That’s a Wrap! Highlights of Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month 2022

October 31, 2022 - Defence Stories

The Defence Team Recognizes

October marked Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month (CHWM), with the theme “Together for a Better Workplace!” Virtual activities and events were hosted throughout the month with a focus on creating a healthy workplace to support the psychological and physical well-being of Defence Team members.

CHWM kicked-off with a message from our Mental Health co-Champions: Deputy Minister Bill Matthews, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant-General Frances Allen and Wanda Boudreau, President, Federal Government Dockyard Chargehands Association. They encouraged all DND public service employees and military members to reflect on their well-being, as well as that of their colleagues, and to actively think about how we can each contribute to the overall health and wellness of all Defence Team members.

Throughout October, Defence Team members:

The events, activities, and learning opportunities that were organized for CHWM were designed to offer Defence Team members practical tools, tips, and resources that can be applied throughout the rest of the year to support your well-being! In case you missed it or were unable to attend, recordings of the webinars are posted on the Organizational Well-Being Microsoft Stream Channel (you are now leaving the Government of Canada website).

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