:58

Thank you for your service and dedication. Not a fan of monarchy but I was a fan of you. Wish we could have had you longer but 96, 70 year Reign. You were an inspiration to woman. Rest In Peace. Your work is done.

Jodie - Burlington Ontario
2022-09-14 03:28:56

Rest well Queen

Oluwakayode - Vaughan ON
2022-09-14 03:27:41

I was truly saddened by the news about the loss of HRH The Queen. She was a wonderful person who I believed worked her entirely life to make life better for all of us in the Commonwealth. May she rest in peace. Thank you for all you have done for Canada. Condolences to the Royal Family. God Save The King.

Alfred Barrington Edwards - Kirkland, Quebec
2022-09-14 03:26:21

Rest in peace, Queen Elizabeth II. May God grant you perpetual light. Thank you for your long and persistent services to Hong Kong where I was born, and to Canada where I choose to live.

Francis - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 03:26:09

I am deeply sorry for your loss. While to us she was the Queen, to you she was Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother. I am sorry you cannot grieve more privately. You’re in our thoughts and prayers.

Michelle - Killarney, Manitoba
2022-09-14 03:21:09

The world was never meant for one so beautiful as she was. She was an amazing woman and will be sorely missed. Our deepest condolences to the Monarch family. May the beloved Queen rest in peace.

Berlin - Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
2022-09-14 03:17:26

I'm sad to see her go.

Wesley - Surrey
2022-09-14 03:16:06

Sending our sincerest sympathy to the entire family of Queen Elizabeth,
now Resting in Peace…

To King Charles lll, may you continue the legacy of your darling mother she posthumously carried out for her people.

Prayers and our thoughts are with you all.

Eden Rose - New Westminster BC
2022-09-14 03:16:05

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” ~ Thomas Campbell

Her Majesty, the Late Queen Elizabeth II might have passed away, but she will always live in our hearts, now and forever. Thank you for your service, your Majesty.
And for one last time, God save the Queen.

Cameron - Newmarket, Ontario
2022-09-14 03:11:20

It was an honour to be born in the last 20 years of her majesties reign, there will never be another monarch who holds such a dear place in my hearts. Until we meet again in the ever after of life.

Courtnay - Delta, British Columbia
2022-09-14 03:01:02

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the most pulchritudinous person I have ever “seen”. I have read every article about her that I came across since my guardians introduced me to the monarch as a child. Growing up and living in Jamaica for most of my life, my one dream was to one day meet Queen Elizabeth II in person. She gave of herself through her activities not because her duties require it but because of the person she is. She was a natural. Love always to one of the finest human being ever!

Suzie-Ana - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-14 03:00:57

Adequate words really can't be found to properly describe just how much the sudden loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, both shocks and hurts Canada and the rest of the world. Her bright personality, warm heart and loving soul will be dearly missed. May she rest in peace. We won't forget you, Your Majesty.

Cheraya - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-14 02:59:43

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth. My condolences to the bereaved family.

Mbalgos - Quebec
2022-09-14 02:58:17

Rest in Paradise Queen!

Kristy - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 02:56:29

Thank you for your service, God Bless you.

Lee - London, England
2022-09-14 02:55:54

Your Majesty, thanks for being the role model to the country and the whole world, you are truly the Queen to many, you are deeply missed. God you rest in peace with God now!

Vera - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 02:55:24

May Queen Elizabeth II rest in eternal peace. My heartfelt condolences to all that held her in their hearts. 

Brianna/Beena - Ontario
2022-09-14 02:54:53

Long lived the Queen, now rest easy

Wesley - Toronto, ON
2022-09-14 02:54:43

Thank you your majesty for 70 years of service, may you now rest in peace

Steven Liemvongdeuane - Newmarket, Ontario
2022-09-14 02:53:56


Ronald - Edmonton Alberta
2022-09-14 02:48:22


Twanda - Charlottesville VA
2022-09-14 02:45:13

Mais plus grand sympathie pour la famille royale une femme qui aimais sont peuple et elle était une grande guerrière de tout les temps.

winni charles - quebec montreal
2022-09-14 02:43:07

My deepest condolences on losing such an iconic queen.

Annum Zahir - Wah, Pakistan
2022-09-14 02:36:16

RIP Queen,
You will always be admired for your dedication to country and family.

Gagandeep - Brampton, ON
2022-09-14 02:34:25

My condolences. I lost both of my grandmothers 20 years ago, but the Queen was a wonderful lady to look up to and I feel as though I’ve lost another grandma.

