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Page 5 de 240 — Livre de condoléances pour Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

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Rest in Paradise Queen Elizabeth II. The world will never be the same again.

Arianne - Burnaby, BC
2022-09-20 16:52:05

I've struggled so much with what to say. I just never thought this day would come. You seemed immortal. Or maybe it was just my wishful thinking. I pledged allegiance to you in 1985 and never regretted it. Thank you for always being there for us Ma'am. Rest now.

Mary - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:52:01

My deepest sympathy in the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Like so many others, I will miss her always comforting and dignified presence. She represented so much that is good: hard work, dedication to country, compassion, patience, and perseverance. I am so proud that she was our Queen. Our world will never be the same.

Christine - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:51:46

Thank you for your service and sacrifice over a long 70 years. You have done your duty more than anyone could have imagined or asked. The length of your reign feels almost beyond imagination. Thank you.

Ryan - Toronto
2022-09-20 16:50:32

It is with admiration that I look back on the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Her stoic approach to a life of wisdom, justice, temperance and courage is inspiring. Her steady resolve, desire learn, duty to public service and, leadership are an example to all. Rest in peace.

Jeff MacDonald - Iqaluit, Nunavut
2022-09-20 16:49:05

My sincere condolences on the loss of our beloved queen.

Cathy - Welland On
2022-09-20 16:46:48

Thou i have never met you thank you for your services. You are with your beloved husband and family and of course your beloved dogs. May you R.I.P your magesty

Yolanda - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 16:46:45

Thank you for being of the greatest attributes we could ask for as our Queen. Strength: Service given in a love for all people that was apparent; decorum in difficult times. Since I discovered my genealogy includes Royal Family ancestry which resulted in my study of English history, my adoration for The Queen has grown immensely. Soon they will be calling her the best Monarch of all time. Sadness and loss are not words enough for what I will be feeling in the days to come.

Susan Elizabeth - Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:43:55

My sinceriest condolences to the Royal Family. You have my deepest sympathy. Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time.

Wendy - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:43:06

Grande perte Grande Dame, un gros morceau de perdu...Quel sens du devoir, j'espère que Charles suivra les traces de sa Digne Mère...

Mes Sympathies à toutes la familles!

Ginette - Québec, Québec
2022-09-20 16:41:47

Mes sincères condoléances.

Hervé Gagnon - Ottawa/Ontario
2022-09-20 16:41:04

Mes sympathies à la famille.

Chantal - St-Pie, Québec
2022-09-20 16:34:27

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. 
Thank you for your 70 years of amazing and unforgettable service. You will forever be remembered with admiration for your bravery and strength. May the Queen Elizabeth II Rest In Peace with her Prince Philip for eternity. 

Jemima Go - Toronto, ON, Canada
2022-09-20 16:33:50

Deepest condolences to the Royal Family, sincerest Gratitude for the Queen's 70 years of service, a lifetime of commitment and upmost devotion to your family. You will be missed and never forgotten.

Jessica - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:33:15

Love you lizzy too bad you didn’t make it to 100 x

Katie - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:32:22

May you rest in peace. Some of my best memories with my Grandma was visiting Buckingham Palace to see if you were home. Thank you for everything Ma'am.

Megan - Uxbridge,Ontario
2022-09-20 16:31:25

Toutes mes condoléances

Mouna bourzama - Marrakech maroc
2022-09-20 16:31:11

Thanking you for your 70 years o service, and praying for peaceful rest
Eternal, and sending condolences to all the Royal Family.

Stephen and Karla - Welland, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:29:03

Queen is my favourite band, thanks for all the good tunes.

Isaac - Victoria, B.C.
2022-09-20 16:28:38

Goodbye Queen Lizzy.

Eric - Regina Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 16:28:26

My sincere condolences to the Royal family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a remarkable person, a true leader and an inspiration to us all. She will be dearly missed and always remembered. Rest in Peace Your Majesty.

Marion - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:28:23

As a Canadian living overseas, I have always been proud of the fact that you were our head of state- a strong and constant figure in our lives. I am so sad that a beautiful era has now come to an end. However, I have faith that you are now with the Angels in Heaven.
God Bless

Thomas - Panama, Republic of Panama
2022-09-20 16:27:10

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family. My heart was broken when I heard that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away. I have very fond memories of seeing Queen Elizabeth at the Woodbine Race Track when she visited there in 2010. I will never forget the beautiful blue suit she wore that day and how happy she looked. I feel a great connection with all those mourning the passing of Queen. I'm thinking and prayer for you all.
Warm regards, Elizabeth Welling-Ardito

Elizabeth - Bolton, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:25:28

Im sorry for the loss of our beloved queen

Hunter - ottawa
2022-09-20 16:24:44

As firm supporters of our monarchy in Canada, we will sorely miss her. God Save the Queen. We now look forward to the King playing an equally important part in our lives as Canadians. God Save the King.

Elizabeth and Brian - Port Hope, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:23:37

My deepest condolences to the our royal family. The Queen was a wonderful Monarch, role model and what a smile. She had such a twinkle in her eye when she seemed to be having a enjoyable time. Bless you and your family.

Audrey - Bradford Ontario
2022-09-20 16:22:50

Thank you

Crystal - Vancouver
2022-09-20 16:21:59

I wish the members of the Royal family my sincere condolences on the loss of your Mother/Grandmother/ Great Grandmother. I know how hard it can be to lose a loved one but I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to lose a loved one in the public eye with millions of people watching you grieve. May your memories keep her alive in your hearts.

Breana - British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:21:13

Deepest Condolences. RIEP Queen Elizabeth II.

Yaamalai - Barrie,ON
2022-09-20 16:20:55

With deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family.

Marian - Winnipeg, MB
2022-09-20 16:20:29

My deep sympathy to the Queen’s family. She was beloved in Canada.

Eve - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 16:19:13

RIP Queen Elizabeth. As a constant fixture in my life, it's odd to think I will likely never see a queen again in my lifetime. Thank you for a lifetime of devotion and service.

Ian - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 16:19:04

My condolences to the Royal family at this very sad time.

