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Page 234 de 240 — Livre de condoléances pour Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

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My sympathies to the British people for her passing. She was a steady ship in good and bad times and truly appreciated everyone she met. May you rest in peace.

René - Sherbrooke/Québec
2022-09-08 19:34:13

God Save the King!

Nilso - Québec
2022-09-08 19:34:04

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. Your sense of duty was impeccable. Thank you for reminding us all that “we will meet again” when we were locked down and afraid with COVID-19.

Steve - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:34:02

Thank you Ma’am.

2022-09-08 19:34:01

Our heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and to her people that she adored and worked so diligently for. She ruled with enormous class, dignity, compassion and such dedication for over 70 years. Few can leave such a legacy. She will be missed but will be forever admired for she has made a tremendous mark in history.

Denise - Vancouver British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:33:59

A lady of character, who taught all of us the true meaning of duty, sacrifice, and empathy. You and your family are in our prayers, may you finally rest with your beloved Philip. Long live the King!

Erika - Sudbury, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:33:55

my deepest sympathies to the royal family. The world will miss her

cassandra - kelowna, BC
2022-09-08 19:33:39

All love from Yukon.
Words cannot even express our sorrow, you are in our prayers!
Hope you rest in peace!

THANH DUONG - Whitehorse, Yukon
2022-09-08 19:33:39

Sincere tribute to a life dedicated to the service of her country. You were steadfast in purpose like a rock leaving a legacy that cannot be matched. Rest in peace.

Sebe - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:33:38

Je suis triste d apprendre que notre reine bien aimer est décédée aujourd’hui en tournée de ces enfants,petits-enfants et ainsi que ces arrière petits-enfants.
Elle est sur le trône depuis 70 ans avec le prince Philippe à ces côtés et je l admis cette reine la.tous le Canada est en peine d avoir perdre notre reine
Mes sympathies à tous la famille Royal 
Longue vie au roi Charles 3(good save the king)

Suzie levesque - Gatineau Québec Canada
2022-09-08 19:33:38

Sympathies to the Royal family. May the Queen rest in peace.

Christine - Riverview, NB
2022-09-08 19:33:34

from my birth in London in 1948 she has been the only monarchy we knew. Her commitment to service was a lesson to us all. We will long remember Elizabeth II the Great!

Pat & Roger Newton - Surrey BC
2022-09-08 19:33:23

My condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of a truly remarkable Woman. She left some very big shoes to fill.

Nadine - Holyrood, NL
2022-09-08 19:33:23

I had the honour of meeting the Queen on two occasions as well as Prince (now King) Charles. We love and need the stable assurance of the monarchy now more than ever. God save the Queen.

Stephen - Delta BC
2022-09-08 19:33:14

Rest in power Queen Elizabeth. Your grace and your commitment will forever be cherished.

Margaret Waldner - Steinbach Manitoba,Canada
2022-09-08 19:33:05

God rest your Soul. 

Caleb - Langley BC
2022-09-08 19:32:55

Que Dieu l accueilli dans son paradis

Khadidiatou - Sénégal
2022-09-08 19:32:49

Sending my condolences to the Family of Her Majesty. She was a remarkable and absolutely a beautiful, classy and intelligent Lady. She was The Queen for my entire life of 70 years and I hold her very dear in my heart. Thoughts and prayers for the Royal Family

Judith - Portapique, Nova Scotia
2022-09-08 19:32:48

Votre règne aura été marqué par le sens du devoir, par votre passion et amour pour votre pays
Reine, Femme, Mère, Grand-mère, Arrière-grand-mère, vous aurez porter chacun de ces titres avec dignité et humour mais surtout avec amour.
RIP Elizabeth II … il est temps de profiter d’un repos bien mérité auprès de vos parents, votre sœur et surtout de l’amour de votre vie Phillip, qui je suis certaine vous ont accueillis à bras ouvert et avec amour.

Genevieve Vivianne - Longueuil, Québec
2022-09-08 19:32:47

Tonight the loss of my Queen saddens my heart. She gave her life to duty, sacrificing her own freedom for all. I was born in England, admired Her Majesty my entire life. I had the pleasure of seeing her in 1994 at the Mohawk Chapel in Brantford.
She will never be forgotten. RIP Your Majesty, Ma'am. You are now back with the love of your life Philip. After losing my own mother in 2020, my heart aches for the rest of the Royal Family. I love and admire you all.

Gaynor Jones - Brantford, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:41

You will be sorely missed, Ma’am. You have been a constant in my life and such an inspiration. It is truly an end of an era. My thoughts go out to your family who remain behind and I offer them my sincere condolences.

Jennifer - Toronto,Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:39

As John The Baptist
Son of Elizabeth
I honour
Queen Elizabeth II
and express
My deepest condolences
To The Royal Family

Jean Maurice - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:37

You will always be in our hearts, you were a great inspiration to me and my family and you will truly be missed. Rest in peace our Queen.

Dakhsha Shah - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:32:35

Thank you Ma’am.

ChristineChan - HONGKONG
2022-09-08 19:32:32

A stable role model. She will be missed. She was the Queen all my life. I used to sing God Save the Queen in grade school. I saw her come up University Avenue towards Queen’s Park in the 70’s.

Linda - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:32

I will miss Her steady hand, Her calm smile. God rest.

Sam - New Mexico, US
2022-09-08 19:32:28

Reposer en paix Votre Majesté, vous le méritez grandement!
Malgré mes allégeances politique, je reconnais votre destin chamboulé par la décision familiale que l'on connait. Vous l'avez portez de façon exemplaire, vous en avez inspirée plusieurs avec votre rigueur et votre don de soi!
À une époque comme la nôtre, vous avez réussi à la traverser de façon à vous accommoder de la modernité.

Catherine - Saint-Jérôme, Québec
2022-09-08 19:32:28

Toutes mes pensées vont à Sa majesté la Reine Elisabeth II et toute la famille royale. Une grande souveraine vient de nous quitter et laissera une trace indélébile dans le monde entier pour toutes ses démarches visant un monde meilleur. Sa majesté est maintenant auprès de son mari bien-aimé, le duc d'Édimbourg et qu'elle repose en paix.

Philippe - Sainte-Thérèse, Québec
2022-09-08 19:32:28

My wife and I greatly respect Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and mourn her loss. She was an inspiration to all, and her spirit will always be remembered.