Nicola - Harrison Hot Springs, BC
2022-09-14 02:30:35

May the lord watch over you in this trying time.
You were my Queen since the day I was born and I swore my oath to you as a soldier and a public servant because of the respect and love you had for us in the Commonwealth. And may the Lord hold you in His hands to be as good a King as she was our Queen.

Daniel McCormick - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 02:29:48

I believe that is big shock for the whole world. I pray to God for her rest in peace.

Rashmin - Ahmedabad, india
2022-09-14 02:29:17

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be greatly missed by all. Her love of horses was absolutely my favorite part of her life, as I too am very passionate of horses and love their elegance & strength to pursue many obstacles.
Love and peace to her majesty the Queen.
My sincerest condolences

Chelsea - Chatham Ontario
2022-09-14 02:29:08

Thank you for your lifelong service. My condolences to your family.

Ian - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-14 02:25:42

Thank you for dedicate service to the Commonwealth. As a Hongkonger-Canadian, I am eternally grateful for freedom and prosperity you have provided in the former colony and in Canada.

Jason - Vancouver
2022-09-14 02:24:02

Thank you for living your life dedicated to God and your people. May you rest in God now, knowing that you’ve fought the good fight and lived your life well. Thank you, your majesty QE!

Vera - Hong Kong
2022-09-14 02:21:09

Have admired yourself along with your husband , parents,,grandparents and children .
Born in 1945 to a family who supported ' The Monarchy' all the years you and your Government ruled & helped
Our Country prosper
I wish to thank you .

Martha - BROCKVILLE Ontario
2022-09-14 02:20:48

Rest in peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Patrick - Davao City, Philippines
2022-09-14 02:20:03

Rest in Peace queen for who given my country to freedom.

Mohamed Nasrin - Oman
2022-09-14 02:18:57

An extraordinary leader with solid judgment! I only saw the tremendous amount of value brought by the Queen to Canada when I left to work overseas. Then, I realized how she represents a tremendous amount of excellent reputation for all of us. Rest in Peace! I also look to the future with the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty King Charles III as Sovereign of Canada.

Maher Ezzeddine - Calgary, AB
2022-09-14 02:17:28

As the Founders of the Hispanic Heritage Council of Richmond Hill, we offer our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family. May they draw comfort in these precious Words written in the sacred Scriptures: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Israel & Norma Trivino - Richmond Hill, Ontario
2022-09-14 02:16:54

Thank you for your service to us and for your ability to read your people as well as you did and bring change when and where it was needed. You will truly be missed and never replaced. May God bless you.

Arlene McCormick - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-14 02:16:44

What an Amazing Journey the Qeeen had gone thorugh. Thanks to her commitmnet, her dedication to Britain, to the Commonwealth, to Hong Kong,to Canada, to Australia, or New Zealnad,She was stilling doing her job on her last day on earth.
Whar an Amazing, Exceptional monarch. She has made history as the Logest-reigning Monarch.Thanks for being so town to-earch.Love QE's commercial with the Paddinton bear. GOd Save he Queen. God save the King.

Gloria - Winnipeg,Manitoba
2022-09-14 02:16:03

My condolences to Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's passing. You have represented yourself, your Royal family, the Commonwealth and your realm of Great Britain very well. Heaven adds another beautiful soul though you will be missed here on earth. Thank you for your steadfast resolve that shows positives in this world. May you rest in peace.

2022-09-14 02:15:12

Rest in peace!!

Silvania Silva - Vancouver BC
2022-09-14 02:08:59

Ma’am, thank you for everything! You will be deeply missed by us, the Hong Kong people. You are always our Queen!!!

Rest In Peace 

Bonnie - Hong Kong
2022-09-14 02:08:26

Rest in peace.

Dylan - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-14 02:05:48

Rest In Peace your Majesty Queen Elizabeth. My sincerest condolences to your family.

Teresa - Kamloops, BC
2022-09-14 02:04:07

You have touched and made the world a better place with your humility and service to humanity! God’s speed be with you….

David - Langley BC
2022-09-14 02:04:02

May God rest Queen Elizabeth in peace in her kingdom with the
arch angels and angels.Also may god protect and bless the royal family for eternity.And long life to King Charles III.Our lord 1.The all mighty will remain forever past present future our protector forever on Earth and the universe and multiverse and several dimensions.Thank you very much for the live televised ceremony from Saint Gilles Cathedral and it was an emotional moment for me.