Stephanie Tillmanns - Oshawa
2022-09-20 16:17:36

A constant presence through the generations. Rest peacefully

Alisha - Kamloops, British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:17:15

We will miss you my Queen!
Thanks for being nice and fair!
long live the king

Leon Rad - Toronto
2022-09-20 16:13:50

May you Rest In Peace Your Majesty as you have served your country’s well. I was able to shake hands with Prince Charles and Lady Diana when they toured Canada…… I love the royal family and will miss Her Majesty in charge. God save the King

Lanelle Hunter - Billings,Montana
2022-09-20 16:12:46

To the only and greatest and bravest queen that anyone ever knew in this loving era with her people and present whenever God keeps her in his glory

2022-09-20 16:12:41

Of Her Late Majesty's many merits, her intuitive grasp of her role was perhaps the most admirable. The contradictory requirements of familiarity and mystery she always managed to synchronize. The continuity she represented. The understanding she displayed of the cadence of monarchy, its ceremonies and traditions, and their importance in an unstable world. Her Late Majesty had an uncanny sense of it all. As no less a luminary than Paddington Bear put it: “Thank you Ma’am. For everything.”

Timothy - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:12:09

We have been blessed that Elizabeth R was our Queen. She gave us hope and showed wisdom, thoughtfulness and dignity throughout her reign. My heart goes out to her family, her country and the entire Commonwealth for this loss. I look forward to the reign of King Charles III, but will miss Queen Elizabeth.

Laura - West Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 16:10:14

An incredible life of commitment and service that will never be equaled again. My sincerest thanks and condolences to all of HRH Family and the millions of people she served over her 70 years as Queen.

Cindy - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 16:09:32

Je tiens à exprimer mes sincères sympathies à la famille royale et aux proches de feu Sa Majesté la Reine. Une vie entière de dévouement au service du peuple, un brillant exemple d'honneur, de devoir et de service. Reposez en paix.

Marie-Claude - Sherbrooke (Québec)
2022-09-20 16:09:22

A beautiful lady who served her country and the commonwealth with strength and grace; and shone a loving light in all she did. May she rest in peace. Sympathy to her loved ones.

Tina - Frankford, ON, Canada
2022-09-20 16:08:32

Your lifetime of dedication and service will continue to be an example to us all. You will be dearly missed. Rest in peace.

Thank you, ma'am.

Amanda - Simcoe, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:08:22

Thank you for your lifetime of service.

Paul Wootton - Hamilton, ontario
2022-09-20 16:06:51

To His Majesty The King and the rest of the Royal Family,

Our sincerest condolences on the passing on our Queen and your Mother. We are grateful for her service to our country, and will miss her dearly.

Joseph and Cecilia - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:06:32

Thank you for your open heart

Masako - Surrey in British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:06:14

My sincere Condolences to William and Harry and their children and also to Fergie and her girls and Andrew. May God Bless you and comfort you with beautiful memories of your Grandmother and Great Grandmother. From London/St Thomas, Ontario Canada. Diane Elizabeth Baker and family, and 94 yr mother-Ida Elizabeth Baker. We are originally from Cornwall , England. Prayers.

Diane - St Thomas Ontario
2022-09-20 16:04:47

Rip to the queen

Pierson - Ontario
2022-09-20 16:02:34

Queen Elizabeth was a remarkable woman, and she will be greatly missed.

Cathryn - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:02:18

RIP Queen

Kelsey - Otterville, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:01:35

The past 70 years may be the best in human history. Her Majesty may be the last great monarch of the world. Thank you for your contribution to colonial independence and the welfare of your people.

Ju - London, ON
2022-09-20 16:01:19

I recall back in grade 5 or 6 when everyone received a commemorative coin celebrating the Queen's 25th Jubilee. I was never as proud of having a Queen for Canada as I did then. I have always loved her and all my love and thoughts are with her family. Take care and stay strong!!

Christine - British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:00:58

The last real monarch leaved our World like she lived her whole life long.... as a real majesty and QUEEN OF OUR HEARTS worldwide. The whole world will miss you QUEEN ELIZABETH II and Grandmom of everyone....

Adrian Bertschi - Niederglatt / ZH from Switzerland
2022-09-20 16:00:09

My thanks for all your service, your Majesty. I've been a monarchist for a long time, but did not realize I had such deep affection for the royal family until you passed. Your absence is keenly felt, and you shall be dearly missed.

Christian - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 15:59:42

You have been Queen during my whole life. You are a great Queen and person to the Whole World. You will be missed. May God Bless you.

Deborah - Fredericton, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 15:58:36

My Queen forever in my heart. Your spirit has touched many and your kindness has spoken louder than words. Rest in peace with your beloved Phillip until we meet again.

Nancy - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 15:57:48

God Rest the Queen
God Save the King

Gaye - Port Moody, BC
2022-09-20 15:56:11

An amazing Queen! I feel you held the world together with your wisdom and grace. You will definitely be missed on the world stage, in the Commonwealth, in the UK, at home as a Queen, mother, grandmother and great grandmother!

Ellen - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 15:54:35

Dearest Royal Family, I send you my heart felt condolences to you all.
I remember when I was 5 years old, in 1959, the Queen visited Toronto and she and Prince Phillip drove along Bloor Street to greet Canadians. That day my mother dressed me up, put on my earrings and a bow in my hair and walked to see her. At the age of 5, I was so happy and The Queen left a beautiful impression for the rest of my life.

Mary - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:53:19

Such an amazing woman, she was a model for all us. Thank you for your service, may you rest in peace

Catharina - Minnedosa MB
2022-09-20 15:52:53

I am humbled to have lived in Your Majesty’s Reign.
My sincere condolences to the Royal Family & loved ones

Marion - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 15:51:36

RIP liz

Sean - Winnipeg
2022-09-20 15:49:31

Thankful for your devoted service. Sure you heard the words "well done good and faithful daughter! enter your rest"
Will miss your sweet smile:)

Ermina Nociar - Surrey, BC
2022-09-20 15:48:32

Je présente mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille Royale ainsi que les britanniques suite au décès de votre majesté la Reine. C'etait la grand mère de tout le monde a travers les continents et le temps. Qu'elle repose en paix et God saves the King.