Matt H - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:32:19

I’m so proud to have been brought up knowing this wonderful lady the Queen and How she was in This County I will never forget her May She RIP

Barb - St Catharines Ontario Canada
2022-09-08 19:32:19

My condolences to the royal family. May her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Rest In Peace

Munishka - Quebec
2022-09-08 19:32:16

A remarkable woman who set an example of dignified leadership. She will be so missed but forever remembered.

Judy - Hanover, Ontario, canada
2022-09-08 19:32:16

Sending love to the Queen’s family. May she Rest In Peace.

Heather - Campbell River, BC
2022-09-08 19:32:11

My condolences to the Royal family.
Queen Elizabeth II, is loved & will be missed. She has an incredible legacy & i will always respect her. May the Queen rest in peace.

Kimberlee - Dresden, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:10

J'offre mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille de Sa Majesté. Je suis très attristée par son départ. Elle paraissait toujours très forte, digne et intègre. L'attachement que je lui porte, depuis toujours, demeurera.

Melissa Michaud - Terrebonne, Québec
2022-09-08 19:32:07

To joyful activity shall she awaken in the beyond. May God Almighty Father in His infinite wisdom and inexhaustible power allow the gate of paradise to open for her (Amen). Accept my condolences.

Mutiu - Nigeria
2022-09-08 19:32:06

My sincere condolences to the Royal family during this hard time.

Katherine McIntosh - Parksville, BC
2022-09-08 19:32:06

I knew this day would come one day when the Queen would pass, but it hit so suddenly. She was a strong, kind, and graceful woman and my condolences go out to her family who’ve had to go through many hardships in the internet age.

Brandon - North Bay, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:32:04

I was heartbroken to hear of her Majesty’s passing today. Sending all my love to her family.

Priscilla - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:31:52

Our condolences to the Royal family of UK, and to all of the people of UK. It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. May her soul Rest In Peace, and her memories be a blessing and bring solace to everyone grieving.

Rajani - Markham Ontario
2022-09-08 19:31:51

It's with Great sadness loosing our gracious Majesty. I sincerely send my deepest sympathies to the whole family.. as a Catholic Christian I know for sure God was there with open arms to welcome his faithful servant back home. May she be united with Philip. Thank you for your service to us all your Majesty. We love you and will miss you.

Virginia Dilky - Charlottetown ,Prince Edward island
2022-09-08 19:31:48

My deepest condolences and sympathies to the royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II a beacon for great Britain for 70 years. May Queen Elizabeth Rest in Peace with Prince Philip reunited in Heaven

Shawn - Michigan, USA
2022-09-08 19:31:48

I would like to offer my deepest condolences to members of the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. From the adoption of our current national flag, the hosting of successive Olympic Games to the repatriation of our Constitution, the Queen has presided over major changes in Canada’s history.

I still recall the live television broadcasts covering the Royal Visit in 2010 – those are fond childhood memories that I will never forget.

Kevin A - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:31:46

I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She was my role model ever since I saw Buckingham Palace when I was 10.My mother adored her and her family as well. I will miss her beauty and strength and value system and wisdom and the way she enacted her royal position under God and duty to country.

elaine - Vernon BC
2022-09-08 19:31:44

I extend my condolences to the royal family and to Prince Charles our new king of Canada she was an exceptional Queen and she was exceptional in every aspect

Mehdi jenayah - Montreal Quebec
2022-09-08 19:31:42

Rest in peace Your Majesty. You have served well. You were an inspiration to me and to many other Canadians.

Franz - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:31:42

My deepest condolences to King Charles III and the Queen Consort, as well as the entire Royal Family, the Commonwealth and the whole world on the passing of the greatest Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth The Great. May she rest in peace, and may she be happily reunited with her strength and stay, Prince Philip. We now have to face the harsh reality of a world without our beloved Queen.
To King Charles III: God save the King!

Savoera - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:31:37

The death of Her Majesty the Queen has marked the end of an era. Much sorrow is being felt by billions around the world. Mourning the loss of our Sovereign Lady. She lived a life of service and devotion to her country, her subjects, her family and God. She will be dearly missed and never forgotten.

The Queen is dead, Long live the King.


Nolan - Kelowna, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:31:30

My heartfelt sympathies to the family of Her Royal Majesty.
The Queen was a most loyal and loving Queen fulfilling her royal duties with an awesome grace and dignity. I feel as if I have lost my own Grandmama.
Rest in peace dear Queen Elizabeth, your work is done!

Lori - Sherwood Park, Ab
2022-09-08 19:31:13

My deepest condolences to the family and friends. What a sad day for the world. Queen Elizabeth was very special & one of a kind. She gave her life to service so unfailingly at every turn. I am broken hearted and feel a huge loss. I’m sure Queen Elizabeth is so happy to be rejoined with her love, Prince Phillip. May they sit back, relax and enjoy eternity together. Thank you so very much for everything you did for us. 

Mirella - Vaughan, ON
2022-09-08 19:31:10

Nous prenons part à votre douleur et vous présentons nos sincères condoléances. rest in Piece ma reine

irene kabongo - Gatineau, Outaouais
2022-09-08 19:31:09

Our hearts are heavy with sorrow on hearing of the passing of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. All through school as children we sang, "God Save the Queen". It will be strange to not have her in our lives, and we keep her family in our prayers. She's with Phillip now.

Dawn Gailer Nace - Woodstock, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:31:04

I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Her Majesty’s passing. For most Canadians, she was the only monarch we ever knew, her departure marks the end of an era, not just for Canada, but for the Commonwealth and the world as a whole. Her long lasting tenure will inspire many generations to come, and she will live on in the hearts of Canadians through her impactful legacy. Let us hope the bond between the United Kingdom and Canada is only strengthened through these tragic times.

Kian - Kingston, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:31:00

My sincerest condolences to the family who held her close to their hearts. Such a surreal loss. I’ve never known a time that her presence hasn’t been. An enormous loss to our world

Tammy Worthington - West Kelowna, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:30:58

Our deepest sympathies to all those grieving the loss of our beloved Queen. May she Rest In Peace.

Jennifer and Avery - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:30:56

The Reece family sends their condolences to the royal family may queen Elizabeth the 2nd rest in peace

Crystal Johnson - Ontario
2022-09-08 19:30:51

Very sorry for the loss of Her Majesty she will be greatly missed
May She rest in peace

William - Winnipeg Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:30:47

My deepest condolences. The Queen was an extraordinary woman and she was a pillar of strength and provided stability throughout her time. May she rest in peace with her husband Prince Philip.