Alfredo Marcotte - Longueuil ,Quebec
2022-09-14 02:02:29

I have never known any other Queen in my whole family’s life other than you, your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and so your passing has brought me so much sadness and up until this moment, I still could not get over it. Your presence has been a symbol of stability and strength and I look up to you as a woman from having a strong but a very gentle heart. May you rest in the arms of our dear Lord and may God cover your whole family and the whole nation in these trying times. We love you, our Queen!

Angelique - Chilliwack, BC
2022-09-14 02:02:27


Ajin Mathew - Sudbury
2022-09-14 02:02:07

My condolences to the family, Thank you the Queen for her devotion and supper service during her life. People loved her, she will stay alive in people's hearts.RIP

Eva - Long Sault, ON
2022-09-14 02:00:02

Rest in Peace, our Queen!

Anointed and set apart
Dedicated and devoted servant
Majestic monarch and maternal mother
Inspirational and iconic
Regal and glorious
Example to us all!

It is an absolute honour and privilege to have witnessed your living testimony for Christ.

Nancy - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:59:44

God Bless the Queen, RIP Queen Elizabeth

Deb - Warman, Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 01:58:51

RIP your majesty. Thank you for your devotion. God Save The King

Cynthia - British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:58:06

Je suis attristé de cette nouvelle, que dieu la protège et lui donne tout son amour.
Toute mes condoléances à toute la famille et ami(e)s de cette belle charmante reine Elizabeth ll. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous, Que dieu vous bénisse.

Tiffany - Sainte-Thérèse, Québec, Canada
2022-09-14 01:57:55

May her soul rest in peace

Rima - Fredericton
2022-09-14 01:57:52

HM QEII was the epitome of public service, never wavering since the day she got that awful call one day in South Africa that her father had passed away. In this regard she set a truly wonderful example for all of us which I hope will inspire generations to come. Thank you our beloved Queen, god bless you and may you forever rest in peace.

Keith - Surrey, BC
2022-09-14 01:55:23

Thank u for all the year u have blessed us with May your memory last forever you will truly be missed. But never forgotten .Blessing go up Prayers come down ,The Crown WILL LIVE ON FOREVER ,LONG LIVE THE QUEEN........

Jasondouglasallen - Corona
2022-09-14 01:55:09

To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Family,
I wish to send my condolences to her beloved. It’s a great loss. I am grateful to have been in this era of life, that you dedicated 70 years of your life, to serving the public, and commonwealth.
To me, you represented endurance, patience, and balance that stabilizes. I was born and raised in Botswana.
Thank you for championing commonwealth.
May her majesty’s family be comforted.
Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II.
Three bows,
Malebogo Sekgwa

Malebogo Sekgwa - Vancouver, B.C.
2022-09-14 01:54:53

My deepest sympathy goes out to the whole Royal Family . Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II , will be missed forever !

2022-09-14 01:54:02

Thank you for your service. May you rest in eternal peace

A - Toronto
2022-09-14 01:53:41

I flew from LHR to Canada on Sept 8 - by the time my flight landed in Calgary, She was gone. If I were home in England these weeks, I would visit Buckingham Palace and Green Park. However, being with my parents in Canada, I am seeing first-hand how emotional my father is about the Queen's passing. He is retired army, and had the good fortune to be in the Queen's presence 3 times while serving in the military. She will be greatly missed, by my father, by me, by so many millions.

Carolyn - England
2022-09-14 01:51:32

Your Majesty,

On behalf of myself and my family, my sons, know that the memories of His Majesty’s mother will never die. Never will His Majesty’s mother be forgotten.
We pray now for His Majesty and all in His sphere, that blessings and peace, strength and hope, may fall upon His Majesty.

With all sorrows,
Jennifer, Samuel, Jacob and Roald Duenwald

Jennifer - British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:51:08

Fly with the angels sweet queen. Your dignity and grace will forever be remembered.

Kari - Port Hardy, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:51:05

Go easy your Majesty, into that good night.
You have served me well these long years. You are remembered fondly as a constant stoic presence throughout my entire life.
Fly with the Angels and be at peace.
You are absolutely the end of an Era.

Teara Ginger - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:50:32

En mon nom personnel, en celui de mon conjoint Patrick et de ma fille Élisabeth,
Nous tenons à vous offrir, famille et amis de notre reine Élisabeth II, nos plus sincères condoléances.

Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous et avec tout les gens qui aimait cette dernière.

Martin - Chambly, Québec
2022-09-14 01:50:27

I want to send my condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. May she Rest In Peace.

Timothy - Dauphin, Manitoba Canada
2022-09-14 01:48:22

Such a beautiful lady you will be missed!

Bernadette - Edmonton, alberta
2022-09-14 01:46:33

My condolences to the royal family of the lost of a wonderful queen. My thoughts and prayers are with u and u go through this rough time but just remeber she is in heaven now

Teara - Langley,BC
2022-09-14 01:45:58

My first pledge of service to my Queen was in 1976.
When I joined the Cdn Army in 1981, I solemnly affirmed to serve Queen and country faithfully.
Elizabeth II has been more than the Queen to me; she has been a role model of grace & strength to me as a mother, daughter, wife and soldier.
I feel like I have lost a treasured grandmother.

Marguerite Elisabeth - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:45:24

Ma'am I was never in your physical presence but my entire life thus far has been shaped by your example as my Queen. An example of service to your nation that is unparalleled. Your sudden passing makes our loss so much harder to accept.

Ian - Vancouver British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:44:53

Rest easy.

Jackelynn - Carstairs, alberta
2022-09-14 01:43:33

Nous compatissons avec toute la famille de la Reine Elisabeth 2.
Nous manquons des mots à dire mais tes œuvres et tes réalisations resteront toujours gravées dans nos cœur. Nos sincères condoléances à tous plus particulièrement à la famille.

Muza - Brooks/Alberta
2022-09-14 01:38:40

The Queen was a total fox. Huge fan of her steady hand throughout her life but especially her to-die-for 1950s lookbook. You will be missed.

Paul - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:38:30

We love you and miss you.

Andrea - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:37:43

The world was made a better place through her outstanding example of kindness , sincere friendship , strong sense of commitment and leadership, devotion to the commonwealth, the people of the world and her family. We were blessed by her presence.

Valerie - Nanaimo B.C.
2022-09-14 01:34:15

You were never meant to be our Monarch, and yet, you assumed the role history never intended you to fill. A role you filled with dignity, poise, and grace; to your everlasting credit. Thank you Your Majesty, for everything!

Ryan - Abbotsford, BC
2022-09-14 01:31:54

My whole life you the Queen Motherùs I did and as I grew I watched you become one of the greatest most loved Queen mother to all near and far! You have touched the hearts of many and my heart will be forever broken! You will be forever missed! My heart and prayers are with your royal family may you all find the peace and comfort to make it through these tough times of sorrow. I loved you all my life! I will never forget you! (((( hugs ))))

Maria F. Anderson - Old Town , Fla. USA
2022-09-14 01:30:04

Thank you, your Majesty. You will always be remembered. RIP

Michael - Coquitlam, BC
2022-09-14 01:28:32

Thank you my Queen…the only queen I will know in my lifetime. A glorious and gracious queen. A real lady of my time. One of the few. Rest In Peace

Lindsay - British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:27:40

Condolences to the entire Royal Family on the death of Queen Elizabeth 11.

Linda - Regina Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 01:27:13

So sorry for your loss prayers for the family 

Carol - Simcoe Ontario
2022-09-14 01:26:45

My condolences to the Royal Family .
May she rest easy in Heaven, knowing she was loved and will be greatly missed.

Frances Allison - Sarnia Ontario Canada
2022-09-14 01:26:44

Born in Great Britain, though presently in Canada, I have always maintained my British roots and love for The Queen. I was deeply saddened by Her Majesty's passing but immensely grateful for the values she taught and the strength she showed. "Thank you for everything you gave tirelessly for 70 years. God bless you".
On behalf of my family, heartfelt condolences to His Majesty The King and the Royal Family. We look to you now to continue Her Majesty's impeccable legacy. "God Save The King".

Azim - Ontario
2022-09-14 01:25:32

Sending my love and condolences to the family at this time of mourning a Beautiful Queen !!!

Lillian - Welland Ont
2022-09-14 01:24:16

I am so very sorry to hear about the death of the Queen. She was an extraordinary person who served her people extremely well. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the Royal family. I also extend my warmest support to King Charles III and Prince William, the new Prince of Wales. May God keep everyone in good standing.