Soumeya - Algérie
2022-09-20 15:47:21

Your lifelong commitment to service and duty is admirable and beyond words. Your smile lit up the camera lens. We all cherished you and we feel as if we have just lost our grandmother, a member of our family. I have one thing in common and that we shared the same birthday, April 21st, and I always would raise a glass to you on our birthday. I only hope that you are with your Prince Philip and galloping into the sunset together. I will forever wear pearl earrings and pink lipstick in your honor.

Abby - Maple Ridge B.C.
2022-09-20 15:47:18

I send my heartfelt sympathy to the royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She was a beacon of light wherever she went and will be remembered forever.

Shirley - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 15:46:52

Queen Elizabeth II thanks for everything you did

Allen vasquez ledrew - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:45:27

I will always remember singing God Save The Queen in the mornings, standing at attention beside my school desk. Hard to believe. Blessings to you and your family.

Roberta - St. George/NB
2022-09-20 15:45:20

While I am not invested in much regarding the political sphere, and certainly not with the one you occupied, I am confident that you have left a legacy that is to be respected and admired. I believe that your passing truly marks the end of an era and I wish that the ones to follow may live up to the one you have molded for us.

Dmytro - Richmond Hill, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:44:34

May you rest in peace, Queen Elizabeth.

Melanie - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:44:07

The Queen's calm presence seemed to still a turbulent world. She will be missed.

Janice - Whitby, ON
2022-09-20 15:43:54

Irreparable Loss! Mother of the world, may your Majesty rest in peace after a lifetime of tireless service. You will always be on my mind and in my heart.

Richard Daou - Milton, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:43:52

To my dearest queen Elizabeth,
My deepest condolences to her and her family.
We will miss you and will never forget you as a wonderful queen and giving our world a endless hope. Love from me!

Amy Huang Belway - Coquitlam BC
2022-09-20 15:43:15

Thank you for your service and thank you for showing greatness and excellence for so many years.

With respect and condolences to all,

Carmen - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:42:36

To all members of the Royal family :
My sincere condolences to all of you on the passing of your beautiful Mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and our Queen. She will live on in my heart and the hearts of many . It doesn’t matter how old we are, to lose your mother is devastating. May all your wonderful memories bring you comfort in the days ahead. To King Charles, all the best in your reign.

Sharon - Reserve Mines, NS
2022-09-20 15:42:17

Dear Great Britain, I send my condolences to you for the passing of the Queen, a new blooming flower in God's Kingdom.

Tavish - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:42:12

Dear Great Britain, my condolences to you sincerely on the passing of our Queen. Queen Elizabeth, I hope that she rests in peace.

Rory - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:42:11

It was certainly a sad day when I heard of the passing of the queen. You will be remembered for all of time.
You reminded me a lot of my grandmother.

Gordon - Chilliwack, British Columbia
2022-09-20 15:42:05

Your loyalty, generosity, compassion, dedication, perseverance will continue to guide us to live with respect, love for family, & service to others. Fortunate to speak in person at Holyrood palace; receive a bronze medal from Prince Philip; privileged to be on the Britannia in Auckland & Montreal. Honoured to receive the Queen’s Jubilee Medal & both daughter's D of E Gold from Prince Edward. The world will never forget such a shining example to us all. May Your Highness find everlasting peace.

Thelma Wright - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 15:41:59

The perfect role model who adapted to every change the world threw at her.

Cory Nahnybida - Preston, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:40:26

Your grace, steadfastness and the twinkle in your eyes will be forever remembered and missed. Rest now, you have worked long and hard.

Brenda - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:40:08

A beautiful flower has bloomed in the middle of Buckingham palace her favorite place of all castles in England.

rylan - ontario
2022-09-20 15:39:31

I am so sorry you HR we will miss you, you were a great Queen. You will always been in my thoughts.

Corinne - Langley Bc
2022-09-20 15:39:30

I had the honour of serving her Majesty "Tea" as a young private in the Canadian Forces during a visit to Ottawa in 1982. I have always respected and admired the women, the mother, and her undying love and duty to her country. She was truly an outstanding person and Queen. 

Angela Chandler - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-20 15:39:27

A beautiful flower has bloomed in the middle of Buckingham palace her favorite place of all her castles in England.

Brianne - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:38:40

Thank you so much for all the works you have done Queen Elizabeth! We will miss you.

Mary Ann - Surrey BC
2022-09-20 15:38:19

I would like to express my deepest condolences to the Royal family and as well to all my fellow Canadians! The world will not be the same without this fine lady!

Cameron - Coquitlam BC
2022-09-20 15:37:19

A great queen with a big heart.
She will be greatly missed.
I will never forget her smile and her humor.
She was the queen of everyone and every generation.
Rest in peace your majesty.

Floriane - Basque country, France
2022-09-20 15:37:19

Reposez en paix.

joanne - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-20 15:36:45

I have admired you my whole life: You were as important to me , as my own Dear Yorkshire Grandmother.... so, it is like I lost her all over again.God Bless you, Your Majesty, and please don't give God a hard time...

Reginald - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-20 15:33:54

Une grande dame vient de nous quitter: une femme forte, un exemple incroyable d'engagement et un modèle pour toutes les femmes de ce monde. Qu'elle puisse enfin se reposer.

Katie - St-Hyacinthe, Québec
2022-09-20 15:33:11

Sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth's family. May they find comfort in their memories and her accomplishments. As the longest reigning monarch, we witnessed her Platinum Jubilee. May she rest in peace with her soul mate.

Irys - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:32:58

We can never thank you enough, Your Majesty, for your 70 years of service. You were a flawless diplomat and an inspiration to so many including me.

Robin Claridge - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:31:54

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll will be forever missed.

Irish - Kenora, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:31:29

Thank you Your Majesty for all the many years of guidance and care
I will forever miss you

Tracey - Surrey BC
2022-09-20 15:30:09

Thank you for your lifetime of service and setting an example to the world of what a gracious, respectful and kind leader can be. Your legacy will live on in Canada and in the world.

