Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviour Matrix


Military Values







Acceptable Behaviour

Demonstrate respect for Canada, its people, our profession, our leaders, peers and subordinates.

Serve Canada with a principled approach to duty.

Accomplish the mission despite fear, significant risk, and other obstacles.

Commit to continuous learning and self-development in pursuit of professional excellence.

Create a sense of belonging and cohesion within the CAF.

Identify, report and correct any elements of military culture contrary to the CAF Ethos.

Execute, with loyalty, lawful orders and commands and support accountability to Canadians and the Government of Canada.

Act, at all times, in a manner that will stand up to the closest public scrutiny.

Overcome physical adversity or moral dilemmas with determination and strength of character.

Improve the quality of military service you provide to Canada.

Consider the present and long-term effects that your actions have on people and their families.

Bring to attention any action or inaction detrimental to the good of the CAF.

Safeguard information and disclose it only upon receiving approval from authorized officials.

Prevent or resolve any conflicts of interest, particularly those involving yourself.

Make the right choice, weighing the alternatives.

Push yourself to achieve personal bests.

Identify, address and overcome your unconscious biases.

Discuss the CAF Ethos regularly with others as it pertains to military service.

Be loyal to our profession, subordinates, peers, and superiors.

Act with strength of character to earn and maintain the trust of the team.

Condemn, correct or report unethical conduct and behaviour.

Foster an environment that promotes team learning and innovation.

Capitalize on the diverse talents that each individual brings to the team.

Accept and own up to your mistakes.

Ensure that all personnel are treated fairly and given opportunities for professional development.

Adhere to the highest ethical standards, be honest and reliable.

Identify, discuss and resolve ethical issues using appropriate resources and authorities.

Perform duties in a manner that respects and promotes Canada’s official languages.



Never leave anyone behind.

Be fair and just regardless of personal consequences.


Communicate with others in their Canadian official language of choice.




Military Values







Unacceptable Behaviour

Breach security of information.

Belong to, support or maintain an association with groups or organizations that are contrary to CAF values and principles.

Avoid tough decisions, confrontations, or danger to the detriment of military service.

Complete only essential or mandatory training.

Allow favouritism in the selection of personnel for professional development, thereby disadvantaging others.

Pass by faults, leaving them for someone else to correct.

Failure to take responsibility for one's action or inaction.

Support conduct that is in any way hateful, discriminatory, illegal, or inappropriate.

Go with the flow to "not rock the boat."

Apply the minimum effort required to avoid repercussions.

Withhold fair and consistent feedback on the performance of subordinates.

Make excuses to avoid work or responsibility.

Failure to give credit to whom it is due.

Obtain personal gain from those doing business with the CAF or DND.

Act in a cowardly manner.

Fail to encourage the use of both official languages within the workplace.

Disregard other’s healthy work-life balance.

Apply different standards of behaviour when on and off duty.

Failure to develop subordinates.

Act in a manner that would bring discredit to the CAF.

Fail to identify, respond, report and rectify unethical or illegal actions.

Fail to achieve minimum standards.

Dismiss subordinates’ accomplishments as being “part of the job.”

Blame others for your mistakes. 


Use position or status to obtain a personal advantage, or to disadvantage others.

Condone, in any way, behaviour contrary to the CAF Ethos.

Disregard the importance of total health and fitness.

Ignore rituals of hazing, in any form, particularly as an initiation into a group or organization.


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