Ashaleen - Kamloops, BC
2022-09-08 19:30:30

I send my deepest sympathy to Royal Family. The Queen Elisabeth II was always, and is, the most admired person in my life. I did learn about her over 70 yrs ago because my mother was a great admirer of the Queen. I was that time 3 yrs old (born 1948), living in Finland. Now I live in Canada, and I am so proud that now I have the Queen. Before I had a president. I really am so very sad about Queens passing. I loved -love- Her dearly. She is greatly missed.

Marja-Liisa Lyth - BC, Canada
2022-09-08 19:30:26

Deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to our warm hearted and dutiful ruler. God save the queen.

Sheldon - Port Dalhousie, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:30:25

Deepest sympathy to the Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a remarkable women who provided a sense of stability in our world for 70 years. She never wavered in her service to others; and will be truly missed.

Elizabeth - Langley, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:30:18

RIP your Majesty, you have been my Queen all of my life. You carried the heavy mantle of responsibility with dignity and grace. My deepest sympathies to all of your family and friends who will mourn your passing.

Lynda - Walkerton, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:30:01

It is hard to imagine a woman who has been an integral face for many generations. I hope her passing was in peace and that she was surrounded by loved ones, as she has given plenty of love to all her subjects and otherwise.

Annelyn - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:29:59

A true example of selfless leadership , 70 years of ruling and leading by example , you will be missed , condolences to the royal family during this time

Vanessa - Toronto / Ontario
2022-09-08 19:29:57

My sincere condolences to the family, Her Majesty the Queen is a remarkable lady and don’t think anyone could of performed any better than she did with such grace, was grateful to see her in person and sharing similar losses. There will be no one like her

Perle - Red Deer County, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:29:55

Thank you for your service to Canada for so many years. Rest in peace your majesty

Luis Escorcia Vega - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:29:54

Condolences to the Royal Family. Very sad day for all Canadians. God bless the Queen.

Sylvain - Laval
2022-09-08 19:29:53

Rest In Peace, the majesty queen.

Helen - Vancouver,bc Canada
2022-09-08 19:29:48

Mes plus sincères sympathies au roi Charles III à la famille royale, aux peuples Britanniques et l'ensemble de son Commonwealth, mes pensées les plus douces accompagnent la défunte Reine Elizabeth II, sincèrement.
Richard Gignac

Richard - St-Hubert, Québec
2022-09-08 19:29:44

Her Majesty the Queen has been the Queen all of my life. The world will certainly be much more empty without her.
To King Charles and the entire Royal Family please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mother, your Grandmother, your Great Grandmother. Her knowledge and wisdom will be sorely missed.

Charlene - Moose Jaw,Saskatchewan
2022-09-08 19:29:38

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on your loss. I was lucky enough to see Her Majesty and Prince Phillip when they visited in 2010. They were so kind to every person they spoke to. I hope you find comfort and peace in your memories of them. God save the King.

Sarah-Jane - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:29:38

A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family. Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. Heartfelt thoughts go out to the family in this time of sorrow.
I will be thinking of the queen and the royal family in this moment of pain.

Thank you
Nandini Kulshreshtha

Nandini - Oakville, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:29:37

We send our condolences to the late Queens family and will remember them in our prayers. Her majesty was an example to the entire world, her dignity and faith in God were unparalleled, as were her love for family and all people on earth. Rest In Peace, dear Queen Elizabeth, you deserve it! Fred and Monika Weihmann, Edmonton, Alberta

Fred and Monika - Edmonton
2022-09-08 19:29:35

The Queen of Canada will be remembered as a remarkable women. She had a very special relationship with Canada; and we will never forget her. Rest in Peace, Your Majesty.
Brock Kostiuk,
Alliston, ONT

Brock - Alliston, Onrario
2022-09-08 19:29:34

The Jan family would like to send our condolences to her Majesty The Queen's family. May God bring comfort to Her family.

Sadiq - Beckwith, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:29:30

My condolences to the bereaved Royal Family of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth will surely be missed of our nation.

Gina - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:29:30

Really no words can describe what she meant to our nation. I am grieving.

Jeff - Sarnia, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:29:21

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille de sa majesté la reine Elizabeth ii.

Ahmed Goukouni - Regina, Saskatchewan
2022-09-08 19:29:14

Such a sad day for all of us. I remember seeing Her Majesty when she visited Victoria back in the 60’s. As a little girl, I was in awe. We always listened to her Christmas Day message. She has been the steady voice when it seems the world is spinning out of control. I will never forget this day. My sincere condolences to the family. Rest In Peace - You will be forever honoured and loved.

Lisa - Campbell River, BC
2022-09-08 19:29:12

You will not only be greatly missed by the British but the entire world will feel your exit . Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth 11

Victoria - Nigeria
2022-09-08 19:29:09

RIP your Royal Highness. May you rest now with your beloved Prince.
We were grateful to have you as our monarch for so many years. You will be missed by all that knew you.
Condolences to the Royal family.

Julie David - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-08 19:29:08

You served your people with grace and dignity. Your devotion was like no other and you will be greatly missed. You were our most gracious Queen. May you rest in piece.

Rebecca - Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
2022-09-08 19:29:06

She was the true Queen who dedicated her life in service. Thank you Queen Elizabeth II for everything. Rest In Peace.

Meian - Toronto, ON
2022-09-08 19:29:03

I find myself emotional, as much like everyone else. the Queen has been a pillar of strength, elegance and beauty. May the world walk gently during this time of sorrow, as we all mourn the passing of such a eloquent Queen.

Char Etzerza - Lax Kxeen (Prince Rupert)
2022-09-08 19:29:02

My condolences and I wish the Royal family all the best in these trying times.

Alvin - Richmond, BC
2022-09-08 19:28:51

It was a privilege to have seen Elizabeth in person and to have had her as my queen.

Brian - United States
2022-09-08 19:28:41

You took on a difficult role you never asked for - at such a young age and yet you did it with dignity, steadfastness , and grace- right to the end. Well done Lilibet.

Carmelina - Victoria BC
2022-09-08 19:28:32

My heart is broken with the passing of such an incredible woman, who has served the commonwealth with such pride. My deepest sympathy to the Royal Family during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. RIP our dear queen!!

Isabel - Sydney NS
2022-09-08 19:28:31

Condolences and appreciation to Queen Elizabeth for her dedication. Will miss your smile.

