Annex E – THW Glossary

Table 13: Glossary

Action item/ initiative
The activity essential to meeting strategic objective.
Anything that inhibits or interfaces with the success of the program/initiative.
Current Funded
Current initiatives that are FOC and are baseline funded.
Current Unfunded
Current initiatives which are not baseline funded.
Refer to all inputs (tangible or intangible that are submitted within the scope of a project submitted during any project phases).
DRF Placemat
A tool that outlines the Core Responsibilities of the DRF and includes DRs (Defence Results), DRIs (Defence Result Indicators) and POIs (Program Outcome Indicators) Internally see Corporate Performance Measurement Framework FY 2022-23 – Departmental Results Framework (DRF) subset (accessible only on the National Defence network) or externally Departmental Results Reports
DRF Result
Defence Results Framework Result (see DRF placemat).
In accounting, the word expenditure is used to indicate a cost that is paid to acquire equipment or other assets. An expenditure is a type of expense but is listed differently on income statements. Expenditures are classified as capital assets, inventory items or expenses (which incur an immediate benefit).
Full Operational Capacity – Program/Initiative is post implementation and fully operational.
Fiscal Year – Financial Period From April 1st to March 31st of each year.
The various resources available to support the strategic objectives.
Program/initiative has available (could be brand new, existing, no data reported or with data available).
L1 Organization
The organization that owns the program/initiative.
Line of Effort (LoE)
LoE’s are the foundation for the approach to achieving the strategic goal.
Logic Model
A tool to provide a visual picture of what a program/strategy is trying to achieve, and the logical process of how to get there.
A stage to be reached in the planning, programming or implementation processes of a project.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI)
The individual or organization named to exercise primary management or leadership responsibility in the execution of an assigned task.
Outcomes are the intended results of the strategic objective. They include immediate, intermediate and ultimate outcomes.
The product of the activity.
Planned Funded
Planned initiatives that are FOC and are baseline funded.
Planned Unfunded
Planned initiatives which are not baseline funded.
Point of Contact (POC)
Reference to Primary THW SC member
Program and Performance Summary Form
Proposed Unfunded
New initiatives proposed to meet the strategic objective – not baseline funded.
Responsibility Centre Manager (RCM)
The person in a position that is allocated a budget and who has spending authority under the Financial Administration Act for this budget.
A potential impact that may cause the program/initiative to fail.
Strategic Objective
Defines the activity that must be achieved to make the strategy successful.
The measureable result for which the initiative/program is working towards achieving.
Target Date
The date the expected target is to be achieved.
Defence Team Total Health and Wellness Strategy

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