Carolyn - Fort Erie, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:24:12

Thank you for a wonderful example of faith and character, you have inspired millions. The world is just a little dimmer today.

Tom - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:23:40

You will be missed Her mejesty.
Sending our deepest condolences to the Royal Family at this sad time.Her Mejesty Queen Elizabeth was a remarkable woman and loved by so many. She will never be forgotten. Rest in peace Your Majesty

Sehrish - Ontario
2022-09-14 01:21:05

Condolences to the Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth will be greatly missed.

Gloria - Thetis Island, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:20:36

My condolences to the Royal Family. Her Majesty, The Queen, was a strong leader and someone who I looked up to immensely.

Joshua - Port Alberni, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:19:37

My condolences to the queen family

HARSIMRAN SINGH - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:17:00

Thank you, Your Majesty, for your excellent leadership. You are a true role model, and will be missed forever.

Wendy - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-14 01:15:45

She will always be the queen in our eyes. Rest easy.

Karlie - Carstairs, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:14:39

Thank you for your service.

Wendy Lou Janz - Kelowna British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:14:21

Thank you for your service. My condolences to family and friends of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. God Save the Queen and Rest in Peace.

Tasha - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-14 01:14:07

You will be deeply missed.i thank you for your time

William - London ont
2022-09-14 01:13:45

[A] wreath of rose, still glimmering gold,
Rests on a snowy hill
In the north, near River Dee, I'm told;
Veiled in a hush so still,
Shrouded in mists of the past unseen,
She lays looking eastward
As our hearts sing a song evergreen:
God save our gracious Queen.


Thank you, Your Majesty, and may Christ our God make your memory eternal.

Vicente - Saskatoon, SK
2022-09-14 01:12:55

My condolences to the royal family. May Her Royal Highness rest in peace. A life of service and devotion admired by many. A role model for many generations. She is finally united with her love and family again. God bless.

Brittany - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:10:42

Queen Elizabeth II was an amazing role model that reigned with elegance, grace and dignity. My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family and all who knew and loved her. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace your Majesty, you've earned it.

Sandra - St. Albert, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:10:19

My condolences to the royal family. May Her Royal Highness rest in peace. A life of service and devotion admired by many. A role model for many generations. She is finally united with her love and family again. God bless.

Brittany - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:09:31

Our condolences to the Royal Family. Thank you for your devotion and your years of exemplary service. You will always on our mind.

Heidi and Vincent - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:08:10

To the Royal Family . So sorry for the loss of a great Queen Elizabeth II

Marg - Arkona Ontario
2022-09-14 01:07:47

You served your subjects faithfully and now it’s time for you to rest and return to Philip and our Gods Kingdom Condolences to all your Famiky

Elizabeth - Crystal Springs Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 01:05:10

I write this to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I always admired her sense of humour and her dedication to her realm and her family. I share her love of animals, especially horses, and I am certain she is riding across Heaven now. May she ride forever!

Catherine - Milton, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:04:25

My condolences.

Farrah - Prince Balbert, Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 01:03:28

I offer my sincerest condolences to the Royal Family after the death of Queen Elizabeth. She was an inspiration to me throughout my life both through my youth in Australia and my adulthood in Canada. I had the good fortune to see the Queen on 2 of her visits to Canada, the last with my children. I will forever remember her as my Queen and will miss her going forward.

Helen - Keswick, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:02:04

A great Queen, a woman of passion for people and a person joyful in service to humanities. And everyone wishes she could have been our mom, or gran

Sara - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 01:01:44

Thank you for being such a lovely leader.
An example to the world, that world leaders in these uncertain times hopefully we learn from and follow,
Canada has been ever so fortunate to be part of the Commonwealth.
May your spirit soar with the angels, God bless you and your family.

Eleanor - Surrey BC
2022-09-14 01:01:41

A stalwart of the times has died. RIP Queen Elizabeth II

Vaibhav - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-14 01:00:55

Queen Elizabeth so positively touched my life in her gracious and smiling outlook, and great strength of character through difficult times. She was a role model of congenial deportment and conscientious duty for all of us. I so appreciate the many times I serendipitously saw her on her visits to Vancouver,Canada. She was a blessing to our world.

Sally - West Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-14 01:00:22

May God bless you our sweet Queen. You dedicated your life to us and we are thankful for your grace and wit through it all . You will be dearly missed .