Dale - RM of Montcalm, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:28:24

My heart goes out to the family and country. May the Queen Rest In Peace with her beloved husband

Kimberly - Ontario
2022-09-08 19:28:24

Toute sa vie a été consacré au dévouement et au don de soi. Sincères condoléances au Roi Charles III et à la famille royale.

dramane - quebec
2022-09-08 19:28:18

Elizabeth R., you were a constant in so many people’s lives. Someone to whom love and respect was freely given. Your devotion to duty from the very first day as Queen has never wavered. I will miss you.

Sue - Alberta
2022-09-08 19:28:02

My condolences to the members of the Royal Family. I’m proud of the work Queen Elizabeth did. She was a wonderful woman and a great ruler.

Mona - Cumberland, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:28:01

Your dignity, grace, and servitude to your role as the Queen of Great Britain and the commonwealth is an example to honour and aspire. You will be remembered forever. RIEP with your Lord.

Barbara - Oakville, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:27:56

Condolences to Queen Elizabeth’s family. She was a great monarch.

Shirley - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:27:52

It is with deep sadness that I extend my deepest sympathy to the Royal Family at this time. Queen Elizabeth was the epitome of the woman that I wished to emulate. Her grace, wisdom, dedication to service were qualities to which we all should aspire. Im sure that on a personal level her family will greatly miss her love and support.
It is certain that the world has lost much with her passing.

Janet - Winnipeg, MB
2022-09-08 19:27:49

God give the family strength and patience to Bear this unrepaireble loss of their elder and mother

Nasir - Toronto, Ontario Canada
2022-09-08 19:27:47

May all members of the royal family please accept my deepest condolences. I will cherish every time that I met with Queen Elizabeth II at various Canadian military airbases including the time she took to ask me how I was doing in school. I hope your memories of this special woman help you through these tough times.

Anne - Riverview, New Brunswick
2022-09-08 19:27:47

Her Majesty was an amazing woman who was not destined for the throne but who ascended to same with grace, dignity and intelligence. May she rest in peace after devoting 70 years to the United Kingdom and the Common Wealth. The Queen has died long live King Charles III.

Nicole - Winnipeg Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:27:44

God bless Queen Elizabeth II
May she rest in peace
Long live The King

Isabelle - Stayner, ON
2022-09-08 19:27:33

A wonderful woman who would not back down in the face of adversity. You will be missed.

Katrina - Gagetown, New Brunswick
2022-09-08 19:27:31

Sincere condolences to the Royal Family.

Tricia - Saint John, New Brunswick
2022-09-08 19:27:31

Thank you for your dedication, strength, and curiosity, in making a better world and happier commonwealth.

Robert - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-08 19:27:25

She will be missed.

Nicole - New Westminster, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:27:24

Our condolences to the royal family and the people of United kingdom and the Common wealth.
Thanks for your service and guidance to entire world

Sanjeev - Brampton
2022-09-08 19:27:21

The only Queen known in my lifetime, my parents lifetime, and their parents lifetime. May she rest in heaven with Prince Phillip, and may her family rest easy knowing she's in a better place. God Save the Queen!

Austin - East of Saskatoon, SK
2022-09-08 19:27:19

What a truly remarkable woman she was - all of the history and change she was part of and witnessed. The end of an era. Her absence will be felt.

Nathalie - Whitehorse, Yukon
2022-09-08 19:27:18

Your light will shine on. Long live the Queen

Tamara Johnson - Revelstoke BC
2022-09-08 19:27:14

To the Royal Family, deepest condolences on the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. She has demonstrated service and respect throughout the world, and will be deeply missed.

Tracy - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:27:09

You will be forever missed my Queen. I remember meeting you as a young boy of 8 when she visited Nanaimo BC while our Cub Scout group welcomed you and Prince Phillip to our city. You are now and forever have been a part of my life and I will miss you dearly.

Randy - Abbotsford BC
2022-09-08 19:26:57

I was proud to serve for seven years as of my release tomorrow under Her Majesty’s reign in the Canadian Armed Forces in the King’s Own Calgary Regiment - with which the Queen was Colonel-in-Chief. The commonwealth mourns, and the world remembers an inspirational woman. My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family.

Spencer - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:26:48

The Queen was so steadfast she will be sorely missed.

Sandy - Toronto, Canada
2022-09-08 19:26:44

My heart is truly broken and saddened. A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family. Heartfelt thoughts go out to you in this time of sorrow.

Bukurosh Picrri - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
2022-09-08 19:26:30

I am 75. My first memory of any world event was the day she became Queen 70 years ago. I 'swore allegiance' to her when I was about 10, and then on 18 October 2007, when I lived in Canada, I went before a Commissioner of Oaths in Edmonton and swore the official Oath of Allegiance. I was proud to call her 'my Queen' and I am heartbroken at her passing.

Jovan - Wilber,NE, USA
2022-09-08 19:26:28

My queen you have done so much. And I am so proud to call you my queen. Thank you for everything.

Ameen - Montreal
2022-09-08 19:26:24

C'est le coeur rempli de chagrin que j'ai appris le décès de ma chère Reine Elisabeth ll...
Elle vivra à jamais dans mon coeur...
Mes plus vives condoléances à toute sa famille et une pensée spéciale à la petite Charlotte qui, tout comme son arrière-grand-maman, a conquis mon coeur...

Rosanne Dion - Québec, Québec
2022-09-08 19:26:22

RIP. RIH. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For 70 years you have served God's purpose. You are at home with the Lord now. When I wrote to you years ago because here in the United States, I faced much harassment and bullying because I so loved The Lord Jesus. You told me that you serve God Almighty, and you were honored to protect me. I will miss you. I will never forget your loving kindness. Queen Elizabeth II you now live for all eternity in heaven.

Vivian - Long Beach, California
2022-09-08 19:26:20

Sorry for your loss

Sandra Dehek - Lac st Anne county
2022-09-08 19:26:16

She was a real treasure. She will be very much missed!!! Condolences to King Charles III and his family.

Pauline - Morden, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:26:14

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Queen's family. RIP Queen Elizabeth

Tracey - Newfoundland, Canada
2022-09-08 19:26:12

My deepest condolences on the demise of the longest-living monarch in history to the royal family, the UK, and to the whole world mourning her. God bless her soul.

Prabhpreet Khara - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:25:50

I could only break down sobbing at work upon learning on the death of her majesty. She will be greatly missed by everyone. My thoughts are with the royal family at this time.

Savaughn - Souris Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:25:43

Mes plus sincères condoléances. Votre mère était une femme extraordinaire, un modèle, une force de la nature. Jamais nous ne l’oublierons.