Michelle - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:27:35

You will be greatly missed beloved dear Queen.

Arnold - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-20 15:27:10

Our deepest condolences from the entire Birtles and Muir families. You will be missed. Thank you for your dedication, service and unwavering support for the British people and the commonwealth.

Graham - Bradford Ontario
2022-09-20 15:26:42


Nathan - Regina, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 15:26:24

God Bless

Shirley - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:26:09

You have been my Queen for almost 62 years. Farewell to our beautiful Queen Elizabeth. 

Marilyn Perro - Havre Boucher. Antigonish County Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 15:23:45

Rest in peace our dear Queen Elizabeth II ! May you continue, from above, to guide your son and all members of the monarchy with your wisdom, your generosity, your experience and your love for mankind. These are trying times and King Charles will need all the help and support he can get. Our thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones ! God bless and protect them all!

Mance - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-20 15:22:28

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. May the Queen Rest in Peace.

Michelle - Orleans, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:22:20

Our beloved Queen Elizabeth II - you be missed by many the world over. Rest in peace.

Allison - Ontario
2022-09-20 15:21:51

Her Majesty will always be apart of my life. There is a special place she holds in every Canadians heart.

Thank you your majesty for being more than our Queen, but also our mother, you will be missed.

2022-09-20 15:21:38

A wonderful Lady Mother Sister Aunt Grandmother Friend and Ruler. Now Rest in Peace with your Loved Ones in Heaven.

Cathy and Jezmi Yilmaz - Whitby Ont
2022-09-20 15:21:00

You were an inspiration to us all. Rest in Peace our beloved Queen.

John - Halifax,Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 15:20:40

God Save the Queen.

Daniel - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:19:56

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. She was an amazing woman admired by many many people.

Lynne - Nepean, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:16:42

Thank you, Ma'am, and farewell. A life well lived. And now to be reunited with His Royal Highness, Prince Philip. Vous avez rencontré mes grands-parents, il y a longtemps, lors d'une visite au Canada. Ma grand-mère n'a jamais oublié votre gentillesse ni votre maîtrise de la langue française. Thank you for a life dedicated to service.

Geneviève Guindon - Cornwall, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:16:08

Thanking Queen Elizabeth II for many years of service and dedication while navigating an often tumultuous world. Peace to you and your family.

Nicole - Ajax, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:15:26

Wonderful the Queen Elizabeth died on Feast of Our Lady Mary Mother in Heaven. Rest in Peace. With A Double Rainbow.

Elaine Landrie - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 15:15:11

À toute la famille de sa majesté la reine. Mes plus sincères condoléances à cette grande personne qu'était la reine. Son parcours restera dans toutes les mémoires pour l'éternité.

Nicolas - Québec
2022-09-20 15:15:04

May the Queen rest in peace. She will never be forgotten and she was truly admired for her work and dedication. Sincere condolences to her family because she certainly would be a great loss in so many ways but may wonderful memories live in your hearts forever.

Madeleine - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:14:31

Je suis née deux mois avant le couronnement de la reine. Elle a fait partie intégrante de ma vie jusqu'à maintenant et son décès est pour moi la fin d'une grande époque. Toutes mes condoléances à la Famille Royale et longue vie à Charles III.

Madeleine - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-20 15:13:59

R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II , God saves the queen ! your majesty you will be missed.

Fabio - Longueuil, Quebec
2022-09-20 15:13:27

May she rest in peace with other great leaders, such as Winston Churchill and Robert E. Lee.

Lauren - Rhode Island
2022-09-20 15:12:44

Your steadfastness and loyalty to your country and the commonwealth has been an inspiration. You were a large part of our family culture and we are truly thankful for your dedication.

Sarah - Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
2022-09-20 15:11:34

Will Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth ll be rest in peace in the arms of God and Her legacy be continued all over the world for ever. Thanks your Majesty you are always in my heart.

Michael - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:11:16

May she rest in peace. My condolences to her family and friends.

Candice - HAmpton, NB
2022-09-20 15:10:33

We are so sorry for your loss. She was a great lady. I wish I had been able to meet her. My first memory of her is her picture on the wall of my classroom and singing “God Save The Queen”. I feel like I’ve lost a family member also. I hope all of you can take the time to grieve. God bless you.

Nancy - White Lake, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:10:33

Rest in Peace

Marjorie - Abbotsford, BC
2022-09-20 15:10:04

Heaven's gain is our earthly world's loss. RIP your majesty.

Denis - Kemptville, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:09:27

Our dearest Queen, our hearts lay cracked, our minds torn. Our eyes are red and wet as we mourn your death. You've taken good care of us Mother, and we will not soon forget all the love you gave. You can finally rest at ease now our Queen. You have been called to the realm of the Gods now Mother. We will be alright.

Shawn Maier - Regina Sask
2022-09-20 15:06:20

A light has gone out in our dark world to appear in the skies above. Whatever Gods there are may they bless the Queen on her last journey for all her 70 years and more of service to Canada. We can never thank you enough. I can never thank you enough for the link you provided with my own grandparents and heritage.

Brendan - Ottawa
2022-09-20 15:06:04

My family & I want to express our sincerest condolences to our Canadian Royals. In these political trying times, in a society that may be naive or poorly informed, our Queen has been a rock, & a strength.
Possessing many skills, learned from an early age, lessons at her family's knee, ensuring that she would never bring disrepute forth. She exemplified "above politics", alibiet sometimes too much.
We long for more of her character in Canada. Long live the King!

Neil Raymond - St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
2022-09-20 15:05:57

Her father was a class act and she was even better. I hope she passed without pain.

Bob Winter - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:04:11

Our deepest sympathy, condolences and prayers.
Rest in Peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Abegael Reyes - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 15:01:56

Sorry for your loss.

Daniel - Carleton Place
2022-09-20 15:01:17

Our deepest sympathies to the Royal family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who we are so very grateful celebrated her 70th Platinum Jubilee this year. As my husband John, who served the Royal Canadian Navy for 21 years, we both appreciate all the Queen's loyal years of service. May she rest in peace.

