Be the Change: Anti-racism tools and resources for the Defence Team

February 28, 2023 - Defence Stories

Online anti-racism resource hub

Confronting systemic racism and discrimination within the Defence Team is critical to building a workplace environment that is respectful and inclusive for all.

Efforts are well underway at all levels of the Defence Team to address institutional and systemic barriers that enable racism, discrimination, biases, and harmful stereotypes in our workplace. In support of this work, the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture organization has launched a new digital resource hub for Combatting systemic racism and racial discrimination in the Defence Team. This digital resource hub—accessible on—was developed by the Director, Anti-racism Implementation (formerly the Anti-racism Secretariat). It offers tools and resources to help Defence Team members increase their awareness and understanding of racism and foster a more inclusive workplace.

The digital resource hub features an Anti-racism toolkit with easy-to-use, practical tools you can use to support culture evolution within the Defence Team. The toolkit includes a Guide to Courageous Conversations on Racism and Discrimination, designed to help you have those difficult but important conversations on race and racial discrimination. It also offers a number of tips and tools that you can use on your path to learning and developing to support the Defence Team in advancing culture change. Topics include:

There is also an Anti-racism learning hub page, which offers a curated list of training and educational resources on anti-racism, equity, inclusion and diversity, and an Anti-racism lexicon.

For those who may have been affected by racism or racial discrimination and want to find support or share their lived experience, there is also a page with information about how to get help and assistance.

To build a truly inclusive Defence Team, in which our racialized colleagues feel heard and empowered, every one of us must be willing to confront discrimination, oppression, and biases, and create a positive environment.

Whether you are new to the topic of anti-racism or consider yourself engaged and aware, there is always room to learn more and act decisively to further evolve our culture. Visit Combatting systemic racism and racial discrimination in the Defence Team to learn more and be a force for change.

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