Claudine - Blainville Québec
2022-09-08 19:25:42

Mes sympathies à la famille royale et au peuple britannique.
Élisabeth 2 est une monarque exceptionnelle, une grande diplomate qui a marqué 70 ans d'Histoire par sa longévité de reine.

Gaétane - Québec.Québec.
2022-09-08 19:25:38

It's really shocking when heard about majesty Queen Elizabeth. Rest in peace.

Navdeep - Ontario
2022-09-08 19:25:28

Sending our most heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family. Our hearts break with yours. She was an incredible leader and she will be deeply missed. Rest in peace, Your Majesty. Thank you for your devotion and service.

Stephanie - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:25:21

She was a constant in all our lives and regardless of your views on the Monarchy, she dedicated her life to service. She will be greatly missed.

Suzanne - North Vancouver, BC
2022-09-08 19:25:16

May her soul Rest In Peace.

Ruth - Foxboro, ON
2022-09-08 19:25:14

May you rest in peace with your truest love, your majesty. You shall be missed 

Ashily - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:25:00

My deepest condolences to the family of our long reining monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. My earliest memory of the Queen was her picture high above the door in my Kindergarten class as well as the singing “God Save The Queen”.
Long live the King!

Dale - Sarnia, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:50

C'est le coeur rempli de chagrin que j'ai appris le décès de ma chère Reine Elisabeth ll...
Elle vivra à jamais dans mon coeur...
Mes plus vives condoléances à toute sa famille et une pensée spéciale à la petite Charlotte qui, tout comme son arrière-grand-maman, a conquis mon coeur...

Rosanne Dion - Québec, Québec
2022-09-08 19:24:49

Our heartfelt condolences to the Royal family.
May the departed soul RIP. The entire world will miss your love and leadership.

Amarjit Sandhu - Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
2022-09-08 19:24:48

Please accept my condolences to the family of Queen Elizabeth II, she will be greatly missed.

KR - Kamloops, BC
2022-09-08 19:24:47

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of their Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Her Majesty has always been in my life and I feel great loss today. The Queen has a wonderful legacy for all of us to hold onto forever. Thankyou to the Monarchy for all they do for all of us.

Jackie - Waterloo, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:39

You were an inspiration to all! My hope is that in your memory the citizens of the world will pause to consider how they can contribute in a positive way to make the world better for all!

Jacqueline - Dundas, ON
2022-09-08 19:24:36

Sincere condolences to the family of Her Majesty and those that knew her best. Like so many others I have admired her strength and wisdom my whole life. She was someone to emulate. God bless her for devoting the whole of her life to her people for 70 years. Now she is with her beloved Prince and mum, sister and Dad.
I will miss her being the head of state, and miss her Christmas address. My Canadian flag is at half staff. My heart pays the deepest respect to the royal family.

Eleanor - Newmarket Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:34

Queen Elizabeth was a calming constant in a world that has gotten increasingly dangerous and chaotic. All of Canada and the World are worse off without her around any more. She represented a a simpler, calmer, more polite, and better time of our history. I will truly miss her.

Peter - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-08 19:24:26

My deepest, heartfelt condolences to the entire Royal Family at this time of sorrow. Queen Elizabeth II was an amazing woman and has made a difference with everything she did. My entire life she has been there, like a grandmother to me. I thank the Queen for her decades of service and leadership and for being herself throughout her reign. Rest in Peace, Your Majesty.

Ginny Farquharson - New Westminster, BC
2022-09-08 19:24:22

Merci pour ces belles années de service aux gens des Pays du Commonwealth.
Sincères condoléances à tout le Royaume.

Nicole G.Duclos - L’Assomption, Québec
2022-09-08 19:24:19

For those of us who are in our early 70’s, the Queen has been a permanent and constant reassuring presence. She served and ruled impeccably and she will live on in our hearts and memories forever.

Raymond - Foot
2022-09-08 19:24:19

Her Majesty was an incredible leader who remained true to her duty until the end. A remarkable woman that will be very missed. My condolences to her family.

Laura - Port Elgin, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:15

My thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family.

May God bless Queen Elizabeth II.

She was more than my Queen, she was also my grandmother. She will be missed immensely. But what a legacy she’s leaving behind for all of us to remember her by.

Marc - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:15

you were an inspiration to all. rest in peace

lisa - niagara falls,ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:11

God save the Queen. May she rest in peace. Truly the end of an Era. Such a wonderful person she was.

Faith - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:24:06

May the Royal Highness Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.

Josephine - Burnaby, BC
2022-09-08 19:24:01

It is with heartfelt sadness, we offer our sincerest condolences during this difficult time

Phil , Helene & Katie - Quispamsis NB
2022-09-08 19:23:46

I am deeply saddened by the news of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. May Her Majesty rest in peace.

Laurent - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-08 19:23:39

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She was a such gracious lady who gave so much to her country & to so many people around the world. She will be forever missed.

Elaine - Portland, Oregon, USA
2022-09-08 19:23:26

What a sad day for the world. All my life my family would sit every Christmas and listen to the Queen's message. A Tradition. Thank you your Majesty for devoting your whole life to us. May you rest in Peace.

Karen - North Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:23:26

Her Majesty will be remembered as a source of inspiration and strength by Canadians. As a nation, we should remember her by upholding her cherished ideals of public service. May she Rest In peace. God Save the King!

Sandipan - Edmonton
2022-09-08 19:23:25

May a great Monarch rest in peace. Always the Lady of the People. You will be missed.

Tim - Kelowna, BC
2022-09-08 19:23:23

The Queen was always an image of poise, power and fortitude for a young girl to look up too. She has always felt like a special part of my life due to my British heritage and I mourn her passing. She will be missed around the world and I do not believe there will be any other like her. May she rest in peace.

Carmen - West Kelowna, B.C.
2022-09-08 19:23:22

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille. La reine a toujours été proche pour moi. Merci pour tout. Reposez en paix.

Polin - Saint-Pacôme, Qc
2022-09-08 19:23:11

We are very saddened to hear of the Queens passing. She will be remembered fondly.

William - BC Canada
2022-09-08 19:23:09

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was the last of the great generation and her spirit and legacy will never be forgotten. She will always be beloved in Canada.

Alexandra - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:23:06

My sincerest heartfelt condolences on the passing of HM.