Dianne - Bright's Grove, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:00:57

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family. They have shown us the true meaning of dignity. I pray God gives them the strength to bear this loss. RIP Queen Elizabeth.

Ferriel - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-20 15:00:42

My sincere condolences go out to the Royal family during these difficult times. The loss of the beloved Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II has a great impact to me on a personal level and the whole of the commonwealth. I can only imagine how difficult it is for the Royal family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ingrid - Rockland, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:58:57

Rest in piece

Kyle - Ottawa
2022-09-20 14:55:37

Thank you your majesty for your life of service and dedication.

Charles - Ontario
2022-09-20 14:55:19

My mother was a great fan of the royal family. We all grew up with the royal family namely the Queen as a loving caring part of our heritage . May Charles see a way to allow Harry back into the family & carry the Monarchy into the next century whole & carry on the legacy that his mother has left him to be the King of. May the memories that the royal family have of Queen Elizabeth II help them in this time of sorrow.

Karon Regamble Ne Wilson - Twin Lakes BC Canada
2022-09-20 14:55:11

Our deepest sympathies are extended to the royal family on the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was unparalleled in her dedication to service throughout her life. As Canadians we are forever grateful for her enduring light in this world and she will never be forgotten.

Tammy - Brooklin, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:54:43

I admired your faith and family values. You were truly one of a kind and gracious lady and Queen. You will truly be missed, but not forgotten. Rest in Peace your Majesty.

Verlynn - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-20 14:54:28

Rest in Peace My Queen

Neil - Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada
2022-09-20 14:53:34

On behalf of my wife and I we want to express our sincere condolences to the entire Royal Family at the passing of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Hers was an amazing rule and legacy and the only monarch we have known over our 70 or so years. The funeral was one to remember. Outstanding tribute to a wonderful monarch and human being. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God save the King! Best of luck your majesty, King Charles III.

Roman and Virginia - Toronto
2022-09-20 14:53:04

Bless the sweet soul of this most honorable and incredible sovereign. May her soul rest in perfect peace, reunited with her beloved consort, Philip and her best-loved and equally as honorable parents. What you did for Canada will never be eclipsed. Sweet Lilibet...the unlikely monarch. Thank you for your most devoted service. You are a formidable leader.

Katya - Rodney, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:53:02

A smart women, a great leader, and a smiling humanbeing.

Salaheddine - Morocco
2022-09-20 14:52:58

My deepest condolences for the loss of your dear Mother(Mama) and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I feel your loss as do so many others around the world. May you find comfort in knowing that she is with her soulmate again.

Dittika - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-20 14:52:55

Long Live Queen Elizabeth II

Deeply sorry for your loss, She was the great woman, Queen that left behind an amazing mark in our history.

Valerie - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:51:37

An incredible woman, whom lived an incredible life, will leave an incredible legacy, and be remembered for an incredibly long time.

Romeo - Ottawa ON
2022-09-20 14:51:19

Great queen, great governance.
Biggest lost for the world.
Mu sincere condolences.

Athavan - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:48:05

We had the honour of meeting her Majesty in person when she came to Dauphin and officially opened the site Selo Ukraina. We are so saddened that she is not with us any longer but are thankful for her many years of service. May she Rest In Peace.

Mary & Marvin - Dauphin MB
2022-09-20 14:47:44

Rest in peace your magesty. I had wanted to meet you from the time I
was a child. You were the image of love and honor.
We will meet some day.

2022-09-20 14:46:44

To our beloved Queen, we're very saddened by your passing, you will be forever cherished in our hearts for who you were, what you accomplished & what you represented. You were a true "classy lady" who was admired & respected & who always performed your duty & service with grace & dignity. Rest in peace, you are now forever with your Philip.

Lorette Family - Merritt, BC Canada
2022-09-20 14:46:42

Thank you for your lifetime of service to the people of the Commonwealth and Britain.

Ronald - Vancouver
2022-09-20 14:46:37

My deepest condolences to the family of her majesty the Queen.
I have seen her in Ottawa when she came. She has been a presence in my life supporting democracy. In elementary school, we sang God Save the Queen and her picture adorned our walls. In the CAF reserves, she was present. In the government, we observe the traditions of the English that came here and to make a better life for themselves. I hope that those who loved her take comfort in her long life.

Louise - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:45:39

My condolences to the Royal family and friends. Fly high your majesty. You lead with grace and you shall be missed.

Lirissa - Hamilton Ontario
2022-09-20 14:45:31

Deepest condolences to the royal family upon the death of their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. The Queen was a remarkable woman, totally dedicated, discreet and highly respected around the world. God save the King.

Nancy - Victoria, B.C.
2022-09-20 14:44:16

“Phillip came to you and said it was time to go.
You looked at him and smiled,
as you whispered that, "I know"
Your reign had seen its end.
70 years you served....
Thank you for the years,
for all your time and love.
Now you are one of two again,
in your Palace up above.”
Rest in peace my Queen....

2022-09-20 14:43:50

We were extremely sadden to hear of the Queens passing. The Queen was so steadfast and comforting.
Like the Queen my family love the bagpipes and had a few pipers in the family. Interestingly when my Mother passed away the piper we had at her funeral was J T Mackenzie who piped at Prince Philip and the Queens wedding and the Queens fathers funeral. Cherishing the past and looking forward to the future with the reign of his HR King Charles III.

Faye - Burlington Ontario
2022-09-20 14:43:32

The Queen had such a magnificent way of connecting with people. Her addresses to the Commonwealth provided sound guidance to, and helped to lift the spirits of, Canadians and others alike. With world leaders, her behind-the-scenes leadership helped to bring about improvements in the lives of many, including through the end of the horrid regime of apartheid in South Africa. This is true leadership and she led with a smile. She, and her smile, will be greatly missed by all.

