Iron Warrior Competitors Test Their Mettle

October 7, 2022 - Defence Stories

By Second Lieutenant Michael Kearney, 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Public Affairs


A competitor of the annual Iron Warrior competition wearing a rucksack carries a canoe on their shoulders for the portage portion of the race.
Photo: Corporal Scally, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Special User

In the early morning hours of Friday August 26th, as most of us were still tucked into our beds, hundreds of Defence Team members from across 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (2 CMBG) and beyond were rucking their way through the inky darkness that covered the Garrison Petawawa training area.

Were these troops on course? No. Were they on exercise? No. Were they trying to fit in some pre-dawn PT? Not exactly; they were competing in the Iron Warrior competition – 2 CMBG’s annual fitness competition.

As the sun finally started to rise over the Ottawa Valley many of the competitors finished the first leg of their journey – a 24.92km ruck march – and picked up their canoes and began the 2.6km portage to the shore of the Ottawa River.

Stroke after laboured stroke they next paddled the 8.2km to Petawawa Point, battling the current, fatigue and rain. Once on the sandy beach they left their canoes and started the final leg – a 9.02 km ruck march through the town of Petawawa. At long last they could see the finish line, with a crowd of well-wishers and a piper to boost their spirits, they finally completed their journey, right back where they started.


Five competitors in the Iron Warrior competition wearing rucksacks carry canoes on their shoulders for the portage portion of the race through a field in Petawawa.
Photo: Corporal Scally, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Special User

The following day a second group of competitors took on a shortened version of the competition; rather than completing the 42km “marathon” Saturday’s Iron Warriors would complete a 21km “sprint.” While the distances may have been shortened the need for mental and physical toughness remained the same.

The “sprinters” had the pleasure of crossing the line surrounded by a large crowd of friends and family as day two of the competition was planned for the same day as the Garrison Family Day. Major Adam Vogel, the lead organiser of the Iron Warrior, reflected on the impact of combining these two events, “It’s a proud moment and it’s super cool when your friends, family, parents, kids, whoever can be there at the finish line and see you cross.”

For nearly 40 years the Iron Warrior competition has been an important part of life at 2 CMBG. What started out as a military skills competition has evolved into something much more. It’s a source of pride for the competitors, a source of esprit de corps for the units that participate, and an important link to our past. As Col MacKeen, Commander 2 CMBG put it, “It’s a good opportunity for us to get together and push ourselves, persevere through some pretty intense courses and at the end of the day celebrate our individual and team wins.”

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