Walter - Staten Island, New York, USA
2022-09-08 19:23:05

My deepest sympathies to the Royal Family at this time of profound personal sadness. I am a proud Canadian who feels this loss for not only for myself, but for my country.

Rylee - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:23:04

Votre Majesté, je sais que vous parliez parfaitement le français alors je m’exprime ainsi. Au nom de ma famille, je voulais simplement dire que vous resterez à jamais dans nos cœurs. Avec notre infini respect. Christine, Christophe et Lily.

Christine - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-08 19:23:04

My deepest condolences go to the Royal Family during this difficult time. I was shocked to hear the news of Her Majesty's passing and am still processing the loss of one of the icons of our time. I am deeply grateful for all that Her Majesty has done for our country and I pray that Her Majesty's legacy will live on for years to come.

Edward - Kingston, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:23:04

May you rest your Majesty

Bonnie - Alberta
2022-09-08 19:23:04

My deepest sympathies. I genuinely admired our Queen for her strength and sense of commitment. As a Canadian, I join to the collective sense of loss.

Nelson - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:23:00

R.I.P Queen Ellie, you were queen my whole life and I found out during my Global Issues class. Hope you’re happy with the angels and your family members.

Bailey - USA
2022-09-08 19:22:57

Toutes nos condoléances à la famille Royale

Jacques - Montréal (Québec)
2022-09-08 19:22:55

En ce jour triste pour la Couronne,
Je lève mon chapeau pour la Dame aux Chapeaux, aux multiples chapeaux.
Une Page de l’histoire de l’humanité se tourne…
Mes sincères condoléances à tous les Canadiens et Canadiennes,

Giscard - Calgary
2022-09-08 19:22:55

You were an inspiration to millions around the world. No leader will ever have the impact you did over your reign. Long live the King.

John - Kelowna BC
2022-09-08 19:22:52

Condolences to the late Queen's family above all. It is hard to imagine a person better suited to the role than she seemed to be. May she rest in peace.

Tim - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:22:49

For my entire life you have been my Queen. As a young lady you thought me grace, fortitude, elegance, and service before self. I have proudly served you as a member of the Royal Canadian Navy for over 22 years and have strived to live up to your leadership lessons, that duty to comes before one’s desires. I am eternally grateful for your service and your sacrifices.
May you be at rest, free from the responsibilities of the crown, spending time with those who went before you.

Brigitte - Kingston, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:22:47

Your Majesty....

Thank you for your more than 70 years of devoted service to the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth. I am proud to have served in your Royal Canadian Navy and to have received Your commission.

God Bless You and God Save The Queen !

David Grant - Nanaimo BC
2022-09-08 19:22:31

Une page d’histoire qui se tourne aujourd’hui. Une grande dame, droite et souveraine. Merci pour tout Madame !

Huguette - Montréal
2022-09-08 19:22:30

May you rest in peace.

Richard - Langley, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:22:28

Deepest condolences to the family of Her Royal Majesty.
A icon and a truly beautiful and wonderful inspiration, for all young women all over the world.

Susan - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:22:25

I am deeply sadden by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. A very remarkable woman. She has always been my Queen and will always be my Queen. R.I.P.

Nancy - Aylmer Ontario
2022-09-08 19:22:24

A very sad day for the Commonwealth and the world. My sincere condolences to the Royal family for the loss of your mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was greatly loved and will forever be remembered. Rest in peace Your Majesty.

Elaine - Brantford, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:22:22

To Her Majesty The Queen we say thank you for your 70 years of steadfast service. Rest in peace with your loved ones gone before. Remembered with the twinkle in great grand-daughter Princess Charlotte's eyes and smile. Bless your family as they continue your legacy and sense of duty. Rest easy Queen Elizabeth II. x0x

Joy - Maple Bay BC
2022-09-08 19:22:16

God save the Queen and her family

Lorne - Deland, Florida
2022-09-08 19:22:16

She was a woman that had class and a great sense of humour, she will be missed dearly. Her impact on the world will live on.

Cam - London, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:22:14

It is as though the world lost a grandmother, or a favourite aunt...

I mourn deeply on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, late Queen of the UK, Canada and her other Realms and territories. By the Grace of God may she rest in eternal peace.

David - Barrie
2022-09-08 19:22:13

God Bless her Majesty for her unending dedication and service to her people. May the Royal family feel the power of healing through everyone's love for her. I have been honored to be a part of this great Commonwealth my whole life and thank this gracious woman for her leadership. May you rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II.

Kristy - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:22:02

the queen

Lalisa - Richmond, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:22:00

Elizabeth, thank you for your intelligence, your sense of humor, for being a queen with open horizons, an example of dedication, commitment, discipline and sacrifice. Thank you for your approachability. We will all miss you! You have graced decades of time, may you find joy in the eternity that lays before you!

Mélissa - Montreal
2022-09-08 19:21:57

The Queen lived a historic life. A life that impacted many worldwide. Many of us have never known a world without Queen Elizabeth II. Her duty has ended, and now she may finally rest. Rest in peace.

Evan - Burnaby, BC
2022-09-08 19:21:57

May God guides Your Majesty to greener pastures and golden horizons. Thank you for all you’ve been standing upon for over 70 years. Always thanks for having inspired me to learn English.

Giovanni - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:21:52

Mes sympathies à la famille Royale,
Je suis triste du décès de sa Majesté.une très grande Dame

Denis - Montréal Quebac
2022-09-08 19:21:51

When a matriarch dies
It's a feeling no one should have to describe
the vacancy A burden on kin left alive
Though her passing marks the end of a chapter.
There are plenty more to look forward to after.
So Today we cry and for a time we mourn the loss of our mother gone so soon

Hussein - Windsor,ontario
2022-09-08 19:21:49

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale. Une grande perte pour le monde et sa politique. Une grande femme de principe, de loyauté et de royauté. Merci pour ce que vous avez fait pour le monde. Reposez en paix votre majesté.
Vincent Couture

Vincent Couture - Saguenay
2022-09-08 19:21:49

Mes condoléances à toutes la famille et aux proches de notre Reine. Ma grand-mère suivait la vie de la famille royale avec coeur. Elle est décédée cette année également. Je suis certaine qu'elle voudrait qu'on vous donne nos sympathies.

Jessica - Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec
2022-09-08 19:21:47

Recevez mes très sincères condoléances et l'expression de ma plus profonde sympathie." "C'est avec une grande tristesse que j'ai appris le décès de la raine Elizabeth En ces moments difficiles, je tenais à vous faire part de mes sincères condoléances et à partager votre peine."