Ian - North Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 14:43:10

My Heartfelt Condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of your mother, grandmother, & great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. She was a remarkable woman. May you find comfort in the legacy she has left in all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate this new journey without her physical presence to guide you as she had done in the past, but may her spirit be with you in the future.

Bonny - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:42:46

You will be missed. The only queen in my life time. I bow my head to majesty Queen Elizabeth

Tabatha - Medicine Hat, Alberta
2022-09-20 14:42:39

I would like to send a heart felt condolences to the queen and her family for all her support and our prayers are with her at this time

Luke - Ontario
2022-09-20 14:40:48

Our condolences and blessings.

Susan Ida - Toronto, Canada
2022-09-20 14:40:45

Sincere condolences to the Royal Family. Our late beloved Queen served Canada faithfully for over seventy years and we are very appreciative of her devotion to duty throughout all these years. She will truly be missed. May her memory be for a blessing. -Thomas A. Wardle

Thomas - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 14:40:15

Sincerest condolences to the royal family, United Kingdom and to all commonwealth. We have lost a wonderful pillar of strength, a role model, a leader and most of all, a beautiful and loyal person.

Pennylynn - Ottawa
2022-09-20 14:39:53

Thank you so much for being an inspiration to people around the globe. Your kind persona, integrity, humour, love of animals, self-sacrifice and bravery during awful events were exemplary, and I doubt there is anyone who could ever match your sense of duty. Your legacy will remain unparalleled. RIP with your beloved Philip x

Carolynne - Parksville, BC
2022-09-20 14:39:45


2022-09-20 14:39:37

Thank you for all you did for us during your life. We are proud to be part of the Commonwealth that you held so dear.
Maria & Nadia Cescato

NADIA - Etobicoke, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:39:17

Deeply saddened by the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. My deepest sympathies to the Royal family.

Charlene - Whitehorse, Yukon
2022-09-20 14:38:31

My Deepest Condolences to the Royal Family in the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. May her Majesty rest in Peace.

Betty-Anne Stubbins - Whitehorse, Yukon Territories
2022-09-20 14:37:08

Vie légendaire

Huan - Montréal,Québec
2022-09-20 14:36:33

Toutes nos sincères condoléances à la famille royale.

Pierrette - Hawkesbury, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:35:56

I have many fond memories of Her Majesty. Her dedication to service is legendary.

Clifford Smith - Burlington Ontario
2022-09-20 14:35:51

You were an inspiration for the world.

Carolyn Grisdale - Trenton ontario
2022-09-20 14:35:48

Sorry for the loss of this “ Great Lady”

Brian - Newfoundland,Canada
2022-09-20 14:35:39

Ma famille et moi nous offrons nos sincères sympathies à toute sa famille, pour moi la Reine Elisabeth est une grande Dame d’où j’ai eu et encore aujourd’hui énormément de respect.

Caroline - Québec
2022-09-20 14:34:32

Thank you for your service and guidance!

Alexandra - Calgary
2022-09-20 14:33:14

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures;
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord My whole life long.

Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: Rest in Peace in the house of the Lord. Amen

Amur - Stoney Creek, Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:32:47

Sending condolences to the Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be missed; I especially enjoyed her Christmas message to Britain and the Commonwealth.

Tracy - Sandringham, Newfoundland
2022-09-20 14:32:10

Thank you for your magnificent service! My deepest condolences to the Royal Family, Kate and William who I met in Victoria BC.

Daniele - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 14:31:18

May God give wisdom to the new King and my condolences to the entire family! God bless

Fernanda - Ottawa, ON
2022-09-20 14:30:58

Your Majesty, you have served your subjects and country for over 70 years. You have been the only monarch I have known. Even though I live across the ocean from you in Canada, I am proud to have called you my Monarch. You have been generous and kind to your subjects worldwide. I was saddened and moved to see your crown and sceptre removed from its rightful resting place yesterday while watching the proceedings. You will be greatly missed by us all. All Hail the Queen!

M. Hannigan - Midland, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:30:38

Cette dame fut extraordinaire!!! Elle a eu l'ouverture d'esprit, malgré un bagage ancestral de séparer la monarchie du peuple, de prendre la résolution de faire une révolution de la monarchie en intégrant le peuple au sein de la monarchie dans les années 90 pour ainsi faire survivre la royauté et garder le peuple uni et en confiance. Bravo Madame! Paix à vous!

Sonia - Québec, Québec
2022-09-20 14:30:34

Queen Elizabeth was a Beam of Sunlite to the entire world but especially to those whose voices were not always heard. She was not just a Figure but Figured out what was going on in every aspect. Thank you for all your Help
Christine Ajax Ontario Canada

Christine - Ajax Ontario
2022-09-20 14:30:33

Our condolences to the Royal Family
We are deeply saddened about the death of our Majesty the Queen. Thanks to her Majesty for the great years of service to Canada.

Laurent - Ottawa Vanier Canada
2022-09-20 14:30:10

Deepest condolences on the loss of our dear Queen Elizabeth II. She was a woman of dignity and grace. We as Canadians have been blessed for 70 years to have her as our Head of State.
May her family be consoled by the good works she has done and left as a legacy.
May she Rest in Peace.
Gloria C

Gloria - Taber, Alberta
2022-09-20 14:29:33

My condolences to her Majesty's family, definitely a huge loss for all of us!

Stephanie - Ottawa, ON
2022-09-20 14:29:07

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II exuded such gracious and unwavering loyalty not only to her family but to her responsibilities as the Queen. Honouring her memory and legacy - such dignity is to be admired. Forever in our hearts.

Erika - Fergus, ON
2022-09-20 14:26:31

A great queen. My sympathy to the Great Britain.

Mah e no - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 14:26:15

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a beacon of stability in an ever-changing world. She will be dearly missed. My thoughts go out to the Royal Family during this difficult time.

Nathan - Windsor, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:25:11

Thank you for your service! You will be missed.

Celia - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:25:08

You have been a beacon of light at times of darkness and shining example of leadership through service. May you Rest In Peace.