Tami - Maple Ridge,BC
2022-09-14 00:59:18


Stephen Shields - Camrose Alberta
2022-09-14 00:57:29

Born in UK (London), and though presently in Canada, I have always maintained my British roots and love for the Queen. I am so deeply saddened that she has passed but immensely grateful for the values she taught through her actions and strength she showed for all. Thank you Your Majesty for everything, thank you for all you gave tirelessly for 70 years. God bless you always.

Azim - Ontario
2022-09-14 00:57:17

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth

Cuc - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
2022-09-14 00:56:54

God has welcomed our Queen home. She’s rejoined those who have passed and will be waiting to greet those who come after. God bless the Queen.

Jill - Acton, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-14 00:56:14

To The Queen,
It was an honour to meet you in person during Alberta’s centennial celebrations in 2005. Rest In Peace in Heaven

Dave Purewal - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:53:57

Rest In Peace your majesty. Thank you from the Grondin family. Scott, Salma, Mira and Ryder. God bless.

Scott - Ontario
2022-09-14 00:53:53

Heartfelt condolences to the Royal family. She is once again with her Prince...

Lisa - Kamloops, BC
2022-09-14 00:52:53

Thank you for your service you will always be in our hearts

Nassor - Surrey British Columbia
2022-09-14 00:50:50

With my deepest sympathy to the family and countless others who mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
The world seems a lesser place with her
death. In the centuries ahead, she deserves to be remembered a monarch who genuinely tried do her best for her subjects and for citizens throughout the world.
Her commitment, loyalty and grace never wavered. She did indeed remain our gracious and noble Queen to the very end of her days.

Sally - Goderich, Ontario
2022-09-14 00:50:38

My condolences to the royal family. Rest in Peace the Majesty the Queen, you will be missed by many.

Cailyn - Kamloops, British Columbia
2022-09-14 00:48:14

I am honored that such an outstanding woman was my Queen. My deepest condolences to her family.

Shirley - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:48:09

Sincere condolences

Bruno - Qualicum Beach BC
2022-09-14 00:47:09

Thank you for being our Queen. You will be greatly missed.

Cheryl - Miramichi, NB
2022-09-14 00:46:48

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"

To our Queen
II Timothy 4:7

Chang - BC
2022-09-14 00:46:10

You have been a fixture in my life for as long as I can remember. One of my fondest memories was of a visit you made to Nanaimo back in 1983 when I, my mom, a friend from school, and our Corgi, Jamie came to see you. We were not quite close enough for you to see us, however, people at the front realized what kind of dog he was and pushed him toward you. You noticed and admired him but couldn’t stop. Condolences to your family and all those closest to you at this difficult time.

Shanda - Nanaimo, British Columbia
2022-09-14 00:44:47

My condolences to the family, she was a kind and generous person and a great Queen may she Rest In Peace.

Damian - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-14 00:43:51

my deepest condolences to the Royal Family

Russel - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-14 00:42:58

My condolences to the Royal family.

Ayub - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:42:54

Condolences to all who loved you

Merle - Cochin Saskatchewan
2022-09-14 00:42:20

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of one of the most remarkable women the world has ever had the privilege of knowing. We mourn with you. May her majesty Rest In Peace.

Kiersten - Delta, BC
2022-09-14 00:41:28

R.I.P.dear Queen Elizabeth. You were a “ Shining Star”, here on Earth, and are now an “ Angel”, in Heaven.
Thank you for being a living example of your Faith.
You are “ Welcomed Home”, for sure

Maureen Pringle( Wakely) - Belcarra, BC Canada
2022-09-14 00:40:53

May you stay with us all along.

marcoux - Quebec
2022-09-14 00:40:19

Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll forever

Kam cheung Simon - BC
2022-09-14 00:40:12

Your leadership and character were unmatched. Your absence will be felt for the ages. Forever in our hearts. With love & gratitude from one of your many loyal Canadian subjects. xx

Mary Beth - Hong Kong
2022-09-14 00:39:37

Qu’Allah lui accorde comme dernière demeure le paradis

Ben Hassan - Côte d’ivoire
2022-09-14 00:39:14

My condolences. Her Majestey Queen Elizabeth II was such a wonderful human being, and brought so much joy to a lot of people in the world. I can picture her smiling, up there with Prince Philip, knowing that England is in good hands throughout the generations after her. Take great care of yourselves.

Maggie Ho Kee - Coquitlam, British Columbia
2022-09-14 00:38:24

I express my deeply Respect.
A deeply tribute to Honorable Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
I pay my deepest condolence to him
And condolence to the bereaved family members.
May the almighty god grant to him Rest in heaven.