Jeremie - Tunisie Tunis
2022-09-08 19:21:41

Thank you for your service England and the commonwealth won’t be the same without you.

Lori - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:21:34

RIP Queen Elizabeth II . My Condolences to her family. She will be greatly miss by all. She was a wonderful woman .from Karen and Wayne and Wayne Sr.

Karen - Ottawa Ontario Canada
2022-09-08 19:21:31

Your Majesty, thank you for your unwavering service and dedication to the people of Canada, the Commonwealth, and the world. Your legacy will never be forgotten and we will all miss you very dearly. Godspeed!

Aaron - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:21:28

Une grande dame vient de s’éteindre et elle a été une exemple de dignité loyauté et de courage à travers toutes les épreuves de sa vie sympathies à toute ses proches et elle ne sera pas remplaçable .

Jacinthe - Stukely Sud Pq Canada
2022-09-08 19:21:28

The Queen has meant so much to me and my family, dedicating her life to duty and service. My condolences to her family. An end of an era indeed.

Temmy - Victoria
2022-09-08 19:21:23

My heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family. Her majesty was a steadfast rock, an amazing human being, her grace, dignity, and devotion to duty was an inspiration for us all.

Francois - Vernon, BC
2022-09-08 19:21:22

Farewell to a beautiful, dedicated woman who performed her role with dignity and grace. As a Canadian, I am very sad that our Queen has passed on, at the same time happy that she is reunited with her beloved husband. Condolences to all the family members, who have lost their queen and mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Your loss affects us all and we will never forget her. 

Susan - Cochrane, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:21:18

My heart is heavy upon the passing of our dear Queen Elizabeth. She was a much loved sweet lady, devoting her life to serve as monarch to Britain and all the Commonwealth, we are all the richer for having had her as our Queen. My sincere thoughts and prayers to all her very dear family…may all your special memories help you through this very sad time. 

Debbie - Conquest, Saskatchewan
2022-09-08 19:21:06

It is sad that we had lost the queen today

Cathrine - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-08 19:21:05

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille royale .

Sylvie Dumont - La Pocatière
2022-09-08 19:21:02

My deepest condolences to Queen Elizabeth II's family on her passing today. She was a loved and respected Queen and I'm so proud to have seen her on one of her visits to Winnipeg Manitoba many years ago. May she rest in peace. God Save The Queen.

Verna Kakowchyk - Vancouver BC
2022-09-08 19:20:57

It is a shame to see the lady who has done so much good pass away. Although we are no longer a colony of the United Kingdom we still love and cherish the qween. My heat goes out to her family and friends. God bless qween Elizabeth the second.

Keith Vincent Brown - Lake Echo Nova Scotia
2022-09-08 19:20:56

Une grande dame au pouvoir d’un peuple pendant 70 ans de règne on peux lui souhaiter qu’elle repose en paix dorénavant

Rahma - Limay,france
2022-09-08 19:20:55

RIP Your Majesty. I will cherish the memory of meeting and chatting with you. Your grace, dignity and loyalty to service and country were inspiring. .

Debb - Listowel
2022-09-08 19:20:52

My sincerest condolences to the members of the Royal Family. Her Majesty the Queen will be fondly remembered by many. We grieve with you and will keep her memory alive.

Victoria - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-08 19:20:44

Condolences to the family but grateful for the lifetime of the service her Majesty gave to the world.

Catherine - Castlegar, BC
2022-09-08 19:20:39

My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was truly a symbolism of intelligence, wit and grace.

Denise - Alberta
2022-09-08 19:20:34

My sincerest condolences. The Queen's dedication to her country, her people and her family were second to none. Her courage, resolve, resilience and keen wit are immediately what comes to mind when I think of her. Wherever she is now, I hope that she is smiling, is proud of her life of service and has Philip by her side. We love you. You will be sorely missed.

Jessica - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:20:33

I feel like we always knew that this day was eventually going to sadly arrive and we would need to find our way forward somehow without her. But now it has come and we are still in shock and feeling at a loss on how to move forward. I will always remember how proud I was to stand tall at attention for God Save The Queen when on parade. Was an honour to serve in my uniform to my country in my own way, as you served all of us in yours. I know Philip is waiting for you. Rest easy my Queen.

MCpl Mike Bebee, (Ret’d) - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-08 19:20:32

You have been the Queen of Canada for my entire life your Majesty. You will be sadly missed. You may now rest in peace. Your work here on earth is done. God bless you and keep you.

Robert Underhill - North Vancouver, BC
2022-09-08 19:20:25

.as a British subject I mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth her dedication to the crown was unfaltering. She was my Queen for the greater part of my life. I admired and loved her. I feel a personal loss on her passing. An era has ended.

Shirley - Ontario
2022-09-08 19:20:22

Condoléances à la Famille royale.

Diane - Canada
2022-09-08 19:20:21

Queen Elizabeth was a steadfast, strong symbol of female leadership my entire life. Her contribution and devotion to public service will never be forgotten.

Melissa - Sherbrooke
2022-09-08 19:20:19

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She was an amazing role model & will be missed by so many. May she Rest In Peace.

Kate - Fredericton, New Brunswick
2022-09-08 19:20:19

A lifetime devoted to service. A commitment honoured to the very end. An inspiration to myself and countless others. 32 years ago I swore allegiance to Her Majesty when I joined the Canadian Armed Forces and my oath has held true to this day. Rest in Peace, your Majesty, you have most definitely earned it.

Maurice - Boisbriand, QC
2022-09-08 19:20:19

My thoughts are with your family on this sad day. Everyone at my office has been talking about her passing today - please know that we are all mourning with you, even though we are so far away.

Kathleen - Kelowna, BC
2022-09-08 19:20:13

I'm truly sorry for the loss of such an amazing woman.

Lateefah - Creston
2022-09-08 19:20:12

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.
An amazing woman who dedicated her life to public service. She will be greatly missed.

Denise - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
2022-09-08 19:20:11

Une page d’histoire vient d’être tournée avec le décès de la reine Élisabeth II, cette femme était un icône. Elle est une des dernière personnes à avoir survécue à la guerre mondiale. C’était une femme de devoir qui n’a jamais manqué à son devoir. Je finis mon hommage en disant VIVE LA REINE. Vous pouvez reposer en paix. Merci pour votre dévouement

Andrée Lafrance - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:20:07

Expressing my most sincere condolences as Canada mourns the loss of our cherished and longest reigning monarch. May her memory be eternal.