Nola Kate - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 14:23:59

We are saddened at the loss of a truly great leader, who embodied and modelled restraint, goodwill, kindness, humour, humility, grace and a loving devotion to a lifelong duty, all fuelled and guided by her deep and genuine Christian faith. May Her Majesty's legacy live long!

Peter - Canada
2022-09-20 14:23:16

With sorrow but appreciation, the very deepest condolences on the loss of our mighty Queen. Rest in Peace.

Maggie - St. John's, NL
2022-09-20 14:22:07

Rest In Peace Queen

Lindsay - Aldergrove, British Columbia
2022-09-20 14:21:05

Such a wonderful & caring role model, rest in peace

Lorraine - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 14:21:02

My sincerest condolences to the royal family on the loss of Her Majesty. RIP Ma'am and thank you for your tremendous service.

Holly - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-20 14:20:46

Beloved and respected throughout the world. Thank you for your example, for your service. I will miss you. Condolences.

Lori - Victoria
2022-09-20 14:20:18

Triste nouvelle d’apprendre le décès de la reine d’Angleterre Elisabeth II. Je suis venue au monde alors qu’elle montait sur le trône et elle s’éteint au moment où j’atteins mes 70 ans. Toute ma vie je n’ai connu qu’elle comme reine, ça me rend triste et presque incroyable qu’elle ne sera plus de ce monde. Je lui souhaite de reposer en paix et bonne chance à Charles III futur roi D’Angleterre pour continuer l’œuvre de sa mère et même plus.

Claire - Lévis
2022-09-20 14:19:03

My condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll. She was a great lady.

Donna Lynn - Laval, Quebec
2022-09-20 14:18:36

Condolences to the family.

kathryn - Peterborough, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:18:25

Your calm demeanour and common sense will be sorely missed

Scott - Nobleton, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:17:51

Thank you for a lifetime of devoted service and guidance, conducted always with grace, humility and dignity. Rest peacefully, knowing that your strength, wisdom and compassion were an inspiration for so many .

Patti - Tsawwassen, B C
2022-09-20 14:17:21

Rest in Peace Your Majesty. It was an honour to have served in your Canadian Armed Forces.

Michael - USA
2022-09-20 14:16:53

Our family’s deepest sympathy to all the Royal family who have lost their Mom, Grannie and friend.
Queen Elizabeth has been a part of our lives from kindergarten to age 75. Through all those years, she was a wonderful example of devotion to duty.
We will remember her, especially, for that.
May she rest peacefully, being reunited with her beloved husband.

Bryan and Lee - Ancaster ON
2022-09-20 14:16:50

Thank you for your service, Rest In Peace Her Majesty the queen

Philip - Fort Erie, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:16:46

Our deepest condolences for Royal Family at this time. The Queen has always been an idol for women around the world. May her memory be blessed

Tala - Toronto
2022-09-20 14:16:15

My condolences to the family of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I lost my own mother this year, so this is weighing on my heart as the end of an era for us all. My heart goes out to all of you.

Barrie - Peachland, BC
2022-09-20 14:13:03

Canadians were proud to have her represent us and she will be greatly missed.

Kim Reid - Petawawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:12:59

Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
My deepest condolences to your family and friends.
Born in 1955 to your reign, I’ve come to appreciate your
Grace, Wisdom, Selfless Duty and Dedication during your 70 year Reign.
I was saddened to learn of your passing but am taking comfort knowing that you are now resting peacefully with your beloved Prince Philip, and with your very dear family members.
Thank You for Everything, Ma’am
Respectfully yours,
Janice K (Eng) Brown
Vancouver BC

Janice - Vancouver BC Canada
2022-09-20 14:11:01

Sending my heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences to all members of the Royal family, following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a wonderful, loving, devoted mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I was so proud to share a birthdate with her and always felt a deep and abiding respect and admiration for her. The world will never see another like her ever again - she is simply irreplaceable. Always loved, forever missed, never forgotten...She will live in our hearts forever.

Karen K. - Okotoks, Alberta
2022-09-20 14:10:56

My condolences, she has been a privilege to idolize

Raffi - Ontario Canada
2022-09-20 14:10:09

When I was 5 years old I saw the Queen's coronation with my Grandma at the local theatre in Sarnia Ontario. It was a big deal! Today I still have 3 scrapbooks filled with newspaper articles of the Royal Family I did as a child. Great memories. My sympathies to the family.

Linda Mae - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:10:05

I am deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Queen. She was the epitome of grace under pressure, always a wonderful example for her subjects. My sympathies to the members of the Royal Family. God save the King.

Julie - Woodstock, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 14:08:28

REST IN PEACE after Your great life, Your Majesty.

Ben Wang and Family.

2022-09-20 14:06:01

Thank you, Your Majesty, for serving the UK, Canada and the Commonwealth for over 70 years. Rest in peace knowing that the Crown is firmly and safely in the hands of God and HM King Charles III. Long live The King!

David & Michelle - Scarborough, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:05:50

Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II, you’ll be greatly missed, you’re finally reunited with your husband, mom and sister in heaven, Farewell Queen Elizabeth you were an amazing Queen 

Sarah - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-20 14:04:17

Your Majesty, We celebrated your life by paying respects in Victoria. We saw Canada's Coat of Arms by the Leg with the crown on top which has signified you, our Queen. We saw military, some of whom wear the crown as part of their rank. You are present in many aspects of Canadian life. We have, in the past, been part of citizenship ceremonies, your photo present to all new citizens. You are honoured and thought of in many ways. Rest our Queen. Long Live the King.

Suzanne Young, Hans and Jocelyne Park. Donna and Larry Bergholz. - New Westminster, BC
2022-09-20 14:03:54

May her majesty Queen Elizabeth II nd, whom I have admired all my life, because of her discipline, royal demeanor and sense of duty, now rest in peace.

Ernst - Munich, Bavaria
2022-09-20 14:03:39

R.I.P. You will be missed!

Kate - West Kelowna, British Columbia
2022-09-20 14:03:10

Rest in Peace. You left our world a better place.

cec - st. john's
2022-09-20 14:02:25

The Queen reigned with grace, dignity, and resilience. As a rare woman world leader, she commanded respect through her kindness, humour, wisdom, and interests. She was like a mother to the Commonwealth. She will be greatly missed.

