Did you know? – Peer Advisor Recruitment

September 21, 2022 - Defence Stories


Have you ever considered volunteering as a Peer Advisor (PA) through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Would you like to know how you can get involved and what being involved actually means? Continue reading to learn more and check out the Organizational Well-Being SharePoint site (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website). 

What is a Peer Advisor?

A Peer Advisor (PA) is an approachable, trustworthy employee who supports their colleagues by listening actively and directing them to helpful resources, like mental health services, community programs and more.

A PA is not a counsellor. They cannot diagnose, counsel, advise, prescribe, or treat an employee.

Not sure if the role is right for you? As a Peer Advisor, you get to: ​

How can I become a Peer Advisor?

Does the Peer Advisor role sound like the perfect fit for you? Are you someone who is passionate about mental health and looking for an opportunity to help your colleagues and give back to the Defence Team in a meaningful way?

The Employee Assistance Program is always looking for new volunteer Peer Advisors to join the program, applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Volunteers must be full-time DND employees, who have obtained the support of their supervisor. To apply, complete the Peer Advisor Application Form (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

I submitted my application, what’s next?

Following a review of the new applications, and union endorsement, applicants will be interviewed to ensure they are a good fit for the program. Their supervisor will be contacted to discuss the role and its implications.

Successful applicants will begin onboarding with their Regional Coordinator (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website), who provide them with support and mentorship on a regional scale. Peer Advisor will also begin their training, which involves a variety of courses including Mental Health First Aid training, Applied Suicide Intervention Training and informative workshops like Trauma-Informed Care. To view the training opportunities provided to Peer Advisors, check out the Training Roadmap (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

Once training has been completed, applicants will have achieved their volunteer status, and will begin meeting with employees in their role as a Peer Advisor.

Need more information? Check out our Organizational Well-Being Sharepoint Site (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website) or contact the EAP positional mailbox.

Want to apply? Fill out our Peer Advisor Application Form (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

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