Employee Assistance Program

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The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a professional, confidential and proactive service to support you and your family members with a wide range of personal, family and work-related concerns. These services are designed to enable a proactive approach to supporting your well-being.

Crisis and Short-Term Counselling

Homewood Health Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) provides free, short-term counselling for employees and eligible family members. Through a solutions-focused approach, individuals can develop skills and strategies to improve their well-being, solve personal or work-related concerns, and build resiliency.


Counselling services are available in person, over the phone, through video, or chat. You can access these counselling services:

By Phone: available 24/7

Online: To access services and make an appointment online:

Who is eligible?

Life Smart Coaching

Life Smart coaching services are designed to enable individuals to take a proactive approach to managing challenges. These services are available by phone, and provide coaching support for topics such as:

Life Balance Solutions:

Health Smart Coaching Services:

Career Smart Coaching Services:

Find a full description of all coaching services available in the Life Smart Coaching Catalogue [PDF - 4.59MB] (you are now leaving Canada.ca, for internal audiences only).


Coaching services are available by phone only. You can access this service:

By Phone: Available 24/7

Who is eligible?

Digital Mental Health Platform

On Homewood Health’s Digitial Mental Health Platform you can access a range of tools to support your mental health and create an individual profile to receive personalized service and resource recommendations. This self-serve platform enables you to speak with a mental health professional immediately and book services  on your desktop or through the mobile app. It includes internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT), self-guided courses, resource locators, health and wellness assessments and articles.

Learn more about what the platform has to offer on DWAN or D365 (you are now leaving Canada.ca, for internal audiences only).


To access the homeweb.ca digital mental health platform:

Who is eligible?


For crisis and short-term counselling, Life Smart coaching, and access to the Digital Mental Health Platform, eligible individuals include:

Peer Support

EAP Peer Advisors are DND colleagues who support fellow DND public service employees with work-related or personal challenges. Peer Advisors are trained and skilled to provide active listening and to refer employees to relevant and available resources and supports.

Their services are free, confidential and neutral.


Peer Support services are provided to DND public service employees in person, by telephone, via email, or via Microsoft Teams during working hours.

For a complete description of Peer Support and to connect with a Peer Advisor, visit “Find Support in Your Area” (available only on D365).

You can also email eap-pae@forces.gc.ca for more information.

Manager Support: Key Person Advice Line (KPAL)

The Key Person Advice Line gives managers or supervisors the opportunity to contact a Homewood Senior-level Clinician for prompt one-time consultations regarding situations with their employees that are unusual, exceptional or outside the realm of their regular duties as a manager. This resource is meant to complement the support offered by human resources, labour relations, and bargaining agents, not to replace it.


Key Person Advice Line (KPAL) services are available by phone only. You can access this service:

By Phone: Available 24/7

Specialized Team Services

Specialized Team services are available to managers and supervisors to support teams who may be impacted by workplace events or by the effects of cumulative stress. The goal of these services may include:

This service provides support to teams for a variety of challenges, including:

Grief & Loss

Group psychoeducational support sessions, tools and resources are available following the passing of a colleague.

Trauma Management

During critical or traumatic events in the workplace, support teams to mitigate the psychological risks involved.

Workplace Interventions

A wide range of psychosocial workshops, customized trainings and interventions are available to managers and their teams to strengthen employee wellness, team effectiveness and organizational health, on a cost-recovery basis.

To access these services, managers and supervisors should contact DND’s Employee Assistance Program and a subject matter expert will coordinate on your behalf: EAP-PAE@forces.gc.ca

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Contact Us

Find everything you need to know about mental health and well-being services on our Organizational Well-Being Site (you are now leaving Canada.ca, for internal audiences only).

If you have specific requirements or needs, please contact the Positional Mailbox:


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