Kerrie - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 14:02:14


2022-09-20 14:01:49

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II touched so many and even though never meeting her, I feel like I have lost a treasured member of my own family. She was a remarkable lady who exuded grace, strength and beauty. May she rest in eternal peace.

Sherri - Edmonton, AB
2022-09-20 14:01:45

Sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Forever remembered with love and respect for a life of exemplary service and devotion to the people of the United Kingdom, Canada and the Commonwealth. Long live the King!

Teresa - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-20 14:01:25

The world has lost a leader that gave her life to service -- something that is likely not to be duplicated. May you be comforted by your memories of her not just as a monarch, but as a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

Hyla - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 13:59:39

It is with a very heavy heart to hear the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She has been an influential leader and wonderful role model for all of us. She will be greatly missed.

Linda - Burnaby, British Columbia
2022-09-20 13:59:33

You were beautiful inside and out. Thank you for being the honest, kind and honorable person you were.

Indira - Brampton, ON
2022-09-20 13:59:33

Thank you for being one of the greatest women in history!
my deepest condolences to all family members, specially the ones that understood your legacy! Service a country with humanity! Goos bless you in heaven! our Queen Elizabeth II.

Lalita Ribeiro Fialho - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 13:58:54

Thank you, Ma'am, for so many years of service and the sacrifices made. Thank you also for setting an example and paving the way for working mothers everywhere. You were so loved. Sincerest condolences to your family.

Alice - Toronto, Ontario (Orig. London, UK)
2022-09-20 13:56:54

My sincere sympathy to the late Queen's family. I grew up admiring the Queen. She showed such great fortitude during trouble times and I had the utmost respect for her.

Denyse - Kitchener
2022-09-20 13:56:40

RIP dear heart for you have fulfilled your vow and promise made all those years ago. May you and your loving husband enjoy your time together in peace and laughter once again.
God bless you both for your service

Cheryl - London Ontario
2022-09-20 13:56:40

Chère Reine
Vous avez été une inspiration d’une grande inspiration pour moi merci pour votre dévouement et bon repos, sympathies à toutes la famille 

Marielinne - Longueuil Québec
2022-09-20 13:56:08

Rest in peace

jessee - kenya
2022-09-20 13:54:30

Mes plus sincère condoléance a la famille royale

Denis - Richmond,Québec
2022-09-20 13:54:28

Mes condoléances à ton peuple et la famille royale ,j' aurais aimé appartenir à votre rayaume tellement les citoyens vivez bien et en toute liberté dans le royaume qui tu été ça reine repose en paix Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

Mohamed - Menzel Bourguiba ,Bizerte ,Tunisie
2022-09-20 13:54:26

Respectable Reina Elizabeth, j'ai le privilège vous avoir connue, bien sure par les media de communication.
Maintenir 70 ans de royaume cela mérite des reconnaissance.
Que Dieu ne voit pas vous faute et vous face une belle place dans son royaume célestiel.

Mirna del Carmen - Ottawa, canada, mais native de Nicaragua (Amérique Central
2022-09-20 13:53:16

Sa Majesté as un à été un phare pour son époque ainsi qu'un guide moral et un exemple a suivre pour les générations à venir.

Francois - St-Jean sur Richelieu, Québec
2022-09-20 13:51:15

Rest in peace. Thank you for being an amazing role model of strength, poise, kindness, and wit! It was an absolute honour to have you in the world and it will be forever changed without you here! I wish your family and friends my most sincere condolences.

Jolene - Vancouver
2022-09-20 13:51:15

My deepest sympathies to the Royal family. Wishing to meet our king one day in belize and continuing protect belize from gautemala.

Troy - Belize
2022-09-20 13:50:02

Thank you for being a trailblazer for many women, and for your years of service, for your humour, grace, and constant presence. May you rest in peace.

Lisa - Victoria, BC
2022-09-20 13:48:56

Thank you our Queen. You will be missed.

Christine - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 13:48:24

You were the Queen of our hearts. May God bless you with heaven and you always stay in our hearts. Long live the Queen!

Faateh Sharif - Milton ON
2022-09-20 13:47:04

Thank you to our beautiful Queen for her service. She portrayed the utmost respect to all people of our country.
Heartbroken Islanders. Thinking of all Royal families.

Cindy Doucette - Kensington, PEI, Canada
2022-09-20 13:46:26

god queen

Logan - Quebec
2022-09-20 13:46:08

We wish you safe passage, Your Majesty.

Colleen - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 13:46:00

Je vous souhaite tout le réconfort, le soutien, le courage et la bienveillance que vous méritez dans ce moment difficile. » « Je suis de tout cœur avec vous dans cette épreuve et vous témoigne toute ma sympathie.

Frederic - St-Georges, Québec
2022-09-20 13:45:30

Thank you so very much.
I am so grateful to you for being shining light through out my life.
Sending thoughts to King Charles and all of your family

Amy Baskin - Kamloops
2022-09-20 13:44:56

she was loved and admired by most of the world . she was a wonderfull person. R.I.P youll be remembered for EVER.

john - cork city ireland
2022-09-20 13:43:21

You have serve your people with dedication and integrity, thank you.

Deokumar - Toronto, ON
2022-09-20 13:43:11

Thank you for sharing your life. In a world of chaos, insecurity and selfishness, you have shown us love, faith and hope through your sacrifice, commitment and devotion. My sincere condolences to the Royal family.

Annie - Delta, British Columbia
2022-09-20 13:42:58

Queen Élizabeth, you now dancing with the angels. Thanks for all you have done, rest in peace

Karine - Québec, Montreal
2022-09-20 13:42:26

My family and I wish the Royal Family our deepest condolences. Our Queen will be missed. Welcome to our new King.It is our desire that you will find a way to bring the family together, as we feel your pain in separation. God bless you all.

Patricia - Harvey, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 13:42:23

Reposez en paix.

Josiane - Saint-Nazaire d'acton
2022-09-20 13:40:30


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