Scott - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
2022-09-08 19:20:01

I wish to express my deepest sympathy on the loss of your Mother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. The Queen has been a constant in my life and will be missed by many.
I was so privileged to see her at the Queen’s Gala in Toronto during her 50th Jubilee.

Irene - Collingwood, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:19:55

My deepest condolences go out His Majesty, King Charles III and the other members of the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II was a role model, not only to Britain and the Commonwealth, but to the world. Her kind, compassionate spirit and her diligence to duty will be missed.

Nathan - Lake Cowichan, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:19:55

May God bless your sweet soul and give you a peaceful slumber. Enjoy seeing your beloved husband- we know you missed him so much. Thank you for being a great Queen and the peoples Mum.

Marni - Didsbury
2022-09-08 19:19:53

Your Majesty, thank you for your unwavering dedication and loyalty to your great imperial family in Canada and around the world. We are forever grateful for your guidance and steadfast leadership. Sending my deepest condolences to The King and the Royal Family.

Joshua - St. Albert
2022-09-08 19:19:52

Long live the queen

Graham - Kelowna British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:19:49

May you know her memory will be eternal. Thank you your Majesty for being our Queen.

Michael S. Drul - London Ontario
2022-09-08 19:19:36

May your soul repose in peace Queen Majesty Elizabeth

Malisawa E K - Saint-Léonard, Québec
2022-09-08 19:19:34

Mes condoléances à la famille Royale pour le décès de la Reine Élisabeth. Nous venons de perdre une grande femme, un modèle, un pilier.

Renée - Magog Québec
2022-09-08 19:19:32

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
May you meet your dearest in bridge of rainbow.

Raymond - British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:19:27

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille. Quelle femme exceptionnelle. Bon courage.

Brigitte - Beaupré, Québec
2022-09-08 19:19:18

Un véritable pilier de l'histoire moderne nous a quitté aujourd'hui. Mes condoléances au peuple anglais.

Maxime - Gatineau, Québec
2022-09-08 19:19:07

My family has some very special fond and direct memories of our Gracious Queen Elizabeth. Our mother, now deceased, attended the Queen's coronation in 1953. I, too, had a special relationship with Her Majesty, having met her in the 1960's during a Royal Tour and a visit to Upper Canada Village. I was privileged to be able to offer her flowers during that visit.

God Bless the Queen.

Jeffrey Marshall - Brockville, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:19:07

Rest in Peace your Majesty. Thank you for your life of service to the Commonwealth.

Bruce - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:18:57

I have always admired your diligence and dedication to your duty as Head of State. You have always been there my entire life, bridging the gap between my cultural identity as a Canadian and the heritage of my ancestors that immigrated from England over a century ago. Now that you’re gone, it feels like a part of me is now gone too. God Save the Queen.

Samuel - Drayton Valley, Alberta
2022-09-08 19:18:51

Sympathies à toute la famille Royale ainsi qu’au peuple Britannique.
Reposez en pays Chère Dame.

Jean-Marc - Jonquière/Québec
2022-09-08 19:18:45

I'm deeply saddened by the loss of HM Queen Elizabeth II. She will be dearly missed and will always be my Queen  R.I.P. Ma'am and God bless You. Condolences to the Royal family

Eugenia - Roma - Italy
2022-09-08 19:18:41

I've only ever lived with Elizabeth as my head of state. This is a significant historical moment and I feel extremely fortunate to be alive at this time. The Queen's annual Christmas message marked a particularly memorable part of her legacy, often speaking of gratitude and hope. My prayers are with her and her family on this solemn day.

Jordan Velestuk - Broadview, Saskatchewan
2022-09-08 19:18:35

My deepest condolences to the Royal family. Her Majesty was a wonderful woman, a great leader and an inspiration to women around the world. She will be missed by so many around the world. Gone but never forgotten.

Desiree - Richmond, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:18:23

A true end of an era. 70 years of service. Honour without precedent!

John - Scarborough, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:18:17

You’ve been the only queen my family has known. May your legacy continue on. You will be dearly missed my queen.

Chantelle - Delta BC
2022-09-08 19:18:15

Thankyou for being our strength throughout the decades

Garth - Surrey BC Canada
2022-09-08 19:18:14

Sa Majesté la reine Élisabeth II,
Aujourd'hui le Royaume-Uni et son ami de toujours, Le Canada perdent celle qui, pendant plus de 70 ans, a régné avec grâce et loyauté sur son peuple. Vous qui avez vu le Canada prospéré durant les dernières 70 dernières années étiez pour beaucoup une figure de respect, d'égalité et surtout une inspiration. Ainsi, entant que citoyen canadien, je présente mes sincères condoléances à la famille royale. Longue vie au Roi Charles III

Ali - Laval, Québec
2022-09-08 19:18:07

Thank you for your tireless service to the public and to Canadians, you will be missed.

Emily - Victoria, BC
2022-09-08 19:18:06

So sorry to hear about her majesty, give me best regards to the windsor

DO Earl - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-08 19:18:01

Sending my sincerest condolences to the Royal family and the United Kingdom on the monumental loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her life of service, purpose, loyalty and love was a model for women and all people around the world. May she Rest In Peace.

Heather - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:17:56

Dearest Royal family, Deepest condolences on the passing of our beloved Queen. She nurtured, inspired and guided us for my lifetime. I was blessed to see her joy in raising children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Her love for her Philip was enduring.
Love always, Lori and family (Canada)

Lori - Warkworth, Ontario
2022-09-08 19:17:54

Chère reine, vive le roi.

max - gatineau quebec
2022-09-08 19:17:52

Listening to various former and current Canadian public figures who met and got to know Queen Elizabeth has been a lovely eye opener to the wonderful person she was, highlighting significant contributions of which I was unaware and makes her loss all the more felt. Heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of their mother/ grandmother/great grandmother.

Rita - British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:17:45

Thinking of the family.
Always loved seeing the Queen. 

Eryn Hunt - Ontario
2022-09-08 19:17:44

All Canadians will long remember Her Majesty.

Jason - Edmonton
2022-09-08 19:17:44

Un (Une) très grand personnage

Michel - Vaudreuil-Dorion
2022-09-08 19:17:30

God bless you, may you rest in peace your majesty. Thank you for your remarkable 70 year reign.

Andrea - Richmond, British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:17:27

Rest in Paradise our Beloved Queen Elizabeth II

Jake - British Columbia
2022-09-08 19:17:27


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