Ashrafuzzaman - Bangladesh
2022-09-14 00:35:12

Dear Queen Elizabeth, I will miss you forever. Thank you so much for your whole life service. R.I.P.

Linda - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-14 00:34:38

My deepest Sympathy to the Royal Family. I feel the passing of Queen Eluzabeth deeply. She was a connection to my own Mother and Grandmother. I grew up with respect and love for the Queen and now as an adult her devotion and faith in God has been an additional inspiration. God bless her. God Save King Charles.

Margaret - Gleichen, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:34:37

My condolences to the royal family. I truly hope that the queen may rest in peace.

Kolby - Maple Ridge, BC
2022-09-14 00:31:15

Sending my sincere condolences with a heavy heart on the passing of one of the world's greatest leaders. Queen Elizabeth II will go down in history as a remarkable, classy, strong & wise woman. May her legacy, faith & love for humanity live on as an example of devoted servant leadership. God bless the Queen.

With deep love and respect your distant descendant.

Darcee D. McJannet - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2022-09-14 00:30:42

My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family. Having visited with my children to England when they were growing up, we have been blessed by experiencing The Queen waving to us while standing on the street. Our love for The Monarchy will forever be in our hearts. May Queen Elizabeth dance with her Philip in HEAVEN .

2022-09-14 00:30:00

Thank You

Brian Victor Semeniuk - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:29:18

My condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She has been my Queen of Canada all my life and I always followed and supported her throughout my life. She will be sadly missed. But she now is safe in Jesus arms.
God Bless the Queen. Long Live the King.
Your faithful Supporter and Servant, Mark

Mark - Osgoode, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-14 00:26:47

Condolences Queen Elizabeth, Rest in Peace. Condolences to the Royal Family, Friends and Colleagues. Such a steadfast and kind, presence for my entire life!!

Thomas Harris - Nanaimo, BC
2022-09-14 00:26:36

May you rest in peace. We thank you for your many years as Queen.

Sebastien - Moncton, New Brunswick
2022-09-14 00:26:07

Your magisty, thank you for your years of duty, strength and love for us all. You will be the only Queen I will ever have, may you rest in sweetest peace.

Lora Lee - London, Ontario
2022-09-14 00:25:46

Condolences to her family and grandkids
Coming from Northwest Territories

Mandy - Tulita NWT
2022-09-14 00:24:30

Thank you for your long and loving service to the Commonwealth Your Majesty. May you Rest In Peace.

Laura - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-14 00:23:30

May your soul rest in peace your majesty

Subashree - Brampton/Ontario
2022-09-14 00:23:21

Queen Elizabeth ll was dedicated to a life of service. For 70 years Her Majesty never wavered from her public duties. For this we will always be grateful.

Patricia Atkinson - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
2022-09-14 00:22:23

Je ne suis pas canadienne mais j'aimerai tellement l'être , je signe ces condoléances car la mort de la reine ma attristée, elle était juste et humaine, j'ai eu la chance de la croiser en 2014 à Paris elle nous a salué avec tendresse. On ne l'oubliera jamais. Vive la reine

Dounia - Algérie
2022-09-14 00:22:00

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family. The Queen was an inspiration to me as I grew up as a child. She made life for my parents That immigrated To Canada in the 1950s. All my life I can remember great things about the Queen And what she has done for immigration to help the people People. There will never be another one like her. And she will be missed.

Susan - Thunder Bay,Ontario
2022-09-14 00:20:55

My deepest condolences for the Royal family. Thank you and may you rest in peace!

Elke Glock - Terrace, British Columbia
2022-09-14 00:19:46

May you rest in peace your majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
My condolences to your family. May you all have a guardian angel.

Sharie Shanahan - Ontario
2022-09-14 00:19:30

God speed! Queen of my younger days. Long have you reigned. Rest in peace! You served us well!!

Nicholle - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-14 00:19:11

Thank you for your dedication to life long service & duty to the people as Queen. You certainly will be missed & like a grandmother who has been a big part of my life. You will be missed. My condolences to your family.

Shirley - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-14 00:17:34

We never met, but I’ve always felt a strong attraction to England. My family came from there a long time ago and I hope that someday In my life I can go back home to England. Rest in piece my queen!

Thomas breen - Parksville bc
2022-09-14 00:17:33


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